#28: Nissin Chikin Instant Ramen Noodles

Nissin: ORIGINAL – 1958
Stars: *****
Notes: This is where ramen noodles all began. In fact, this is what
really got me into noodles. A long long time ago, I was able to get
Nissin brand ‘Roasted Ramen’ noodles at the normal supermarket.
For ages I tried to find it again, but finally found it at the local
oriental grocery. This stuff is awesome – it’s got the seasoning in the
noodles. You can also eat this stuff uncooked – like potato chips,
or sprinkle it on salad etc. This is a score – try it!


  1. I would like to find nissen ramen–with seasoning in the noodles–in Walla Walla WA or in the Kennewick/Pasco/Richland area since we have moved. I was able to get it all the time in Ontario OR at the Red Apple grocery store. Love it in cabbage and greens salads and no other noodles works because of its flavor. This is the same package I would get. There is another brand that has it, too.

  2. DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN where did you find this?! It’s my absolute favorite and I can’t find it in the US anywhere!

    1. First off, I was getting this in Seattle at Uwajimaya. Unfortunately, the noodles aisle there has really gone downhill in the last few years.
      I do see this on eBay from time to time though – take a look at http://cgi.ebay.com/Nissin-Chicken-Ramen-5-packs-made-Japan-/390234712863?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5adbcd2b1f
      Hopefully you see this within the next few days!
      Another option possibly is Wai Wai or Mama. They’re from Thailand, but I think if you just cook the noodles and skip the packets, it’ll be almost exactly the same.

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