So I reviewed this one a really long time ago and thought it really needed to be brought out again. I don’t even remember what score I gave it, but it’s being prepared no doubt a little different this time and so we shall see how it fares. I remember liking it a great deal.
As I reviewed a couple bites and my lovely Kit had the rest for dinner, I skipped the chili powder. Soup base on left, flavored oil on the right.
A lot of base and oil.
Click image to enlarge. Made with two eggs that were dropped in which the noodles were cooking. The noodles were very nice – long and luxuriant. Very nice texture. The prawn flavor is nice – not overwhelming and it plays well with others. I like it very much – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars.
Where can I get Mi Hai Tom or Mi Hai Cua noodles?