#601aq? What’s with the ‘a’ crap? Well, I was looking over the last few reviews. As it turns out, I reviewed the Nong Shim Ansungtangmyun eons ago… Instead of reshuffling everything, I decided to just have a do-over. So here’s review #601a. This is another from Michelle L. of New York – thanks!
Click One nicety about the Little Cook containers is that you can remove the labelling. They wrinkle but at least it could be partially scanned.
Powder and veggies on the left and oil on the right.
Wow – that sure do look funky!
Click image to enlarge. Finished product. The noodles wee semi-okay; they lacked a little backbone. The veggies were rad – all sorts of oddness. The broth was mellow and not very salty but nice and tasty. A good cup of noodles – 3.25 out of 5.0 stars!
Couldn’t find much this is what I found for Namchow.
Kraftwerk’s Die Roboter; one of the finest pieces of music ever.