#624: Master Kong Artificial Pork Flavor Instant Noodle

Here we have one of the three packages I got yesterday as part of a gracious donation from a fellow named Chad B. of Highland, Il. Thanks again! Stickers coming soon! I haven’t tried Master Kong products before so I did a little reseasrch on Wikipedia:

Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corporation (Chinese: 康師傅控股有限公司), formerly (Chinese: 頂益(開曼島)控股有限公司) (SEHK322) is the largest instant noodle producer and Taiwanese enterprise in China. It specialises in the production and distribution of instant noodles, beverages, baked goods and soft drinks with its brand name, Master Kong (Chinese: 康師傅).[1][2]
The company was founded in Tianjin by the Wei brothers from Changhua County, Taiwan in 1991.[3] It was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1996.[4]
It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ting Hsin International Group.[5][6]
In March 2011, Unilever was fined 2 million Yuan for the distribution of information about future price hikes and Tingyi was given a warning about publicly discussing their price increases.[7]
In June 2011, Master Kong was found by market research firm TNS to be the second most valued brand in China (after Sony).[8]

Wow so this stuff is where it’s at over in China eh? Let’s give it a try!

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge). Note the allergy ‘warming!’ Also, no mention of how much water to add. This required me to guess – I tried it with 450mL of water which just wasn’t enough. After the four minutes, I stirred and let it sit for a minute or two more.

Top left is the seasoning powder, top right is the seasoned oil and at bottom the veggies.

There’s everything, awaiting some boiling water.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a couple fried eggs with some Cavender’s Greek seasoning. I like the noodles – they’re plump and not soggy or spongy (despite the extra time steeping) and they really soak up the flavor. The broth isn’t bad, although not a lot of it was left. The veggies are scant few but good. The pork flavor is really strong and good – I can see why this brand is popular if this is any basis on their product line. Good stuff – 3.75 out of 5.0 stars! I’m going to start including the UPC# on things so they might be easier to find online. UPC 6909146402423.

Older Master Kong commercial.
Hmmmm…. Pa’taq…


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