Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Paldo Chicken Flavor Korean Noodle

Usually when asked ‘what was your first noodle product,’ the answer I get from a company is chicken flavored instant noodles. Well, chicken flavor instant noodles are these and they look like a nice big bag of noodles! Been awhile – last time I had this is was review #88!

The back of the packaging (click image to enlarge).

Big noodle block

Seasoning packet.

Chicken lickin’!


Nice little combination of veggies.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a scrambled egg, a couple pieces of oven baked chicken and some Krazy Mixed Up Salt on top. The noodles are plentiful and have a much firmer disposition than any other chicken flavor instant I’ve ever known of. The noodles are a wider gauge than any other chicken instant as well. The broth has a very strong chicken flavor. The vegetables aren’t bad and add a nice little extra flavor. Decent! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 648436100163 – get it here.

How would you rate Paldo Chicken Flavor Korean Noodle?

All about Kokomen!

Kinda funky – some Korean music


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