#858: Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Mi Cakalang

Haven’t had an Indomie in a while! This one’s Cakalang. Cakalang is also known as Skipjack tuna. Been looking forward to this.

Back of the packaging. Anybody know if that mention of Indomie Kreasi – just a recipe or another product altogether? Click to enlarge.

The noodle block.

Powdered base and chili powder.

Here’s the chili atop of the seasoning powder.

You guessed it – seasoned oil!

A little bit of color.

What’s this?

Powdered tuna!

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added onion, red bell pepper, broccoli, and a fried egg with Dua Belibis and Krazy Mixed Up Salt. The noodles are good – chewier than usual Indomie – and good! The broth is spicy and has a unique seafood taste. This is great stuff! 4.5 out of 5.0 stars – excellent Indomie! UPC bar code 08968604302 .

How would you rate Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Mi Cakalang?

Indomie 40th Anniversary video.

Indonesian currency!


  1. Great site Mr Ramen Rater. Your dedication to the appreciation of this under rated cuisine is admirable.

    I saw Mi Cakalung in a shop for the first time today, and so had to try it. Your review is spot on – this is a very tasty noodle.

  2. Wow nice, even Indonesia this flavor is not available in every province/region. I used to get some of these noodles in my town and it taste good, but now i’am studying in another town i can’t find this cakalang noodles anymore.

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