Meet The Manufacturer: #1072: Deshome Aloe Noodle With Spicy Soybean Sauce

So here’s the first of many reviews I’ll be doing of products from Deshome of Taiwan! These are very unique – naturally sun-dried as well as containing aloe! Definitely different! Let’s check ’em out!

Distribution sticker. Vegetarian.

The back of the package (click image to enlarge). The back isn’t black but clear so I put a dark piece of paper in there when I scanned.

Look at these – never have I seen noodles like this – interesting! Notice how there are two blocks here: the top one is a lighter color which contains aloe. The one underneath contains purple sweet potato, hence the color.

The sauce packet.

The spicy soybean sauce.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added beef, Vidalia sweet onion and minced garlic sauteed in soy sauce. The noodles have a very nice texture – chewy and hearty. They have slightly different textures between the two types giving an interesting balance to the dish. The sauce has a rich soybean flavor – almost meaty in and of itself, along with a nice bit of spiciness. These characteristics aren’t competed against by salt and are almost rich and mild at the same time. Unique and delicious. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.UPC bar code 4716873921002.

How would you rate Deshome Aloe Noodle With Spicy Soybean Sauce?

In this video, Shelley Su shows how to cook the aloe noodles.

One comment

  1. Hey dude… I am SE Asian but living in Taiwan. I have to say Taiwan make good instant noodles but I am sick of their flavours, btw this noodle I have not come across yet.

    You have rated Indo mee as one of the top 10. My opinion it’s too sweet, I love Indo food and tasted street fried noodles but so different from Instant Noodles. However the Thai Tom Yam it is 10/10 better than any Tom Yam tasted here. You place Singapore Laksa as no.1…..Ouch Street food yes but not the instant noodles. Should try the Maggie Penang Asam Laksa from Malaysia or their curry version. BTW I am a Singaporean, I have a taste bud hard to please.

    My partner said I am a instant noodle freak but when I made the noodle is different from the rest and she like it so are my kids. Maybe one day I shall post on your FB to tell you what I mean.

    Keep up the good work……you’re getting oversize with these noodles so control it, too much sodium in these noodles.

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