Meet The Manufacturer: #1091: Amianda Noodle Homely Dried Noodles – Original Flavor

Today I’ll be reviewing a thinner gauge noodle by Amianda. I thought it was funny that they were called ‘homely,’ as here in the US homely usually means ugly, but I think this time it’s meant to be more along the lines of homemade or home-style.

The back of the package (click image to enlarge).

The noodle block. A very thin gauge.

The liquid sauce packet.

In the provided literature, it says ‘the most classic flavor of all, sauce with hand-made soy sauce can serve you the original sweetness of noodle.’

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added a fried egg and some ham. The noodles are very thin and have a nice elasticity and texture. The flavoring while light has a very nice soy flavor and sweetness. These are excellent! 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.

How would you rate Amianda Noodle Homely Dried Noodles - Original Flavor?

The differences in soy sauces around Asia are discussed, centering in Taiwanese soy sauce.

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