#1244: Uni-President Unif-100 Pickled Cayenne Flavor Beef Ramen

Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I was going to review this yesterday, but it’s been a little tricky; you see, there’s no English on this really at all. I’ve been asking my friend Bobby Y. on Facebook questions about it and got the title and directions from him – thanks – saved me on this one! Let’s check it out!

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge). Not sure if there’s meat or not. To prepare, I was stumped. Bobby Y. said there weren’t any directions on the package! I ran into this last time I did one of these and used 400ml water for a few minutes. I think this time I’ll try 400ml and then add 100ml more and taste it then. It looks rather soupy on the packaging, and 600ml water seems to be pretty standard in Chinese variants like this. UPDATE – just walked to the local Asian market to get some leeks and green onions. Strolled down the noodle aisle and saw the export versions of Unif-100. Felt it out and it’s a round noodle block too. Calls for 500ml water, so that’s what I’m going with – for 4 minutes.

The noodle block.

Soup base sachet.

Lots of little bits.

A seasoned oil sachet.

Has a vinegar scent.

A little green sachet (both sides)

Whoa – little peppers!


Finished (click image to enlarge). Added beef and leek I sauteed with garlic salt and some green onion. The noodles are pretty good – nice gauge and quality. Quite a decent amount of them too. The broth is interesting; it has a sort of beef-vinegar-spicy triumvirate melding together. Usually I’m not a big fan of vinegar and beef, but this worked well. The little peppers? They’re salty and pretty hot. They’re like pickled peppers. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 6925303710446.

These people reviewed 159 varieties and made their own top list of instants.

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