#1257: Meet The Manufacturer: Mi ABC Mi Goreng Mi Instan Cup Mi Goreng Spesial Special Fried Noodle

Mi goreng means fried noodles. To those not familiar with mi goreng, you’ve absolutely must try it! There’s no broth involved and very strong and delicious flavors. I would wager that if I looked through all my reviews, I’d be hard pressed to find a mi goreng that I didn’t like. Well, there was one, but it was a Chinese take on it and the spices were really off. What’s really nice is the ability to pair it with so many different things. Let’s delve into this one; I have a good feeling about it!

The side panels (click image to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, take everything out except the noodles. Add boiling water and cover for 3 minutes. Give it a stir and then drain off the water. Add all the sachet contents, save the garnish and stir. Sprinkle garnish on top and enjoy.

Detail of the lid (click image to enlarge).

Included fork!

The noodle block.

The powder seasoning sachet.

A very light powder.

A triple sachet. From left to right: seasoned oil, chilli sauce, sweet soy sauce.

Has an onion scent.

A sweet and spicy taste.

Sticky and thick, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) isn’t the soy sauce you find predominately in the US which is salty and thin.

The garnish sachet.

The large rectangular pieces are pangsit goreng (fried wontons). The smaller? Fried onion.


Finished (click image to enlarge). Added sauteed onions,thin sliced sukiyaki beef, lime, kerapuk aci, fried egg, Dua Belibis chilli sauce, and a generous sprinkle of BonCabe 10 Star spice. The noodles are good – nice texture and quality for a cup version. The flavor is nice – a sweet and spicy taste, and I detected an almost citrussy hint. The fried bits were very nice. . 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 8992388112654.

How would you rate Mi ABC Mi Goreng Mi Instan Cup Mi Goreng Spesial Special Fried Noodle?

It has just come to my attention that Peter O’Toole died yesterday at the age of 81. He was in many films, but the one I found most amazing was Lawrence of Arabia. Today’s video is the first half of the film. Don’t worry, the second half is here. It’s a very long film, but I highly recommend it. By the way – there’s nothing wrong; the first couple minutes of both halves are preceded by the overture.

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