#1715: Yum Yum Instant Noodles Minced Pork Flavour

Here’s another one I got at 7-11 on our recent trip to Thailand. There were so many varieties there; didn’t really know what was what, but luckily found some English text on the back of the package. Let’s have a look!

Here’s the back of the package (click image to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add contents of package to 360ml boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Stir and enjoy! Alternately, you can add everything to a bowl and add in 360ml boiling water and cover for 3 minutes and stir, or add everything and 360ml water to a bowl and microwave for 5-6 minutes.

The noodle block.

A dual sachet of dry ingredients: soup base on the left and chilli powder on the right.

Chilli powder atop the seasoning base.

A liquid base sachet.

Has a satiny look on top.

Finished (click image to enlarge). Added fried egg, minced pork with coriander and bell pepper, white onion and coriander. The noodles are quite good – nice chew and quantity. The broth has a very good pork flavor with a little spiciness. The broth also had a good richness to it. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 8850250000730.

5 Packs – Yumyum Minced Pork Flavour Instant Noodles Thailand

How would you rate Yum Yum Instant Noodles Minced Pork Flavour?

A Yum Yum TV commercial for Minced Pork Flavour instant noodles.

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