#1847: Conimex Oriental Noodles Hot & Spicy

Here’s another one that was sent to me by James B. from The Netherlands – thanks!  These are from The Netherlands and made by Unilever. Let’s check ’em out!

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add noodles and sachet contents to a bowl. Add 250ml boiling water and cover for 3 minutes. Stir and enjoy!

The noodle block.

A powder seasoning sachet.

Smells kind of like lemon cookies.

A seasoned oil sachet.

Smells like this is where the hot and spicy element is contained.

A vegetables sachet.

Looks like carrot, corn and scallion perhaps.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added baked salt and pepper chicken and ito toughrasi (pepper strands). The noodles were thin and light. They sucked almost all of the broth, which ended up as kind of a sauce at the end. The flavor was interesting; almost like a slightly sweet lemon along with a little bit of spiciness. The vegetables hydrated well enough. 3.0 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 8711200584970.

Conimex Thuis in de Oosterse Keuken Kookboek/Recipe Book in dutch language only

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A Conimex Oriental Noodles TV advertisement.

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