I rarely mention anything to do with the operation of The Ramen Rater blog, but I figured today would be a good time to do so and could help a lot of folks. I noticed that none of the videos on the blog were working after I upgraded to the newest WordPress 4.4. I used to do this:
The URL in caps is the actual link to YouTube. Well, this has been deprecated (removed). What happens is instead of seeing a video in your post, you’ll just see a the embed tag without the equal sign in text.
This is the new way to do it. Well, I found an easy fix which took only a minute – manually changing everything would have taken WEEKS.
First, get the Better Search Replace plugin. Install and activate it. It’ll show up in the Tools menu on your dashboard.
The next step is to search for what you want to replace. Since the embed code from before is now gone, it gets changed – the equal sign is gone and replaced by a space.
This is what you want to put in the search box. If you don’t add in the space, it will replace everything BEFORE the space and won’t work, so make sure to just hit the spacebar.
As for the database to change, use the This is what you should put in the replace box. Make sure you’ve backed up your databases. Under search tables, use wp_posts. If everything is right, uncheck ‘dry run’ and let ‘er rip. Took a few seconds and saved me weeks of work going through each post.