#1966: Wei Lih GGE Noodle Snack Wheat Crackers Soy Sauce Ramen

Here’s another one I got down in Pleasanton, California a month or so ago. GGE is an abbreviation for Good Good Eat, as in ‘everybody loves good good eat.’ Kind of strange but we are talking about Taiwanese snack noodles here (see Leisure Meatballs). Anyways, let’s rip this bag open and check this snack out.

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself.. To prepare, open bag and enjoy!

These appear to be scored strips of noodle dough that have been fried.

Finished (click to enlarge). The noodle strips have a nice crunch – not hard as a rock or light as a feather, but somewhere in the middle range, maybe a little closer to the harder end of the stick. They have a nice texture and a good soy sauce flavor. For a snack, these get 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. UPC bar code 074410705862.

Wei Lih GGE Wheat Crackers Soy Sauce Ramen, 2.82 Oz (Pack of 5)

How would you rate Wei Lih GGE Noodle Snack Wheat Crackers Soy Sauce Ramen?

Wei Lih’s most well known product is showcased in this commercial.

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