Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

I looked upon all the samples sent by Tat Hui for this Meet The Manufacturer. Indeed, it occurred to me to go right for the curry, the laksa… But I thought to begin with, I would go right for the standard.

Almost every instant noodle company has a chicken variety. It’s just a standard; and a logical choice. Chicken flavor is easy to approximate and generally enjoyable by people of all walks of life. Truly, if the chicken instant isn’t good, then there’s a problem. So, I thought it would be a good idea to begin with this one. Let’s have a look!

KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles – Singapore

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Contains fish. To prepare, add sachets into cup and add 320ml boiling water. Cover and let steep 2 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

An included fork.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

The noodle block.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

The powder base sachet.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

Has a chicken scent.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

A vegetables sachet.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

Cabbage, corn and bell pepper.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added some shredded chicken. The noodles come out with a nice mouthfeel – not mushy, not underdone. In fact, I would venture to say these are some of the best cup style hydrated noodles I’ve tried. The broth has a real chicken kind of taste to it. Included vegetables are well hydrated and tasty. A well-rounded cup. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 8888056705108.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2443: KOKA Signature Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles - Singapore - The Ramen Rater

Koka, Instant Bowl Noodles, Chicken Original Flavour, 90 g (Pack of 3)

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A KOKA advertisement.

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