#2536: Lele Instant Noodles Beef

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

This one was sent to me by Chef Ron from Mama Pat’s Foods – hey thanks! This is from Ghana in Africa! Nice to be able to try varieties from Africa; I’ve had so few! Let’s give this beef one a try.

Lele Instant Noodles Beef – Ghana

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Looks to be  meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add noodles to 350ml boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

The noodle block.

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

A dual sachet.

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

The soup base.

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

Chilli powder.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added beef and green onion. The noodles were very soft; it was actually kind of odd how soft they were. However, they went pretty well with the broth which has a kind of gentle beef flavor with just a hint of spiciness. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 6936811700225.

#2436: Lele Instant Noodles Beef - Ghana - The Ramen Rater

The Ghana Reader: History, Culture, Politics (The World Readers)

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