#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

Alrighty so here’s another one of the Myojo varieties I have from Singapore. These are new formulations of longstanding popular varieties. Indeed, they invoke the term ‘yummy’ on this packaging and I will admit that although I rarely use it, it’s an important term. Let’s see if it’s fitting to include it in this one.

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour – Singapore

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Contains crustacean, fish, and shellfish. To prepare, add noodles to 450ml boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

A tight-knit noodle block.

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

The soup base sachet.

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

A light powder.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added baked chicken, Salad Cosmo mung bean sprouts, spring onion, and hard boiled egg. The noodles have a gauge which seems slightly bigger than your standard instant and a little more backbone on the tooth to match. The broth has a nice chicken taste with a hint of abalone. A nice repast. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 8888107000046.

#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour

Reviving Street Hawker (Singapore Hawker Food Cookbook)

How would you rate Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour ?

I think Seetoh understands the need for the term yummy

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