Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

Today it’s an oyster sauce variety. I like oyster sauce – has a nice blend of flavors to it and I’m very curious about how it will meld with a noodle. Let’s find out!

Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste – Taiwan

Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Contains pork. To prepare, boil noodles for 5 minutes. Drain. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!

Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

Again, broad noodle.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

The liquid base sachet.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

A dark sauce.

Finished (click to enlarge). This one was vexing to me. The noodles are excellent; slightly chewier than expected. The flavor is a light, sweet and salty oyster sauce hit. But that’s all, and while there’s nothing wrong with that really, it just gets kind of boring. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. Well garnished it would great, but standing alone it just doesn’t stand up as well as others did. EAN bar code 4712928250028.

Meet The Manufacturer: #2813: Little Couples Q Noodle Oyster Sauce Taste

National Geographic Traveler: Taiwan, 3rd edition

Another program featuring Little Couples Q Noodle

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