#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor – Russia

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

Here’s one sent by the folks from HALAL Food Blog – they’re from Singapore and got it during a trip to Uzbekistan! Definitely a well-traveled pack of noodles! Let’s dig in!

Big Bon Beef Flavor – Russia

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

Here’s the back of the package (click to enlarge). Unsure whether it contains meat – check for yourself. To prepare, add dry sachet contents and noodles to a bowl and add 300ml boiling water. Cover for 3~5 minutes. Add liquid sachet. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

The noodle block.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

A seasoning sachet.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

A light powder.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

A liquid sachet.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

Has a slightly acidic scent.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

The vegetables sachet.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

Chives, perhaps?

Finished (click to enlarge). Added scallions, fried onion and roast beef. The noodles were pretty good – not anything exceptional but they did the trick. The broth was a kind of tomato beef thing – a little acidic. Lots of vegetable bits. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 4605496003991.

#3058: Big Bon Beef Flavor - Russia

Mamushka: Recipes from Ukraine and Eastern Europe

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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