Another one from Pher Engi of Australia – Thank you!! This looks to be a play on Buldak perhaps which usually is nott a good idea. However, you never know. Let’s see how spicy this is.
I’ve been reviewing instant noodles since 2002, doing episodes of Instant Noodle Recipe Time, The Chocolate Break with my wife, Professional Mukbang, Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater and more. Right now, we’re in a pretty crummy financial situation and hoping that some of the fans will be able to help out. Big thank you from all who have already!! Please check the link here for details – thank you.
Nissin Geki Instant Fried Noodles HOT Carbo Flavour – Indonesia
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, boil noodle for 5 minutes and drain. Finally, add in sachets, stir, and enjoy!
The noodle block.
A dry powder base sachet.
A liquid base sachet.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added chashu, crushed red pepper, and holy basil. Noodle in this one is just exemplary – thick and very chewy. The flavor was a little different. The cheese flavor is there, however doesn’t strike me as carbonara. The heat is nice. The combo reminds me more of a tomato and cheese kind of thing. Is it wonderful? It’s compelling, that I can say. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 8992718854049.
Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!