#4883: Yamadai New Touch Char Siu Men from – Japan

#4883: Yamadai New Touch Char Siu Men from - Japan

Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Here’s a perfect start to the Christmas season: the mouthwatering delight of Yamadai’s New Touch Char Siu Men! Crafted with love and care, these noodles are a symphony of flavor that celebrates the heartiness of homegrown ingredients. Made from 100% domestic wheat, with a dashi of Japanese charm, we bring you “豚骨” (tonkotsu) – a special, velvety broth that’s the soul of every ramen bowl, filled with the love of “国産” (kokusan – domestically produced) pork chashu. These savory slices of chashu are tender, juicy, and slow-cooked to perfection, ensuring that each bite is an adventure in itself. This instant noodle cup also comes with a tantalizing mix of spices, carefully chosen to awaken your taste buds. Unlock the hidden flavors of “だし” (dashi) and “しょうゆ” (shoyu) as you savor the authenticity of Japanese cuisine.’

Chashu is really quite an enjoyable thing, however so often it’s presented in something like this as a mere shadow of it’s greatness; like a slice of bologna from a Lunchable. I’ll try it in the video below, but I’ll use the kind I make myself for the presentation. Anyways, let’s give this a try.

Yamadai New Touch Char Siu Men from – Japan

#4883: Yamadai New Touch Char Siu Men from - Japan

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Contains chicken and pork. To prepare, add dry sachet contents and boiling water to line. Cover 3 minutes. Add in liquid base sachet. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#4883: Yamadai New Touch Char Siu Men from - Japan

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

A large liquid sachet.

A sachet containing ‘chashu.’

A powder sachet.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, fish cake, chashu, mung bean sprout, scallion, sesame seed, and shichimi. Noodle was alright, nothing to mention here. The broth had a kind of coffe foulness to it I definitely didn’t care for, What’s more, the two slices of chashu were very bad – one was almost all gristle. Just a poor representation of chashu. If I got this never having tried chashu, I’d say no, I dislike chashu. Tragic! 0.0 out of 5.0 stars.

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