#4888: Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Miso Ramen – Japan

#4888: Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Miso Ramen - Japan

Here’s one that came in a Zenpop.jp box . This one came in a special ‘triple box’ from Zenpop. It didn’t come with descriptions of everything, but Cup Star is a popular range from Sapporo Ichiban – and they’re generally pretty good. Let’s miso it up!

Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Miso Ramen – Japan

#4888: Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Miso Ramen - Japan

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Unsure if it contains meat, but usually they contain chicken and pork. To prepare, fill to line with boiling water and cover for 3 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#4888: Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Miso Ramen - Japan

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

Loose bits and seasoning from the cup.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added chashu, narutomaki, scallion, sesame seed, and shichimi. Noole was a little on the soggy side, however the broth was nice. Included meaty bits were nice. All in all, not bad! 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.  JAN bar code 4901734049999.

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