#4899: Myojo Ippai Manzoku Shoyu Noodle – Japan

#4899: Myojo Ippai Manzoku Shoyu Noodle - Japan

 Here’s one that came in a subscription box – here’s what they had to say about it – ‘Satisfy your noodle cravings without breaking your stomach with Myojo Shokuhin’s “Ippai Manzoku Shoyu Noodle”! This one’s all about living a balanced life. Whether you’re a student, working, and looking for a quick, satisfying meal (満足, manzoku, satisfying), these noodles have got your back. And it’s not just any noodles; it’s the “Myojo Ippai Satisfaction Soy Sauce Flavored Noodles.” They’re designed to give you just the right amount of happiness without overdoing it. It’s all about enjoying a balanced life, one tasty slurp at a time. So make sure you’ve got your chopsticks in hand, because these noodles are ready to make your mealtime an “ippai” (full) experience. Delicious and oh-so-satisfying – what more could you ask for? 🍜’

I really don’t like to break my stomach – very unsatisfying! Let’s try this one.

Myojo Ippai Manzoku Shoyu Noodle – Japan

#4899: Myojo Ippai Manzoku Shoyu Noodle - Japan

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Contains shrimp, pork, and chicken. To prepare, fill to line with boiling water and cover 3 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#4899: Myojo Ippai Manzoku Shoyu Noodle - Japan

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

Loose bits and seasoning from the cup.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, sesame seed, shichimi, narutomaki, chashu, and scallion. Noodle was alright, but broth was meh. Kind of a shoyu with added sweetness – not to  be confused with sweet soy sauce though. Missed the mark. 2.0 out of 5.0 stars. JAN bar code 4902881411554.

Amazon – I have these and they work great and they’re cheap

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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