#4919: Nissin Cup Noodles Campfire S’mores Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States

#5053: Nissin Cup Noodles Campfire S'mores Ramen Noodles In Sauce - United States

Well, here we go again – and I like that. This is a fascinating newcomer to the range of unique Cup Noodles for customers in the United States. Pumpkin Spicy, Breakfast, Everything Bagel, and now some s’mores. I really enjoy these new varieties to try – they’ve been popping off with new and unique varieties in Japan for years – neat to see new stuff here in the USA! I’m really curious how this one will be. Let’s give it a go.

Nissin Cup Noodles Campfire S’mores Ramen Noodles In Sauce – United States

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Contains pork (gelatin). To prepare, remove lid and fill to line with room temperature water. Microwave for 3 minutes at 1000W. Let site in the microwave for 2 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#5053: Nissin Cup Noodles Campfire S'mores Ramen Noodles In Sauce - United States

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

If you go to Walmart (where these are sold), you can get six of them in a flat and this is what the flat looks like (click to enlarge).

An instant noodle block.

#5053: Nissin Cup Noodles Campfire S'mores Ramen Noodles In Sauce - United States

Loose bits and seasoning from the cup.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added nothing. Noodle is very much as before in the Limited Edition and Stir Fry ranges. Kinda gummy, not bad. The flavor is definitely that of s’mores; all but the chocolate bar aspect, I reckon. Like a slightly gooey mallow and graham cracker flavor. Is it really great? No, but it’s generally what I expected. I do wish the little marshmallows would have remained cohesive. As you can see, it is literally a noodle and sauce and I crave a little added texture; the bits that you just want more of. But it is as advertised, unique, and fun. 3.25 out of 5.0 stars.  UPC bar code 070662409060.

Amazon – Food Weird-o-Pedia: The Ultimate Book of Surprising, Strange, and Incredibly Bizarre Facts about Food and Drink

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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