#4928: Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4928: Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Here’s the second one I got yesterday. I walked over to Lake Forest Park – about three miles from here I’m guessing. The store I got it at is called Albertsons. It’s weird; I’ve noticed different stores have different moods. This particular store is weird. I waited for a cashier at the check out for a couple minutes who finally appeared and told me they were busyt talking to another employee about their father’s salmon recipe. ‘Great’ I thought; ‘I have been waiting here…’ Then she starts talking about lawn implements and asks me how to fix her lawnmower. I just want to buy this instant noodle and leave. What also is strange at this store is that you get halfway towards the back, cellphone reception disappears. But yeah; the store is strange – it’s like when the new guy in towan walks into a saloon in a western and the music stop and everyone looks at him.  Anyways, I’ve reviewed the pack version and it was quite good. Hoping this one is as good if not better. Let’s find out.

Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4928: Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, fill to line with room temp water, add sachet contents,  and microwave for 5 minutes.  Finally, stir and enjoy!

#4928: Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

The noodle block.

A sachet of dry soup base.

A sachet of vegetables.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added scallion, mung bean sprout, sesame seed, crushed red pepper, breaded chicken, and egg. Noodle came out very well – nice gauge and chew. Broth is really something special – a perfectly oily one which had that roasted chicken flavor. Imparts a ‘been stewing for hours’ thing.  Really quite good – very impressed. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars.  UPC bar code 780707105849.

Amazon – Choi Ramen!

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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