#4956: JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Stewed Beef Flavor – China

#4956: JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Stewed Beef Flavor - China

Okay so here’s another really huge multipack. If you want a ton of noodles and soup, this is the ticket for your. I’ve seen these many, many times, but for my birthday, my lovely wife Kit took me to a few Asian grocery stores and told me to go crazy – and I did. I went from having two varieties to having a slew – thank you, Kit!

JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Stewed Beef Flavor – China

#4956: JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Stewed Beef Flavor - China

Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add everything to a pot with 500ml boiling water and cook 3 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy! I should note that they don’t mention the cooking instructions, but generally when this happens, this is the rule of thumb as far as I know for Chinese varieties.

#4956: JML Big Soup! Big Taste! Artificial Stewed Beef Flavor - China

An individual pack.


Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge).

An instant noodle block.

A sachet of liquid soup base.

A sachet of vegetables.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, Chinese sausage, scallion, sesame seed. Noodle is pretty good and very plentiful. Broth is a nice Sichuan peppercorn bump and savory beef flavor. Oiliness is on point. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 6921555574041.


Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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