#4959: Haichijia Spicy Instant Noodles – China

#4959: Haichijia Spicy Instant Noodles - China

Found this one at S*Mart a couple of weeks ago over the Bellevue, Washington. There’s a few versions of this range I’ve tried before and I think these are new. At least the packaging is. Let’s give it a whirl!

Haichijia Spicy Instant Noodles – China

A distributor / import sticker (click to enlarge).

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add everything to cup and boiling water to fill line. Cover for 4~6 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

An instant noodle block.

A sachet of soup base powder seasoning.

A sachet of liquid soup base.

Another sachet of liquid soup base.

A sachet of vegetables.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added Chinese sausage, sesame seed, and scallion. Noodle is thin and pretty good. Broth is very oily which I like, yet the flavor just was a bit off. Spicy, not overly though. Just not a fan of this one. 2.25 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 6972802400996.

Amazon – Mercer Culinary 7-Piece Plating Spoons II Set, Silver

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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