#4964: Dujosoo Konjac Liangpi Noodles With Sesame Sauce – China

#4964: Dujosoo Konjac Liangpi Noodles With Sesame Sauce - China

Another one found at S*Mart in Bellevue, Washington. I still get a kick every time I think of S*Mart. If you’ve seen the film Army of Darkness, you’ll know why. Anyways, this is a cold noodle and from what I’m seeing on the outset, you don’t cook the noodle – you simply rinse it with cold water. Let’s give it a try.

Dujosoo Konjac Liangpi Noodles With Sesame Sauce – China

#4964: Dujosoo Konjac Liangpi Noodles With Sesame Sauce - China

Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Looks toe be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, rinse noodles 2-3 time with cold water (or you can blanch them in boiling water in cold months). Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!

The konjac liangpi noodle.

A sachet of liquid soup base.

A sachet of liquid soup base.

A sachet of oil.

A sachet of peanuts.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added scallion and sesame seed. The konjac noodle is a perfect pair for this broad shape and thinness. I would say this is probably the best konjac style I’ve tried yet – not an overly chewy affair; almost like a cold rice noodle fettucine. The flavor is a hint of heat and sesame flavor. Only complaint is it could use a little more saltiness. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 6972933563508.

Amazon – WOW-great Konjac Liangpi 260g/9.17oz/0.57lb 魔芋凉皮

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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