We went out on Saturday – the kids were so good last week at school so we had to give them an outing to the mall. Nice to get out. Well, Sunday we all had sore throats and the kids were coughing. Today is Monday and my wife Kit and I sound like we gargled with scouring pads and our throats are sore as can be. Ugh. It never fails; the kids go back to school, everybody gets sick. I’m up early – first one up and typing away at this point. No ten miles of walking for me today. I think at least one kid will be home today too. Guess we will see. Anyways, it should be an interesting episode of Instant Noodle Recipe Time at the bottom of this post today – I’m guessing I’m going to sound like Barry White. But tonkotsu really sounds good – so I’ll do it up. Let’s give it a try. Oh – I found it along with two others in the range at a store at the mall called Miniso – okay, on with it.
Nissin Demae Iccho Tonkotsu Flavour Instant Ramen Noodles – Hong Kong
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, fill to line with boiling water and cover 3 minutes. add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).
An instant noodle block.
Loose bits and seasoning from the cup.
A sachet of sesame oil.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, chashu, narutomaki, sesame seed, and scallion. Noodle was pretty good here – light but well hydrated in the 3 minutes. The broth is a nice tonkotsu – a little garlic accent was noticed, but leaning on the creamy pork flavor. The included bits were heavy on corn which worked here. 4.0 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 4897878150021.
Amazon – Tonkotsu pack version!
Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!