#5128: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavor Instant Noodles – Hong Kong

#5128: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavor Instant Noodles - Hong Kong

Here’s anothe Nissin Demae Iccho cup found at miniso. Anyways, the last one was good and sesame oil is kind of the standard for this range – the flagship I suppose, Let’s give it a go!

Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavor Instant Noodles – Hong Kong

#5128: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavor Instant Noodles - Hong Kong

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, fill to line with boiling water and let steep 3 minutes. Add in liquid base sachet. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#5128: Nissin Demae Iccho Sesame Oil Flavor Instant Noodles - Hong Kong

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge).

An instant noodle block.

Loose bits and seasoning from the cup.

A sachet of liquid soup base.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added chashu, sesame seed, scallion, and egg. Noodle is think and has a light chew. Broth has a nice oiliness and a distinct sesame oil bump. Lots oof corn, a little cabbage. Not bad. 3.5 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 4897878150014.

Amazon – Sesame Demae Ramen!

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!


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