#5139: Ajumma Republic XL Ramen Hot & Spicy Only For Mukbang Challengers – South Korea

#5139: Ajumma Republic XL Ramen Hot & Spicy Only For Mukbang Challengers - South Korea

A big thank you to James from Lakeside, California for surprising me a while back with this extra huge instant noodle tray. It’s like four full sized packs of noodles. Will I eat the whole thing? Yeah, I don’t think so. Anything that requires almost a liter and half or water to steep it is going to be pretty crazy. This one was going to me a contender for review #5000. Let’s gie it a try!

Ajumma Republic XL Ramen Hot & Spicy Only For Mukbang Challengers – South Korea

#5139: Ajumma Republic XL Ramen Hot & Spicy Only For Mukbang Challengers - South Korea

Detail of the lid (click to enlarge). Contains fish. To prepare, add in sachet contents and 1.3L (1,300mL) boiling water. Cover for 4 minutes. Finally, stir and enjoy!

#5139: Ajumma Republic XL Ramen Hot & Spicy Only For Mukbang Challengers - South Korea

The underside of the lid has cooking instructions and some odd puzzles (click to enlarge).

As you can see, four noodle blocks.

This sachet is about the size of a Pop-Tart.

As is this one.

Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, scallion, chashu, sesame seed, narutomaki, and chili crisp. When I see a product like this enormous thing, I figure it’s going to be quantity over quality. I was wrong. The noodle hydrated really well – and was very pleasing to the tooth. Soft and almost fluffy but not in a funky way but real nice. The broth was a very tasty spicy Korean style. A decent amount of vegetables were present as well. Very pleasantly surprised. 4.5 out of 5.0 stars.  EAN bar code 8801791500586.

Amazon – Here’s where to get this huge thing

Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!

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