Here’s one of the new ones that Greg B. from Florida sent my way. Never heard of this brand – says its from Los Angeles but it took someone from the east coast to clue me in about it!
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
UPDATE – What Ramen Rater Donors Have Done With Their Stickers
So apparently I’m not the only one who put the empty instant noodle packaging in a binder! Michael V.N. does too!
More Donations From Greg B.!
Another box from Greg B. of Florida! Wow thanks! I wonder what’s inside…
Awesome – some great stuff in here! One in particular I’ve been dying to try is the new Nong Shim Shin Ramyun Black. That’ll be reviewed very soon! Thanks again, Greg!
A Package From Genji!
I got an email a while back mentioning how Whole Foods Market and Genji were teaming up to have a kind of ‘grab’n’go’ ramen at their stores. I posted about it and was eager to try it, but there aren’t any locations nearby – San Francisco’s about 14 hours away by car. So our of kindness, they sent me some tasty stuff! I’ve tried the Tokyo Snack Mix and it was really good – I’m looking forward to the Wasabi Peanuts and the Miso Teriyaki sauce too – I’ll add what I thought of those to this post in the future. So thanks Naomi S. for sending these out for my family to try! Visit Genji @
#560: Myojo Soy Sauce Flavor Ippei-Chan Japanese Style Soup Noodles
Had a hell of a day today. Tried my bus card but it didn’t beep (figured the reader was at fault) so hopped the bus. Well, the fare cops had me get off the bus and checked out my card and it was screwed up. The fare cop said don’t worry just hop back on and get a new one at the bus station. Thinking ‘hey that went well ,” a different fare cop pulls me off the bus further down the line! Ugh. Long story short, I eventually got to the bus sttion and got a new card that won’t work for 24-48 hours… But I got to and from work and now I’m home – and hungry. This sounded especially good.
#559: Wai Wai Quick Tom Yum Shrimp Flavour Instant Cup Noodle
Whoa what’s this?
Okay I cam read that. I figured I should pick out an orange one of some kind for Halloween…
#558: Long Kow’s Crystal Noodle Soup Vegetables ( and Eggs )
Thought this looked worth trying. Vegetables and noodles. Sure why not.
Here’s the flavoring packet if you want to call it that. It says Vegetables and Eggs though… I am truly unhappy – I didn’t take a picture of this and I’m really bummed and truly sorry. It looked like a brick of freeze-dried vegetable omelet. When I poured boiling water on it, it disintegrated and started fluffing up almost immediately.
#557: Batchelor’s Super Noodles Southern Fried Chicken Flavour
No way, really? Way. Southern fried chicken. It’s funny because it took the British to come up with a fried chicken flavor of instant noodles! I don’t have a clue why Nissin or Maruchan picks up on this kind of thing and markets it in the US – it’d be so popular here. Alas, I fear they travel the safe road and ‘crazy’ is cheese flavored noodles. I should note though that Maruchan has made a Yakisoba bowl here that is Taco flavored – wish I could get my hands on it!
#556: Wings Food Mie Sedaap Mi Goreng Perisa Asli
This is Mi Goreng – made by Indomie’s chief competitor. Will it stack up to Indomie Mi Goreng? Let’s see – the battle begins!
Indigestion: Reader’s Digest Article Way Off The Mark
This was found, given to my sister and passed along to me. This is from a Reader’s Digest. I haven’t seen the Lucky Peach yet but boy is this stuff screwed up. I really liked how Nong Shim was just a Californian company – no mention of the fact that it’s Korean. The Myojo Chukazanmai is a line of noodles by Myojo and has such an array of types (some are even to be served cold) that this broad review makes no sense. I think everyone knows how I feel about the GreeNoodle – try and try again I find them detestable. The Kamfen was the kicker for me though. Which one was reviewed? There’s a ton of varieties… Finally the article’s name kind of peeves me, but at least someone might go ahead and see f people review instant noodles online. The kicker? Not any mentions of anything from Indonesia, Thailand or Vietnam. Shameful!
#555: Batchelor’s Super Noodles Chinese Chow Mein Flavour
Hey! Some more noodles I got from Cindy C. of Middlesex, UK! Thanks again! So this one’s Chinese Chow Mein. It’s also promising the possibility of currency inside the packet!
#554: Yum Yum Shrimp Flavour (Tom Yum) Oriental Style Instant Noodles
Here we have some Yum Yum noodles sent to me from Holland. made in Thailand and they’re Tom Yum flavor. Sounds good to me – here we go.
#553: Samyang 60 Ingredients Cup
Here’s a bit of a mystery sent to me by Nathan in Canada. So what’s this one? Well, the little icon up top gave it away as a Samyang variety, but all I can say is it’s 60 Ingredients. Let’s try it, and if you can read the cup and it’s called something more, please let me know in a comment!
#552: Super Bihun Instant Rice Noodles Bihun Kuah Rasa Baso Sapi
Here we go with another of the Super Bihun products – Bihun Kuah Rasa Baso Sapi. Wow – what a name! From having Indomie products many times, I was able to figure out this is meatball flavor. Also, it’s got the little bomb logo on the top left! Awesome!
#551: Batchelor’s Super Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here we are with another one from England. Looks interesting! Chicken. The flavor that’s usually very boring. Well, let’s see what comes of this one.
#550: Nissin Taisho Fried Noodle Yakisoba Flavor Instant Noodle ( Hong Kong )
#549: Wings Food Mie Sedaap Supreme Soto Soup Noodle
Something new from Indonesia? Sure why not. The front mentions extra delicious fresh lime as an ingredient – sounds good to me!
Noodle Freak Goes Offline?
Saw this message at The Noodle Freak website today and must say I’m bummed. I think the more reviewers that are out there having fun and doing what we do in glorifying the lowly instant noodle, the better. I must say I’m quite flattered and honored that he has told his readers to frequent my site though. Thank you very much!
#548: Pot Noodle Original Curry Flavour
Thanks to Cindy C. of Middlesex, England’s amazingly kind donation, we’ve got a myriad of instant noodles from the U.K. to review now! I’ve wanted to try Pot Noodle ever since I heard of it a while back, and so here we go with the first of many, Original Curry flavour!
Massive Donation From The U.K.
Recently, I got an email from in the UK named Cindy C. offering to send me some instant noodles. I said sure! Well, she really came through and I want to say thanks! Here’s the box they came in, a Dell laptop box! When I picked it up and carried it back to my apartment, I was really curious why it was so heavy – surely she didn’t send me a laptop!
#547: Lucky Me! Instant Pancit Canton (Chow Mein) Sweet & Spicy Flavor
Hey! Haven’t tried this yet! Pancit Canton is a lot like Indomie’s Mi Goreng – that’s one of my favorites!
#546: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Vegetable Flavour
Vegetable flavor huh? Vegetables are supposedly something that makes one healthy. I don’t think they’re present in much of a relevant amount here, but let’s see what we’ve got.
Want To Help The Ramen Rater?
Every day, I’m trying to get more and more people involved in this website, whether through comments or recommendations, criticisms or donations. So I’m going to go out on a limb and ask if some of you could help out. If there’s a review or particular page or just the whole site you enjoy, talk about it on Facebook or Twitter or Reddit. StumbleUpon ( is a great spot to thumbs up pages and write reviews – This month a ton of people checked out the site’s recipes pages because someone wrote a one-line review on StumbleUpon!
The Ramen Rater Noodle Timer 3.0
Here’s the newest, latest and greatest noodle timer. Just hit play when you add water to your cup noodle or drop your noodle block in the pot and when the somewhat annoying music is over, you may calmly enter a zen state and enjoy some instant noodles.
#545: Golden Wheat Korean Style Spicy Beef Cooking Noodle
Here’s another one from Nathan up in Vancouver. First off, this one’s BIG. it calls for 700mL of water and to be cooked for 5-6 minutes! Aside from this stuff, there are some oddities I noticed that were kind of interesting.
10-22-2011 Ramen List Update
Here’s the new list in Word format. It contains all 598 reviewed and ‘sitting in the ramen hamper awaiting review’ varieties. Want to donate something not on the list here? Email for details.
A Humorous Bit Of Video
So this guy comments on the Maruchan Cheese Yakisoba review and tells me he did a YouTube video – well, here it is. Pretty funny – plus it had a pug in it as well. Good stuff – keep it up!
#544: Unox Good Noodles Kip ( Chicken )
Here’s another Dutch noodle from Michael V.N. in Holland! He informed me that kip means chicken – it’s kind of funny as almost every other noodle package that is chicken flavored usually has some kind of image of a chicken on it – this one’s covert!
#543: Menraku Japanese Curry “Udon”
One of my favorite things in all the world of cuisine is curry. Hot curry, curry soup, curry beef, curry chicken, curry vindaloo, curry powder, curry paste, green curry, yellow curry, masaman curry, Indian curry and Japanese curry. This sounded good and I’m starving.
#542: Wingsfood Mi Sedaap Mi Sup Perisa Ayam Istimewa (Artificial Chicken Special Flavor)
Hey this looks shmancy! Nothing better than an interesting new pack of noodles from Indonesia.
From Rolls to Bowls: Genji Sushi Launches Freshly Prepared All-Natural Ramen Noodle Soup at Whole Foods Market
So I found out about this today and thought it sounds rather interesting. I’m hoping I might be able to do an actual review of these soon as they sound quite good! Here’s a press release about it:
#541: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another of the Yum Yum’s that were sent from Holland! Chicken flavor eh? I like chicken as well as chickens!
An Accounting Error
I’ve been wondering something for awhile: is the number of reviews I have
listed exactly accurate? The issue was that there were a few re-reviews
and also that I hadn’t numbered reviews done before #200, so it was a somewhat
imprecise ‘guesstimate.’ Well, the wondering about it is over and the result
is that I had shorted myself on counting eight reviews! What I did was
added numbers to the titles of the reviews starting at the first until
I got to about #120 and then started at the #199th review and went backward
in hopes of them meeting at the middle. So the ones that ended up between
where #117 and #118 should have met are these, which I have numbered up
from the current last review. So the next review will be #541. Here’s the
links to the ones that were renumbered.
#532: Doll Instant Noodle Spicy Tonkotsu Flavour
Thanks to Nathan R. of Vancouver, Canada, I have this wonderful package of noodles that I will be devouring shortly. Was sure I’d had every variety of the Doll line but apparently I haven’t – I think maybe this one just isn’t distributed in the USA.
A Donation From Canada!
So Nathan R. from Vancouver, Canada sent me a nice box of noodles from across the border!
Hey thanks! Let’s see what’s inside!
#531: Yum Yum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Beef Flavour
Here’s some more from Michael V.N. of Holland! Thanks again! This one’s called Yum Yum – had my son choose whether I should have the chicken or the beef and he told me I should have the beef today and the chicken tomorrow. Sounds like a plan!
#530: Namchow Mee-Jang Artificial Shrimp Tom Yum Flavor Instant Noodles
This was a neat find at a local market I don’t go to very often. There’s a long aisle of instant noodles and I noticed a single instant noodle cup that didn’t seem to have any place where it would go. So I went around to the other side of the aisle and was hoping there’d be more. Well, there wasn’t a continuation of instant noodle aisle, but I did find this one in a weird spot, again with no correlating spot on the main aisle. With that, once again I bring you what you want.
#529: Sapporo Ichiban Japanese Style Noodles Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavored Soup
A new find today at a big Korean supermarket nearby. Been a while since I’ve reviewed anything by Sapporo Ichiban. What’s interesting too is that the packaging proclaims that it’s new! Also on the back it says it’s three servings! Boy, this economy sure is hitting everyone hard! Now instant noodle rationing!
#528: Unox Good Noodles Groente (Vegetable)
Check it out! Thanks to Ramen Rater blog follower Michael V.N.’s donation package, we have the first ever noodles to review from Holland! Not only a new country but a new brand – Unox. The package has directions on the back to either make just noodles or noodle soup – I decided for the noodle soup.
#527: Little Cook Instant Noodles Wheat Gluten Stewed Duck Flavored
Wow – what an inviting variety! Wheat gluten stewed duck flavored!
So this is a big bowl of the Little Cook stuff – Namchow makes it. These are always interesting.