Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch

Re-Review: Indomie Special Quality Instant Noodles Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang Curly Noodles With Grilled Chicken Flavor

Okay this is a very special ramenrater review here – if asked what is my favorite meal that is of instant noodles, this would be it. I have been making it and variations on it for years now. Behold the fine Indonesian treat, Indomie’s Mie Keriting Rasa Ayam Panggang!!! ...see full post

#200: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Spicy Chicken Flavor

So this is the 200th instant noodle I’ve reviewed! So bright eyed and vaguely bushy tailed at 6:30am, here we go! I’d like to first thank Kit for picking #199 and #200 for my reviews and also for cruising us around and going to all of these Asian groceries around here. If you like the Ramen Rater, go see her Asian and otherwise snack reviews site at – she just started it last week and she’s got her first few reviews up! Looking good! ...see full post

#199: Samyang Chinese Soybean Paste Ramen Stir Noodle Noodle Soup Olive Oil Add

Wow – you know, sometimes it just so happens a package of ramen just has to many words on it. This is one of those occasions. I mean, look at that title up there. I like how you drain the liquid, but it says noodle soup – and you don’t add olive oil, it’s already in the liquid packet… ...see full post

#198: Shirakiku Sanukiya Somen Fresh Japanese Style Original

Some fresh noodles. Some this time – I know Udon, but what it somen? Wikipedia says:

Sōmen (?) are very thin, white Japanesenoodles made of wheat flour. The noodles are usually served cold and are less than 1.3 mm in diameter. The distinction between sōmen and the next thicker wheat noodles hiyamugi and even thicker Japanese wheat noodles udon is mostly the size of the noodle. Somen noodles are stretched when made, as are some types of udon noodles. ...see full post

#197: Rhee Bros Assi Brand Rice Noodle w/Hot & Spicy Flavored Soup

Rhee Bros? Assi? Hmm here’s what I found

The word ASSI comes from the traditional Korean title for a young married woman. ASSI brand symbolizes the Korean gril’s wedding costume, and was first introduced in 1976 and has grown into as our flagship brand. ASSI has been recognized as the standard for Korean food products. ...see full post

#194: Saigon Ve Wong Kung Fu Instant Rice Noodles Artificial Chicken Flavor

So today my nose is bugging me so I thought perhaps something chickenny would be good. Well, this is artificial chicken flavor so we’ll see. Also if you look closely at the photo, the chicken in the bowl on the package looks like its made out of plastic! Truly artificial chicken flavor! Har har! ...see full post

#193: Boss Noodle Shrimp (Tom Yum) Flavour

Okay so here’s an interesting one. I saw that it was made and distributed by  Walong Marketing so wasn’t sure if Boss Noodle was the brand. But as far as I can tell, these are branded under the Boss Noodle name by Walong so I’m okay with that. During the research I also found Boss Noodle also brought up Big Boss Noodles (swimming devices) and Boss Noodle (anime). ...see full post