Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch

#142: Nissin Original Chow Mein Teriyaki Beef Flavor Chow Mein Noodles

So this is what you’ll find at your local grocery store in the United States. I picked this one up at a dollar store. Looked interesting so thought I’d give it a go. I’m always looking for the exotic and felt I was kind of missing the more domestic and such. How can I be a true Ramen Rater without trying the stuff from across the ocean as well as in my backyard? ...see full post

#141: Six Fortune Seafood Flavor Instant Noodles

Got this package at a very weird little asian grocery. Very weird. The place was dirty, in extreme disarray and after we left we saw a cop pop in. Most of the signs were in sharpie on cardboard and on the way in instead of a mat or carpet, cardboard was used. Very ghetto. But I haven’t seen this stuff elsewhere so hooray! ...see full post

Ramen Rater News

So here’s what I currently have to review – 20 different packages. I am pretty sure there should be lots more out there to pick up no problem. I still go out on my daily trips to the local asian groceries. I try to only get a single pack of noodles but it can be hard as they’re so cheap. With the advent of the city of Edmonds’ no single use plastic bag law, I had to dig out my backpack to carry things in. Irritating… ...see full post

#123: Wai Wai Minced Pork Soeng Kreung Flavor Instant Noodle

Wai Wai? Because because I’m done with folding laundry and it’s lunch. So I’m making some of this stuff. By the way – notice that little dude on the packaging? Apparently there’s a celebrity chef in Thailand called McDang and he has a kind of guide to the best stuff. So this stuff is supposedly good according to McDang. ...see full post

Where To Get It: Boo Han Oriental Market

So yeah, I eat a good amount of ramen noodles. I also walk a lot. I walk to where I get my ramen noodles all the time. Well this week I’ve started going a longer route – going an extra mile. By doing so I found this place: Boo Han Oriental Market. I can’t see very well so once I was walking on the other side of the road I was hip to it… ...see full post

#118: Paldo Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle

So sometimes I’m looking for some new ramen and see it but it only seems to come in a 5 pack. Nowhere else in the noodle aisle do they have it… That’s really annoying! This was one such variety but I finally found it at a new Asian market I found today out of nowhere across from 99 Ranch Market in Edmonds. Anyways, here’s Paldo brand Bibim Men Oriental Style Noodle ...see full post

#539 & #540: Challenge: Nissin Demae Ramen Chicken Flavor versus Nissin Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Instant Noodles

So I thought why not do a head to head – same company, should be same noodles right? First off the left is the Demae Ramen, more of the kind that you would find in Japan or Hong Kong and to the right is the United States version. The Demae is a bigger brick of noodles and says it is one serving while the Top Ramen is smaller yet says it is two servings. ...see full post

#538: Lucky Me! Instant Lomi (Seafood Vegetable) Instant Noodles Artificial Seafood Flavor

So I’m going to make a special dinner tonight for my lady and I – we’re gonig to have Nissin Chicken Top Ramen and Nissin Demae Ramen concurrently and review and compare both. Well, I thought hey why not have a small pack of this filipino ramen noodle stuff, I mean, I’m a little hungry so why not. ...see full post