Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch

#2048: Acecook Kado-Men Koikoku Tonkotsu

Here’s one from the April offering of Box From Japan! This looks like one big bowl of tonkotsu! Let’s have a look inside! By the way – Box From Japan is a really great way to get some instant noodles you probably haven’t ever tried before, nor in a million years wouldn’t have access to here in the USA. With that, let’s crack this bog one open! ...see full post

The June Box From Japan

For a while now, Javier over at has been sending me sample boxes and they’ve been really out of this world. Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a new box every month to your door – it’s reasonably priced I think since you can’t find any of these in the USA, plus I’ve NEVER gotten a single instant ramen from him that I’ve ever reviewed before – and that’s definitely saying something. Not only that, he also has a candy box – all sorts of neat treats from Japan as well! Let’s look inside! ...see full post

#2046: E-Zee Perisa Asam Pedas Mi Segara

This one was sent by CarJEN of Malaysia – thanks! I did a Meet The Manufacturer with them a while back and since then, they’ve sent me products when they come out. I’m pretty sure this has been out for a little while, but today will be my first taste. Asam translates to sour (usually like tamarind) and pedas translates to spicy, hence, sour and spicy. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#2045: Great Value Chicken Style Ramen Noodles

My sister got these for my birthday up in Canada – thank you! I’ve wanted to review some Walmart branded instant noodles for years; just seems fitting that Walmart would have instant noodles. These were bought in Canada, however they’re made in the United States. However, I’ve never seen instant noodles with the Great Value brand inside the United States… Anyways, let’s crack this open and see how this one fares. ...see full post

#2044: Doll Hello Kitty Dim Sum Noodle Japanese Soy Sauce Flaviour

A while back, I was all but out of instant noodles and put out a call for some. One of the people who responded was Prima Taste – they sent some from Hong Kong and this is one of them – thank you! My wife is a big fan of Hello Kitty and we’ve tried the Curry flavor one in the past. Let’s have a look in this soy sauce flavor one! ...see full post

#2042: Suimin Noodles Mi Goreng

Another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks again! So a favorite destination of Australian tourists is Bali and Borneo – pretty nearby and full of tasty fare. One such common food you’ll find in these places is mi goreng, or fried noodles. Usually a cooked and drain noodle is stir fried and condiments such as sweet chilli sauce and sweet soy sauce are added as well and vegetables and meats. Let’s see how this cup variety of mi goreng tastes. ...see full post

#2039: Tokushima Seifun Yakibuta Ramen

Here’s another one from Wesley N. He sent a box in mid December that arrived mid February from Japan – we’d thought it might have been lost, but it showed up – and in immaculate condition! Thank you again!Tokushima prefecture is on Shikoku island in Japan, and these varieties from Tokushima Seifun aren’t widely known and very localized. Seifun literally means ‘manufactured powder,’ referring to the flour mill. This looks exceptionally good! Let’s have a look! ...see full post

Re-Review: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor

Here’s another one that I haven’t had in an extremely long time. I remember I did like it, but that’s about all I remember. Just found it – review #101 – from August 8th, 2010! Yeah almost 6 years ago. I started reviewing instant noodle in 2002, but I only got to around the 60th review by June of 2010 – that’s when I really got back into it and started reviewing again. Let’s have a look! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Reader’s Choice Top Ten Instant Noodles 2017 Edition Poll

Here’s the poll for the 2017 Reader’s Choice Top Ten Instant Noodles list! 2016 was the first go at this with over 250 votes counted (results here). Let’s make 2017 even better! Remember – if you don’t put the brand AND the variety, your vote will NOT be counted, so make sure to do so. Don’t forget to invite your friends to vote! The results will come out next year (probably May 1st 2017).  ...see full post

#2035: Acecook Maru Uma Curry Udon

Another one from Javier over at Box From Japan! Thanks! So if you didn’t already know, is a subscription service. You can get 4 instant noodles from Japan a month. What’s amazing is that I not yet received a single on that I’d reviewed previously which is truly amazing. You can also get a monthly Japanese candy box! Pretty rad! Today, I’ll be checking out this Acecook curry udon cup. Let’s crack it open! ...see full post

#2034: Fantastic Noodles Oriental Flavour

Here’s another one sent by Jen from Australia – thanks again! So this one’s an Australian brand. I’ve seen these around for a long time but never before have been able to get any to try. Today, it’ll be Oriental flavor. Okay, so what is Oriental flavor? Of course I should know; I’ve tried over 2,000 varieties! I’m The Ramen Rater! Well, hate to break it to you folks, but I haven’t the slightest idea what Oriental flavor is. My best guess would be a flavor that’s good, but not really definable. Another guess is a vegetarian accessible variety that shouldn’t make meat eaters say ‘eww – that’s for the plant eaters.’ What odd about this flavor is that the term Oriental evokes racist tones that offend some people from Asia. So, either the companies don’t know this or don’t care. Anyways I’m not a fan of offending people – if I ever start a noodle company this flavor won’t be on the menu. Alright enough with the pleasantries – let’s crack this cup open and see what we’ve got here. ...see full post

The Ramen Rater Apple Daily Hong Kong Interview

I got an email a few weeks back from a reporter at Apple Daily News of Hong Kong asking if I’d like to do an interview. I said sure – and then she asked if I’d also review some Hong Kong varieties – which I agreed to as well. Over 4 days, I tried 11 different packs of noodles! This is the video from the news article and here’s the link to the story! Was a lot of fun! Special thanks to Winnie Wong for contacting me on this unique project! Here’s the unboxing of the samples, and the full reviews of each one will come in the next few weeks. ...see full post

#2032: Kamfen Noodle King Artificial Beef Soup Flavored

A couple of months ago, I experienced an instant noodle drought. I was looking in my hampers and there were maybe 10 varieties left! We hit 99 Ranch and I found about 10 or so varieties to review (later after putting a call out on the site, I ended up with people sending all sorts of varieties and now my hampers runneth over – my thanks!). Here’s one I found at 99 Ranch – let’s check it out. ...see full post

Re-Review: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Hot & Spicy Flavor

Just to begin with – Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

Someone was commenting about the different between this one and a more recent review of a MAMA hot and spicy variety from Bangladesh. Then they said they ordered some on Amazon and got a different version from either of those – the Oriental Kitchen pack version! Wow – lots of different kinds. This one is more along the lines of ramyun in it’s noodles being much thicker (the kamaboko and peppers are also kind of a dead giveaway). Let’s check it out – last time I had it was for review #159! ...see full post

#2029: Singa-Me Instant Noodles Beef Flavour

This one was sent to me by Jen from Australia – thanks again! So this is interesting; it’s made in Singapore for the Australian market. It boasts the use of 100% Australian wheat. Wheat is a big export for so many countries throughout the world; and of course instant noodles are a big part of why that is. Let’s open this one up and see what’s inside. ...see full post

#2028: Maruchan Ramen Sopa Maruchan Sabor A Camaron, Limon Y Habanero

Here’s one I got from Paul S. – also got one from Colin. Thanks guys! What’s kind of crazy here is that this is the first Minstant noodle I’ve reviewed from Mexico (or at least made for the Mexican market). Instant noodles (fideos instantanea) are extremely popular in Mexico, as well as by the Latino population in the United States. Sopa means soup, sabor a camaron, limon y habanero means shrimp, lemon and habanero flavor. Anyways, let’s crack this sucker open! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2024: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Pad Thai

Okay so here we go. Pad Thai. In an instant and quick prep scenario, pad thai has gone through the ringer. I’ve had pad thai that comes this way be pretty decent, however many I’ve had taste like peanut butter and black vinegar with some chopped nuts on top. It’s not a real tricky one to translate to a processed food, but it seems a lot of the time that companies will draw on certain flavorings and try to mimic the flavor but end up with something completely different. Let’s hit up this one and see how it goes! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2023: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Black Bean

I’m a little curious on this one. See, Jjajang is really popular in China and South Korea; basically noodles with a black bean sauce. I’m curious as to if this is leaning in that direction, or whether it’s something on the Caribbean side; maybe a little citrus going on? Well, one way to find out – let’s crack it open and cook it up! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2022: Urban Noodle Authentic Street Food Thai Red Curry

This sounds like a good one! Red curry i sone I thoroughly enjoy; although I can’t think of a curry I’ve met that I’ve not enjoyed. When I think of curry and the UK, my thoughts immediately wander towards Red Dwarf episodes with Rimmer complaining about Lister reeking of last night’s vindaloo and stale lager. It also wanders to something I saw a couple years ago – in Britain, you can get takeaway boxes full of fried odd and ends – it looks like pure gut bomb amazingness. But I digress – red curry sounds good – let’s dig in! ...see full post

#2020: Kang Shi Fu Artficial Roasted Beef Flavour

After quite a few years, its looking more and more like Kang Shi Fu (Master Kong) is definitely getting their products distributed into the United States. This one was sent to me by a reader named Colin (thanks again!) and is definitely different from most of the Mang Shiu Fu stuff I’ve seen. First, there’s a lot of English on the package; something very new to me. Stewed beef sounds good – let’s have a look inside. ...see full post