Chilli chicken, eh? This sounds interesting – not a flavor I think I’ve seen coming out of the UK before (and I’ve seen a lot of interesting ones). By the way – if you’re wondering what coriander is, it’s the same thing as cilantro. Okay – let’s have a look inside this neat ‘pot’ of noodles!
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
Meet The Manufacturer: Kabuto Noodles Product Samples
Wow – samples for the first UK Meet The Manufacturer!
Six cups (click to enlarge) – they call them ‘pots’ in the UK – and a card!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Kabuto Noodles
#1959: Myojo Charumera Shoyu Ramen
Here’s another one sent by Casey P. from Hong Kong – thanks! I’ve always thought this one looked interesting – the guy tooting his horn, the little cat. I tried this years ago – new package, new review though. Let’s check it out.
MyOri Creates New Packaging – Endorsed By The Ramen Rater
Got this package in the mail yesterday – let’s look inside!
MyOri’s new packaging (click to enlarge) – looks really snazzy!
#1958: IbuRamen Mi Goreng Bento Noodles In A Box Curry Masala Flavor
This is the last of the IbuRamen tray varieties I’ve seen available. I really didn’t care for the other two, but hey, it’s curry day! Let’s see how this one fares with a curry fanatic.
Hong Kong Donations From Prima Taste 2
When I asked for people to send donations recently, Prima Taste offered to pool their resources around the world and help me out! Here’s some sent from Hong Kong- a second box of the same samples. Two of each helps with reviewing – makes things a lot easier – plus a better chance of making it through customs!
Hong Kong Donations From Prima Taste 1
When I asked for people to send donations recently, Prima Taste offered to pool their resources around the world and help me out! Here’s some sent from Hong Kong!
#1957: MAMA Cup Vegetarian Instant Noodles Tom Yum Flavour
This is a special one sent to me by the kind folks at Thai President Foods – thanks again! In October, there is a special festival that takes place in Thailand and other places in Asia involving vegetarianism. Here’s a little info on it from wikipedia:
#1956: Maruchan Spicy Tomato Salsa Ramen
Here’s another one sent by Casey P. from Hong Kong – thanks! I want to especially thanks Casey P., Jef M. and the folks on for all your help with figuring out all the settings and ways to use my new camera. It’s been an uphill battle for me, but I think I’m almost at the summit. This one looks particularly interesting – it mentions salsa on the label but the sticker mentions tomato. Not only that, the colors denote either Italy or Mexico. I’m going to guess Mexico, especially with salsa mentioned. but I guess we’ll see!
#1955: Nissin Raoh Ramen Noodle Soup Umami Soy Sauce Flavor
Here’s the last of the three different Nissin Raoh varieties Nissin Foods USa sent me – thanks again! These have been availble overseas for a very long time, however they are now being imported and distributed in new packaging and with slightly different ingredients for easy import into the United States. This would be known as shoyu over in Japan (shoyu translates into soy sauce). Shoyu is a very popular variety of ramen – here’s a little on it from wikipedia:
The March ‘Box From Japan’
Got another box from Javier over at today! You can subscribe and get a neat box like this every month! Not only that, he also has Japanese snack boxes – lots of neat candies that I don’t think you can find here. For sure, these bowls of ramen aren’t available here in the states. Let’s look inside!
#1954: Koh Thai Island Of Flavours Spicy Thai Chicken Instant Noodles Soup
One of the last from James B. of the Netherlands – thanks again!Most of these Loh Thai varieties have been rather bland – although I think I did very much like the last one I tried. Let’s see what we have within!
#1953: Prima Taste Singapore Fish Soup La Mian
I’ve been wanting to try this one for a really long time and the folks at Prima Taste were kin enough to send it to me recently! Thank you very much! Pretty sure this has been around just as long as the curry and laksa la mian varieties – been a long wait! As I don’t have any fish really, I’m going to go with a little assortment of seafood – sounds good to me! Let’s dig in!
Prima Taste Sends Donations To Help In Time Of Need
Prima Taste saw my call for donations/samples and asked if they could help – and I said absolutely!
#1952: Ve Wong Kung-Fu Brand Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Beef Flavor
Here’s one I thought would be a re-review. I was on the 99 Ranch Market noodle aisle and though ‘hey this would be an interesting one to check out to test my new camera setup.’ Well as it turns out, I’ve never reviewed this one – very strange! As for my new camera setup, it’s been a rough go. I’ve never used DSLR in the past – only point and shot. It’s a pretty steep learning curve and the first day I had this thing I was ready to chuck it out the window! But after some time I’m starting to get the hang of it. Lightbulbs, lenses, f-stops, ISO settings and shutter speeds. It’s a lot to juggle and I still don’t think I’ve found the sweet spot yet. But I’m still working on it! Anyways, let’s check out the interesting looking beef variety from Taiwan.
1951: Nissin Cup Noodles Ramen Noodle Soup Hearty Chicken Flavor [New Package]
Ahh the last one of the new cup versions from Nissin Foods, USA. Thanks again to the folks over there for sending them along! We’re all familiar with the old style cups – they had a cardboard outer packaging with the foam cup underneath in plastic wrap. This is much different – a little bigger and free of all the extra cardboard and plastic wrap, making it a little more eco-friendly. I still haven’t spotted this one in the ‘wild’ yet – I hear that they’re only available to start with at the Super Walmarts – the ones with the regular big Walmart stuff and the grocery store as well. Anyways, chicken’s baking in the oven to add to this one, so let’s check it out.
#1950: Fujiwara Red King Crab Flavor Ramen
Here’s another one that Casey sent from Hong Kong – thanks again! I tried one that was snow crab last time, but this one’s red king crab. Curious… Let’s check it out!
A Huge Stash Of Donations From Australia!
I got a knock at the door – I was expecting a couple boxes today, but they’re either held up in costoms or still travelling. then I got handed this by the postman! This is a box from reader Jen of Australia! I posted an urgent call to readers of my need for varieties to review (the hampers have been getting very low). Well, she answered that call and sent a nice box of new stuff to check out! Let’s look inside!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Thai Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Thai Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition really has been a long time coming. After trying over 150 different Thai instant noodles throughout the years, I thought it was about time for a Top Ten Thailand list. If there is one thing that is ubiquitous when Thailand is mentioned, it’s tom yum – whose flavors figure strongly in this list. So print out a copy and run to your local Asian grocery and get some tasty Thai noodles! Hopefully there will be a 2017 edition of Top Ten Thai Instant Noodles as well – if you are an instant noodle manufacturer in Thailand, please contact me about doing a spotlight of your products! Also, I’ve decided that I will be sharing the add-ons I use in each variety here – note that all tasting/reviewing is done PRIOR to anything being added out of fairness. Hope you enjoy the first ever The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Thai Instant Noodles Of All Time 2016 Edition.
#1949: Bamee Oriental Style Instant Noodles Shrimp Flavour (Tom Yum)
Shrimp? Tom Yum? Indeed. Let’s crack it open! By the way this one’s made in Thailand for the European marketplace.
#1948: Sichuan Baijia Artificial Pickled Cabbage Fish Flavor Instant Vermicelli
I’ve been checking out a few of these Baijia varieties recently, and they’ve been interesting. When I first started reviewing, I generally found the flavors and varieties to be pretty horrid, but after a few years , I’m starting to come around. Pickled cabbage and fish, eh? Well, let’s have a look.
#1947: Prima Taste Singapore Laksa Wholegrain La Mian
So Prima Taste has recently come out with wholegrain varieties. It was explained to me that wholegrain noodles can tend to be brittle or crumbly – so to prevent this, Prima has created a superfine powder. Indeed, the curry whole grain la mian was absolutely wonderful stuff! The noodles were perfect and had a kind of rustic, artisan kind of character to them. The point of wholegrain noodles is to promote a healthier alternative to white flour. Not only that, these are not fried noodles. Instant noodles are now starting to attempt to please the consumer with more healthy options. Pretty cool! I’m very curious how this laksa does! Let’s dig in and find out!
Brazilian Noodles From My Cousins
Got a package yesterday! I was recently in California and saw my cousin Mike O. I asked him if the next time he visited Brazil if he could possibly look for some noodles I’ve wanted to review. As it turned out, his wife Adriana O. was currently down there and he’d let her know. Well, turns out she found some and he sent them to me once she returned!
#1946: Nissin Raoh Shio Ramen
Here’s another one I got from Casey in Hong Kong – thanks! Nissin’s Raoh is a premium line of fancy Japanese ramen. Shio translates to salt – here’s a little about shio from wikipedia:
#1945: MAMA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Masala Flavour
Here’s the last of the Bangladeshi varieties I was sent by Thai President Foods after my trip to Thailand in May 2015. Let’s take a look!
A Package From The Northeast
A couple of weeks ago, I posted an urgent call for instant noodle varieties. I’ve gotten a great response and this is one of them. A guy in Arlington, MA named Colin contacted me and offered some varieties! Let’s see what he sent!
#1944: Wei Lih GGE Noodle Snack Wheat Crackers Hot Spicy
Here’s one I got at the 99 Ranch down in Pleasanton, California a couple of weeks ago. So the GGE stands for Good Good Eat, as in ‘everybody loves good good eat.’ Yeah, I know – kind of weird. But hey – this is a Taiwanese snack noodle and they can be pretty interesting (see Leisure Meatballs). Anyways, let’s crack this bag open and look inside.
#1943: New Touch Sugomen Niigata Seabura Shoyu Ramen
Here’s the last of the January box that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! This one looks really fancy – I like the pic on the bowl with that nice looking broth! Let’s have a closer look!
#1942: Ibumie Always Mi Goreng Perisa Sambal Udang
The last of the Ibumie Always Mi Goreng varietals I found at 99 Ranch recently – or I should say my lovely wife say them. Udang means prawn and sambal is wondroud spicy stuff of dreamsLet’s check it out!
#1941: Unox Good Noodles Tandoori
Here’s one of the few I have left that were sent by James B. of the Netherlands – thanks again! I’m real curious whether this will have a strong tandoori chicken flavor or just a nice spicy mixture. I guess there’s only one way to find out! Let’s crack open the pack and have a look!
#1940: Nissin Cup Noodle Pasta Style Bolognese
Here’s another one sent by Casey P. from Hong Kong – thanks again! So bolognese… Wikipedia?
#1939: MAMA Instant Noodles Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum Flavour
Another one from the big batch I got after our Thailand trip from the MAMA noodles people. Thanks again! So this has been one of my favorites in the past – the regular Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum has been on my annual top ten list in the past – but this is the Myanmar version. I’ve noticed in some varieties a little but of a smoky taste – wonder what we’ll find here? One way to find out – let’s check out this shrimp creamy tom yum!
#1938: Nissin Donbei Kamodashi Soba
Here’s another one that was sent to me by Javier over at Box From Japan – thanks! Box From Japan is a subscription service – you can get a box sent to you every month with some great noodles within! It says in the leaflet sent with the box that this has a duck flavor and a sweetness to it. Let’s check it out!
#1937: MAMA Chicken Soup Flavour Cup Noodles
Here’s another one that the folks at MAMA in Thailand sent me. This one’s from Myanmar – chicken flavor! Let’s check out this chicken!
A Long Time Travelled Package From Japan
Today I heard a beep and then a knock at our door. The beep usually is the postman about to knock and then ask for my signature. Today, I received a package from Wesley of Japan! This is something he shipped back on December 18th, 2015 (it’s February 11th, 2016 today) and we weren’t sure it would ever make it here. But it did! Let’s have a look!
CarJEN Sends Bags & Treats!
So every time I do a Top Ten list, I try to let the companies that make that list know. I usually post directly on their Facebook page a congratulatory message. Well, CarJEN’s J.J. Snek Mi Perisa BBQ made the new Top Ten Instant Noodle Snacks list, and I saw something neat on their page!
#1936: Fortune Rice Noodle Coconut Curry
Found this one at the new Win?Co Foods store in Edmonds, Washington. I thought ‘ooh – rice noodles and curry’ and so I got it. Let’s check it out!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1935: Love Cook Guanmiao Dried Noodles With Oleum Sesami
Today, we bid a fond farewell to the Love Cook Meet The Manufacturer. Been nice to try some new varieties from Taiwan lately! Oleum sesami is the scientific term for sesame oil. Very curious about this one! Let’s take a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1934: Love Cook Guanmiao Dried Noodles With Spicy Sauce
Ah now here we go – spicy! Spicy sounds good today – it’s been cold, rainy and windy lately – not a very nice combo. Every morning Miles wakes up and I wheel his bassinet over to the window to spend a few minutes looking outside – usually it’s a cloudy day. But that’s weather in Washington state for you – winter’s like that. Spicy sounds good – let’s check it out!