I’ll admit when I first saw the packaging, I thought this stuff was called Spaz! I kind of wish it was as that would be exceedingly humorous, but I digress… This is Tarako Spaghetti; so what is tarako? Wikipedia tells us:
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
#1317: Ve Wong Little Prince Brand Snack Noodles Original Flavor
In Taiwan, there is a huge market for snack noodles, among them Little Prince. You don’t cook them; they’re seasoned and crunchy and in little snack baggies. Here’s a great example of them – you get a big bag with 20 little bags inside. Noodles oodles! They come in a range of flavors – original, seaweed, kimchi and bacon. Yes, bacon! Here’s a link to my review of the bacon variety. Let’s delve into this snack insanity from Taiwan! Noodles oodles from Little Prince!
#1316: Ottogi Japchae Vermicelli Noodle
Ottogi sent me a box of noodle samples a while back in hopes of doing a Meet The Manufacturer series. Unfortunately, timing and language barriers made that hard to come to fruition, so I figured I ought to review some of the varieties they’ve sent over time. This one’s Japchae – a traditional South Korean dish of clear noodles, vegetables and meats. Good stuff, at least what I’ve tried in a restaurant! Let’s have a look to see what this is like.
Recipe: The Ramen Rater’s Deep Fried Instant Noodle Cheese Bites
When I was very young, we had a visitor from a music group come into our classroom. He told us about a song his band did that was written by a band member when he was sick. He talked to us about how when you don’t feel good, sometimes your mind can go in different directions; that it can be a good time to embrace creativity. I thought that kind of odd, but have also found it to be true. I remember playing Asteroid on my old Atari 2600 and using a different strategy and getting a really high school – I was home with the flu.
Well today, I’m under the weather. I’ve been sneezing and runny-nosed and achy – you know the drill. Well, inspiration reared it’s head again. With all the things people have been trying with instant noodles lately, I thought maybe this would be good. I would absolutely love to see some pictures if you guys attempt making it! With that, I introduce the instant noodle cheese bite.
#1315: Sainsbury’s Chicken Flavour Instant Noodles
Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! This is a common variety you would find at a store called Sainsbury’s. Sainsbury’s is a chain that can be found throughout England which sells pretty much everything by the looks of it. British varieties usually tend to be on the blander side, as is the way with a lot of food from over there, but sometimes they’re really good. Let’s see which end of the spectrum this one falls into.
#1314: Paldo Korean Traditional Beef Gomtangmen
Korean beef soup is usually something that isn’t spicy; a departure from what people usually see in most ramyun varieties. Gomtang translates to ‘bear soup,’ but there’s no bear in there! It’s been – boiled for a long time. The ‘men’ at the end of gomtangmen is where the noodles come in. Men, myun, myeon and myon are all suffixes that mean noodles in Korean. I’ve had Paldo’s Gomtang variety in the gold packaging – that stuff is quite good. I’m very curious to find out how this one is. Let’s have a look.
#1313: Healtimie Green Barley Noodle Vegetable Soup
Another from a friend in Indonesia – thank you! I’ve reviewed quite a few instant noodles lately that have been less ‘vanilla’ in color. I had some purple ones, another green one from Taiwan and a Japanese variety a week or two ago that had ‘jet black’ broth! This one’s hook is that it has green barley in it. I did a bit of looking around and found some information on green barley/barley grass here. From what it says, it’s good for you, but how does it do in the case of being added to Healtimie noodles? Let’s have a look.
#1312: Maruchan ‘I Want To Eat Ramen’ Miso Flavor
I can honestly say that I want to eat ramen. Every day. Well, if not ramen, ramyun, udon, mi goreng, mee and every other kind of instant noodle out there! It’s fun! Sometimes it’s hard to decide which one to review though, and so my wife was kind enough to pick one out of the bin and toss it to me this morning – and this is it. Let’s have a look! Most people here in the US think of Maruchan as making their instant packs and ‘Instant Lunch’ cups, but they make a varied line of products over in Japan with more traditional flavors from the region. But to start things off before any reviewing, today is Valentine’s Day – happy Valentine’s Day to all! My wife Kit and I spent a special day yesterday in Seattle yesterday…
#1311: Pop Bihun Spesial Rasa Soto Ayam
Here’s another one from a friend in Indonesia – thanks! I got some really cool new varieties from Indofood last week, but I’d better get a few older varieties out of the way before those! Shouldn’t be long! Let’s check out this rice vermicelli soup variety from their Pop Bihun line.
#1310: Thai Kitchen Rice Noodle Cart Thai Peanut
My wife got me this one for Christmas! Thanks, Kit! The last one of these I tried was pretty good – curious how this one will be – let’s check it out.
#1309: YumYum Oriental Style Instant Noodles Seafood Flavour
Here’s another one from Charles in Afghanistan – thanks again! So this one’s made in Thailand and sold a lot in Holland. Let’s check it out!
#1308: Nongshim Soon Veggie Noodle Soup
Here’s a new one from Nongshim for the vegetable crown. At first, I thought it would be a tofu based variety; the reason was that I’ve gone to a local Korean restaurant and ordered ‘Soon Tofu’ a few times, which is a spicy soup with tofu in it. Well, ‘soon’ translates to ‘soft.’ Well, tofu is a vegetarian friendly construct, so I thought I’d give it a try today with this new one. A few people have been asking about this one, so with that, let’s check it out.
#1307: Nissin Cup Noodle Cheese Curry
This one was sent to me by Abbie C. of Hong Kong – thank you again! Curry – and cheese? Been very curious about this one, that’s for sure. I like curry a lot – one of the flavors that’s always strong and varies so much from culture to culture. Let’s see how it pairs with cheese and noodles in this cup.
#1306: KOKA Oriental Style Instant Noodles Tom Yam Flavour
Here’s one that was sent by Martin A. of Devon, England. Thanks again! I’ve really been into fish balls lately. They’re tasty, lots of varieties, and pretty low cal. Anyways, they tend to go better in spicy varieties of instant noodles and I think they are wonderful in tom yum/yam. Let’s check this one out!
#1305: A-Sha Instant Noodle Original Flavor
Here’s the last of the A-Sha line of instant noodles they sent. These are a leaner line; not with the different gauges that the other products they make have. Not to say they don’t taste good, though! Let’s see how original this one is!
New Product Samples From Indomie
Got a package today – from Indonesia! New product samples from Indomie! This should be awesome!
#1304: Nissin Demae Ramen Shoyu Tonkotsu Artificial Pork Flavor
#1303: Western Family Instant Noodles In A Cup Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one my wife for me on my trip to Canada on my birthday last year! Gonna let the kiddo try this one out – he likes chicken flavor anything. Let’s check it out!
#1302: MAMA Instant Noodles Yentafo Tom Yum Mohfai Flavour
Here’s one with a flavor I’ve never heard of – well, except for the tom yum part. Here’s what Wikipedia had to say about the yentafo:
#1301: Knorr Quick Serve Macaroni Shrimp Broth
Here’s another one my lovely wife got for me on our trip to Canada for my birthday last year – thanks! Interesting – tube shaped ramen? A couple of brands make these – kind of a neat twist on it. Let’s check it out!
#1300: Samyang Foods Red Nagasaki Jjampong
Wow – number 1300! Would’ve ever thought I would’ve done this many reviews; seems like I did the 500th review not very long ago. Let’s check this one out – a spicy South Korean jjampong!
#1299: Mr. Noodles Noodles In A Cup Spicy Chicken Simulated Flavour
Here’s one my wife got for me on my birthday trip to Canada! Thanks, baby! Spicy chicken. Let’s check it out.
#1298: Good Tto Leu Foods Lightning Beef Bone Tteokguk (Rice Cake Soup)
Thanks go to James K. of KoreAm for translation help as well as educating me on this one! Ramen? Nope. Ramyun? Nope. Udon? Nope. This is tteokguk! Tteok is South Korean rice cake. They’re flat and chewy! It’s often served on Lunar New Year and other special holidays. Let’s give it a try – Happy Lunar New Year!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2014
China: the birthplace of the noodle. Billions of serving of instant noodles are consumed there every year – more than any other country in the world! I thought today being Chinese New Year (more widely known as Lunar New Year), it would be an opportune time to release a list of my favorite instant noodles that are made in China. These are the most memorable and finest varieties I have enjoyed from China of the 1,290+ I’ve reviewed over the years.
#1297: GaGa Mie Gepeng Kuah Rasa Ayam Lada Hitam
A friend sent this a while back from Jakarta – thank you! This is one that says kuah on it. What’s kuah? Well as far as I can gather, kuah is gravy. So instead of a broth, this one should be a bit thicker. Guess we’ll see! Black pepper chicken )rasa ayam hitam) – let’s check it out!
#1296: Wu-Mu Ramen With Pickled Mustard Flavor
Pickled mustard? Hmm… I’ve had varieties with mustard stem – wonder if it’ll be like that? Let’s find out!
#1295: Wu-Mu Steam Mushroom Flavor Ramen
Thought this might be a good day to take care of a mushroom flavored variety. FYI – these have 4 portions in a pack. Let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater Top Ten In Courrier Japon Magazine
I got an email a few weeks back from a fellow named Hikaru T. from Courrier Japon magazin. He was interested in doing an article about my Top Ten list and asked if that’d be alright. I usually ask for a couple copies of the finished product and some cool instant noodle from the country where the magazine is. Well, he said okay and so here is the box that arrived today!
Some Great Varieties From Malaysia!
A box arrived today! It was sent by Chelsea of Malaysia who studies abroad in Massachusetts! She offered to bring back some instant noodles for me to review! Thank you very much! Let’s open it up!
#1294: Thai Choice Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one sent by Charles – a serviceman stationed in Afghanistan – thanks! Let’s check it out!
#1293: Myojo Prawn Noodles
Here’s another one sent by Annie T. of MyKuali! Thanks! This one sounds interesting, and I have something neat to go with it considering my recent fascination with fish balls – prawn flavored fish balls! These noodles are from Singapore, as are the fish balls! Let’s check it out!
#1292: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor A Carne Sopa Con Fideos
Hey look! This is the last of the Nissin varieties made for Colombia. They’re made here in California by Nissin Foods USA, but only for sale in Colombia. This is identical to the beef flavor Cup Noodles we have available here. I reviewed that one way back – #334 in March of 2011 – seems like forever ago. Let’s see what I think about this one nowadays. Let’s check it out!
#1291: A-One Mì Ly Instant Noodles Mì Tôm Shrimp Flavor
My son and I walked to the store the other day for some flowers and kamaboko. Of course, I can’t resist the noodle aisle and found 6 different styles of these little plastic noodle cups! Thought I’d try this one today. Let’s check it out!
#1278: Ottogi Ppushu Ppushu Noodle Snack Bulgogi Flavor
I did an appearance on a show called Cam Fu & Friends which was recorded at Microsoft on January 7th, 2014. Cam the host and I met because of instant noodles a while back. He did instant noodle reviews on The Noodle Freak for a while and then went on hiatus from it, telling folks to come check out my site, a real honor. So we actually met in person the first time the other day. He really was hoping I’d do a review on the show, and so I had to come up with something to review. Well, this one fit the bill; easily prepared during the taping! Further below, you can watch the video! Let’s check this one out.
#1290: Nongshim Sain Sain Garlic Teriyaki Fresh Cooked Udon Pasta
In March of 2012, I tried this new Garlic Teriyaki Udon by Nongshim – review #683. It was really great stuff – my wife Kit absolutely loved it (she doesn’t usually go crazy like I do for noodles, but this one was her fave). Well, a little while later, it was discontinued. Well, now it’s back and a little different. The first one had a whopping 3040mg of sodium per pack, but this new one has only 720mg for the whole thing. Let’s see how this one stacks up against the old version.
#1289: JinMaiLiang Braised Beef Noodles
Here’s one I picked up a while back in Canada. JinMaiLiang makes all sorts of beefy ones – let’s check this one out.
Product Samples From Nongshim USA!
Yesterday I saw the FedEx truck coming around the corner through the patio door window. They stopped. What’s nice is that the guy just parks and comes up to the window these days. Let’s see what inside!
#1288: Sau Tao QQ Scallop Seafood Flavoured Vermicelli
I thought why not have something a little different today. This cup’s been around the bottom of the hamper for a while… So, what does QQ mean? Pretty much really thin noodle. Let’s check it out!
#1287: Kimura Kumamoto Tonkotsu Ramen
Hey check this happy looking guy out! I’m thinking he’s happy because today’s my sister’s birthday! Happy Birthday Sue! This looks like one she’d probably like. Last year, I made her some birthday noodles – maybe I’ll see if she wants to have some again this year! The happy guy on the package’s name is Kumamon, a mascot that the government of Kumamoto, Japan invented. Let’s check these out.