Been a little while since I reviewed anything by A-Sha. I did a Meet The Manufacturer in May, but nothing new since then. Well, today’s the day! Curry. It’s always been a favorite flavor of mine and I think this is the first time I’ll be trying a Taiwanese take on it. Let’s give it a try!
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
Very Nice Donation From Canada!
Got a package from Courtnay N. of Surrey BC today. She traveled to Japan this year and brought something bac to send me. Let’s check it out!
#1200: Men-Sunaoshi Tonkotsu Ramen
Review #1200! Wow – only 800 to go to #2000! By the way if you’ve got a second, can you vote for The Ramen Rater in the Best of Western Washington contest? Trying to get first place in the food blog category! Here’s the link. So here’s an interesting one I picked up in Canada. Took a bit of figuring to tell what it was for sure – let’s check it out!
#1199: MAMA Instant Noodles Chicken Green Curry Flavour
MAMA! Thai! Green curry! Chicken! It sounds really good – let’s check it out as we are on the cusp of another hundred reviews down!
#1198: Samyang Foods Maesaengyitangmyun Baked Noodle
Here’s a brand new one from Samyang Foods of South Korea. They sent instructions on how to cook them as well as a little info about this new variety:
#1197: Nissin Cup Noodle Chili Tomato
Robert F. of Hoboken, NJ was kind enough to send one of these – thanks! Very curious how it will be… Only one way to find out!
#1196: Nissin Bowl Noodles Chicken Flavor
Here’s another one from Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA – thanks! This is a straight chicken flavor bowl – a new product. My son Andy really likes chicken noodles – I’ll steal a taste of it and let him demolish it! Let’s check it out.
#1195: Sawadee Instant Noodles Spicy Tomato Flavour
Here’s one that’s made in Malaysia but sold in the UK. Tomato! Usually a good bet. Some varieties taste like tomatoes au natural while others have a ketchup taste. Sawadee is Thai for hello. Let’s see how this one fares.
#1194: Paldo Namja Ramyun King Cup (US Version)
Here it is! Now you can get a big cup of Namja here in the states! I reviewed the South Korean Namja King Cup before, and there are differences between the two. If you’re wondering, Namja means ‘men’s’ or ‘guy’s’ – still wondering if they will make a ramyun for the ladies. Let’s check this new one out.
The Ramen Rater Noodle News #32
Here we go with the 32nd edition of The Ramen Rater Noodle News! I scour the Internet for articles about ramen and instant noodles and bring them to you! Here are some recent stories you might find interesting!
The Ramen Rater Ramyun Burger Makes The Front Page!
I got a big envelope int he mail today…
The K Herald is a supplement that goes to certain zip codes in the Los Angeles Times. It came out last Friday! Click here to check out the full article. Thanks to Michelle Y. Cho at K-Herald!
#1193: Nissin Soba Curry Noodles With Japanese Yakisoba Sauce
Here’s another one from Scott over at Nissin USA – thanks! These are neat little cups. They’re made in the EU for the European market. Let’s check it out!
Book Review/Interview: The Noodle Narratives: The Global Rise Of An Industrial Food Into The Twenty First Century
A month or so ago I read an article mentioning a new book about instant noodles. Books regarding instant noodles generally fall into a couple categories: recipe books written and published by individuals and recipe books that are mass-produced and published by the millions.
#1192: Wu-Mu Ramen With Simmered Pork Flavor
Here’s another one I got at T&T Supermarket up in Canada. I find it interesting; I got three pork varieties there – stewed pork, steamed pork and simmered pork! I asked my wife which one I should have as I couldn’t decide. She told me to simmer down and so here we are. Let’s check it out!
New Instant Samples From A-Sha
Got a box in the mail from the A-Sha guys in California today – wonder what’s inside…
The Ramen Rater Tests The Rapid Ramen Cooker
Just wanted to congratulate Chris Johnson on his success with his Rapid Ramen Cooker – his invention that allows you to cook a standard pack of instant noodles in 3-4 minutes in the microwave with 1/2 the sodium. He was on Shark Tank last week and got himself a great deal! Here’s the interview I conducted with him last December and my rigorous test of The Rapid Ramen Cooker – see the video below!
#1191: GaGa Seribu 1000 Goreng Spesial
Here’s another from my friend in Indonesia – thank you! When I translate ‘seribu,’ it says ‘thousand.’ This may be a reference to the Thousand Islands – here’s a Wikipedia excerpt:
Samples Sent From Germany, Made In Thailand
Saw some varieties on Amazon recently I’d never heard of before. Thought I’d introduce myself to the seller and see if they had any samples they could send.
#1190: Sanrio Hello Kitty Hakata Shoyutonkotsu Ramen
Check this out! This is one I got from Mira at Record China news in Japan! Thank you! I’ve been desperately seeking noodles that have Hello Kitty on them. You might be thinking, ‘dude, really?’ Yeah – it’s true. My wife really likes Hello Kitty stuff (her nickname is Kitten after all). Let’s check out this Hello Kitty laden variety that comes with a reusable bowl!
Samples From Paldo America!
A big box!
These are the new Paldo Namja Ramen King Cups – I’ve reviewed the South Korean ones, but these are the new ones for sale here in the USA. Thanks to Moses over at Paldo America!
A New Book From My Friend Matt
After reading ‘The Noodle Narratives,’ I told my friend Matt B. of Port Townsend, WA about it, and he ordered a copy to read. He offered to get me a book, and here it is.
The Noodle Narratives Review Copy
I saw an article about a new book and emailed the company, UC Berkeley Press about getting a review copy and doing a review. Here it is!
South Korean Samples From Samyang Foods!
Recently I heard about this recipe using Samyang Foods Budalk Bokkumyeon (Hot fried chicken flavor ramyun). I only have one of the bowls so I needed at least onhe more so I could do a regular review as well as try the recipe. I asked a friend at Samyang Foods if they could possibly send some more and I got a yes! Today this box arrived.
#1189: Acecook Comet Mori Yukino Tan-tan Men
Here’s one sent from Japan by Ichiro Yamoto of Yakantei! Thank you! This one was a little tricky to translate – I want to thank Courtnay N. of Canada and Mari S. of Tennessee! Tan tan men is more widely known as dandanmian. It heralds from China and is named after a pole street vendors would use to carry their wares. It’s usually a spicy broth with oil and minced pork affair. After some research, I figured out who the woman on the lid is. She’s part of AKB48 – here’s what Wikipedia says about them:
#1188: Chencun Noodles Braised Pork Ribs
Here’s another from the trip to Canada my wife took me on for my birthday – thank you, Kit! Pork. Ribs. Let’s do this.
#1187: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Cup (South Korean version)
Here we have a Shin Ramyun cup – this one was bought in South Korea and brought back to me by Kristen W. or Arizona – thanks! Let’s check it out!
#1186: Nissin Sabor A Carne Sopa Instantánea Con Fideos
I read an article recently about Nissin starting to sell instant noodle in Colombia, so I shot an email to my friend Scott over at Nissin Foods USA and asked if I could maybe get some samples. He sent some! Thanks, man! This is pretty much identical to beef Top Ramen, but packaged for the Colombian market. Speaking of Top Ramen, Nissin is having a neat contest (here’s a link). Neat prizes and it’s easy. Anyways, let’s check it out!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013
Earlier this year, people from Taiwan voiced their displeasure with not being included in the 2013 Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time. They came in droves, shouting the praises of their beloved varieties. They were equally unhinged by having two varieties listed in my Bottom Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 list. Two were included there. After all of this outcry and seeing the pride and passion about their noodles, I thought it was a must to do a Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 list; these people are easily as interested in noodles as much as I am! This new list encompasses all of the Taiwanese varieties that I’ve reviewed thus far. So, without further ado, I hope you will enjoy The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2013 edition!
#1185: Sainsbury’s Basics Instant Noodles Chicken Flavour
Here’s another one from Joe B. of Nottingham, England – thanks! Sainsbury’s is a chain of supermarkets in the UK that were founded in 1869. They make two lines on instant noodles – the basics and a more premium version. Let’s check it out!
Goodbye 2013 Regular Season
#1184: Sapporo Ichiban Pokemon Shoyu Ramen
Here’s another one from the folks at Record China news in Japan – thank you! My son is a really big fan of Pokemon. He’s got every one’s name, what they evolve into and all Pokemon lore stuffed in that PokeDex brain of his! If any of you reading have kids that like Pokemon, you know of what I speak. Well, I’ve wanted to get some Pokemon noodles for him and this is the first! I know there are more out there and hopefully I’ll find them sooner or later! Let’s check it out!
#1183: Paldo Cheese Noodle
Here’s something new from Paldo of South Korea – cheese noodle! I am a big fan of cheese! I also like noodles obviously, so this should be a nice pairing. Let’s dig in to some cheesy goodness!
#1182: Ko-Lee Go Noodles Xtreme Hot & Spicy Flavour
This one was sent by Joe & Gill from the UK! Thanks! Hot and spicy from Britain? Let’s try it!
New Product Samples And More From Nissin Foods USA
My friend Scott A. over at Nissin Foods USA asked me to verify my mailing address the other day – I thought ‘hmmm a package?’ Yesterday, the FedEx guy came to the back deck of our apartment and brought me this! What wonders are within? Let’s see!
Samples Of A Fiery Taiwanese Noodle From A-Sha
A package from A-Sha… Hmmm what’s inside?
Ooh what is this? The folks at A-Sha told me this variety is called Hell Spicy Mala and is popular in Taiwan as it is extremely spicy. Sounds like fun!
A Donation From New Jersey!
Got a box today from a reader! What’s inside?
Sweet – I’ve been very curious about this one! Thanks to Robert F. from Hoboken, NJ for sending this along!
#1181: Samyang Foods Star Popeye Ramyun Snack
Whoa hey what’s this? Here’s another snack made from instant noodles! This one’s from South Korea – let’s check it out!
#1180: Wei Lih What’s That? Leisure Meatballs Spicy Chicken Flavor
When I’m ready to relax and have some ‘me time,’ there are two words that immediately enter my mind: leisure meatballs. What’s that? Leisure meatballs? Yes. Spicy chicken flavored ones. Let’s have a look.
#1179: Myojo Chukazanmai Guangdong Style Ramen
Here’s one that my friend Scott A. sent me – thanks again! Been a long time since I’ve had any of the Chukazanmai varieties – fancy shmancy stuff – let’s check this one out!
Re-Review: Saigon Ve Wong Kung-Fu Mì Tôm Chua (Sour Shrimp Flavor) Instant Noodles Vietnam Flavor
I recently got a nice box of samples from Duncan T. over at Gemini Food Corp in California. I’d already reviewed them, but I definitely wanted to re-review this one for sure. I last had this in my 97th review – over 1000 reviews ago. Curious about what I’ll think of it these days; it got a low rating at that time and looking at it now makes me think it can’t be that bad! But I guess we’ll see. Let’s check it out!