So this is definitely something completely differe – color changing magical chicken instant noodle cups? Yup! Watch the video to see what I mean! Also, since trying these out, my daughter has been fascinated and made a couple of them for her. Well, they don’t only come out as pink, which is her favorite color, but they also have ones that turn out blue!
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodles Of All Time 2022 Edition
It’s been twenty years since I started this crazy journey of reviewing instant noodles. I never even envisioned I’d be doing it for twenty years; it was just something to try out way back when. There have been ups and downs in the past – and recent past. I ended up getting COVID (as did the rest of my family) in early January this year. It wasn’t too bad in itself, but the repercussions were. I ended up in the ICU for blood clots in my lungs. It’s happened before when I slept ten hours on a cramped flight – but this time didn’t make sense as I walk a whole lot. Anyways, I’m better now, but it’s been a tough go to be sure. I hope all of you reading are happy and healthy!
#4130: Maruchan Instant Lunch Select Hot & Spicy Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
This is something new – an upgraded version of Maruchan’s popular Instant Lunch. I’ve tried the non Hot & Spicy in the past and been meaning to try this one. Let’s give it a go!
#4129: Soupply Filet & Brisket Pho Bowl With Real Meat & Collagen – United States
For a long time now, I’ve thought something that would be really quite amazing would be if instant noodles in the US would take a cue from the outside world. That cue is the retort pouch. Retort pouches are basically like flexible soup cans; metallic pouches that can hold meats and vegetables, sauces and more to give a noodle dish a serious boost while retaining shelf stability. I’m really curious about these – I reached out to the company to find out about samples and that worked out well as I’ve got some to try. There are two versions – a beef and a chicken. Let’s start with this beef one and in a couple reviews, the chicken.
#4128: Paldo Teumsae Cheese Tteokbokki – South Korea
Here’s one from James in Lakeside, CA – thanks again! Wow – this looks burly. I had to read around to verify cooking instructions and they aren’t hard to cook – just wanted to do it right. This will be my first mukbang I’ve done in ages – not only that, I’ve been hardcore on diet and exercise lately, so not only will it be spicy, it’s going to be a gut buster. Egad. Let’s give it a shot!
#4127: Sapporo Ichiban CupStar Shrimp Tensoba – Japan
Here’s one that came from an Umai Crate! These are subscription boxes with a myriad of instant ramen varieties in different forms as well as DIY at home stuff and a recipe card. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER at checkout if you want to get one – check ’em out!
#4126: Snapdragon Chicken Ramen – United States
Here’s another one sent by James from Lakeside, CA – thanks again! This one’s made in Vietnam, but for the US market. Chicken instant cup noodles. Sounds pretty basic to me and should be alright – let’s find out!
#4125: Menraku Japanese Ramen “Hokkaido Style Seafood” with Shrimp & Scallop Soup – United States
This came out of an Exotic Noods subscription box – one of many interesting and unique varieties from around the world they put in there. Use the coupon code THERAMENRATER at checkout for a discount!
#4124: Charming Couple Biang Biang Vegan Sichuan Pepper Sesame – Taiwan
I’m really excited to try this one – I love sesame paste and I love spicy things – unsure if this is sesame paste or sesame oil though – but we shall see! The last variety was really good so we shall see. Let’s go!
#4123: GreeNoodle Yakisoba – United States
This came out of an Exotic Noods subscription box – one of many interesting and unique varieties from around the world they put in there. Use the coupon code THERAMENRATER at checkout for a discount!
#4122: Simply Food HODL Noodle – Vietnam
Okay so bear with me because I’m very clueless about crypto currency. I looked up HODL and it stands for Hold On for Dear Life – basically, hold onto your crypto to make money. It also says Stonkz on the side –
Award Winning Malaysian Instant Noodles From MyKuali
More than one of these varieties have made a splash on the annual global top ten list. It’s been a while since I sampled them, so MyKuali sent them again to be taste-tested. Pretty excited for these! Let’s have a look.
MyKuali Sends Amazing Malaysian Rice Vermicelli
For years, I’ve enjoyed MyKuali’s amazing products which showcase the exotic and strong flavors of Malaysia. Here, we have rice vermicelli varieties – pretty easily found and quite good – check ’em out!
Mom’s Dry Noodle Sends #1 Taiwanese Top Ten Variety
Here’s a premium variety I tried last year that topped the Taiwanese top ten instant noodles list – definitely worth another try! Here I’ll unbox it and show you what I mean!
Instant Spreads – Prison Ramen To The Next Level
Some of you may have heard of ‘spreads.’ In prisons, people will bring a bit of this, and a bit of that and all come together in a community way and share what they have to make a special feast called a spread. Well, the folks at Instant Spreads save you the hassle of going to prison by bringing you Instant Spreads – all you do isd add boiling water and you’re on your way to flavorland! Let’s check it out!
Zenpop Ramen Subscription Unboxing – April 2022 + COUPON CODE
It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
Umai Crate Ramen Subscription Box – April 2022 + Coupon Code
Check this out! These subscription boxes come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! Check out and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! Here’s the latest unboxing of the April 2022 Umai Crate!
#4121: SesaOle Sesanood Sesaiginal – United States
This one sounds interesting. So, this is a Taiwanese made product specifically for the US market. This sounds as if it’s full of sesame with the sesa prefix to all the parts of the product’s name and maker! Let’s check it out!
#3972: Maruchan Wonton Soup Chicken Flavor – United States
Definitely not ramen, but something interesting from a domestic company known for ramen. Found this at Uwajimaya in Bellevue, Washington when I was picking up some narutomaki. Let’s check it out!
#4120: MIT Shallot Sauce Dry Noodle – Taiwan
Thanks to James from Lakeside, CA for shooting these over – awesome! Haven’t seen this brand before – I don’t think they have anything to do with the college… Sounds good though; I generally enjoy anything shallot sauce flavor. Let’s give it a go!
#4119: Sapporo Ichiban Tonkotsu Ramen Japanese Style Noodles – United States
This one came from Exotic Noods! Exotic Noods has great monthly subscription boxes with products from around the world. Worth a look! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#4118: Binh Tay Mi Kiwi – Vietnam
This is the first of quite a few varieties that Binh Tay was kind enough to send over – thank you! This is a first for me – kiwi flavor instant noodles! I believe there’s actual kiwi in there. This should be really interesting – let’s delve right in!
Zenpop Ramen Subscription Unboxing – March 2022 + COUPON CODE
It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Great as a gift or to hoard for yourself! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
A Time Honored Family Ramen Tradition
Today is a special day. It was the first day that my (at the time) future wife and I moved in together. Since then, we’ve made this recipe for instant noodles time, and time again. It’s a tradition. Traditions are important, like monster trucks and motocross rallies; like fresh air, happiness, and warm summer nights. Allow me to proudly present the last ramen hack that you will ever need in your arsenal – an arsenal of freedom to taste excellence.
#4117: Charming Couple Biang Biang Scallion Chicken Sauce – Taiwan
Recently got a huge box of these from Charming Couple – thanks! So this is biang biang, a very wide belt noodle. They sent 4 varieties and will be trying them soon – they all have really funny graphics on them. Let’s check this one out!
#4116: immi Tom Yum “Shrimp” Flavor Ramen Soup – United States
This is the third of three immi varieties I received from the company – thanks! They use pumpkin flour to make these noodles and thus far, I’ve had mixed results on the noodles’ consistency and chew. The first one I disliked a lot, however the second I liked quite a bit. Let’s check out this third and final iteration.
#4115: Nan Chuan Dao Sheng Wuhan Sesame Hot Sauce Konjac Rice Noodle – China
Konjac noodles generally are very chewy and rubbery – unless they have a gauge that works well with them. That being said, they’re also quite low in calories – extremely low. This one seems to marry konjac and rice together for the noodle. However, if it were simply konjac, it would be much lower. Anyways, let’s see what we have.
#4114: Naked Chinese Style Orange Chicken Flavor – United Kingdom
Well this was a nice surprise – British noodles at a local store? Unteresting the new things I’m starting to see around here. I rarely get UK varieties – I enjoy reviewing them a lot, too. Let’s check this one out and see what’s up.
#4113: Sapporo Ichiban Pokémon Noodle Salt And Seafood Flavor – Japan
Here’s an interesting one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#4112: Red Chef Hae Bee Hiam Dried Noodles – Singapore
This one was on the global top ten list last year, but under a different brand name. This time, it’s by Red Chef. But does it taste the same? One easy way to find out! I remember a strong prawn flavor that was just relentless – and if you like sweet prawn sauce like me, you’re going to really lose it over this. Let’s check it out!
Prima Tastes Sends Samples From Singapore!
I’ve been taste-testing products for a long time, and every time I get something from Prima Taste, I’m pretty excited. I remember years back when I first tried their products I was just blown away and have been so ever since! Let’s crack open this box and see what is within this time!
Japan Crate Umai Crate Unboxing – March 2022
Check this out! These subscription boxes come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! Check out and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles! Here’s the latest unboxing of the March 2022 Umai Crate!
#4111: immi Spicy “Beef” Flavor Ramen Soup – United States
Pumpkin seed noodles – it just fascinated me, especially since I’ve been doing weird things with bread. Now I want a noodle machine to load with all sorts of interesting things… Very curious how this oe will turn out. Last time, they were on the extremely chewy side and so we will see. Let’s give these low carb noodles a try!
#4110: Acecook Hello Kitty Kawaii Tonkotsu Noodle – Japan
Here’s an interesting one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#4109: Hi-Lai Foods Lai Noodle Vegan Sesame Paste Flavor – Taiwan
Definitely excited about this one – today I got home from a ten mile walk and found a big box at my doorstep. I haven’t even edited the unboxing video yet – and here we are. This as far as I can tell, is their Pepper Sesame Lai Noodle – it also sounds like it’s the favorite of an influential lady in Taiwan. Let’s check it out!
#4108: Nissin Menya Itto Ramen – Japan
This looks like a fancy one – it came in a 5am Ramen subscription box! Check em out at and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Fresh Yakisoba & Korean Ramyun Recipes!
A couple days ago on my birthday I decided to make a video where I cook up the yakisoba I served everyone. Then today I decided to slack off and have a nice bowl of Korean ramyun and shot a video of that. So, without further adieu, here they are in their entirety. By the way, thanks for all the kind birthday wishes! Hope you enjoy!
Red Chef Malaysian Hae Bee Hiam
A top ten lister gets a new name and branding – what happens? It gets a new review as well. The Red Chef folks were kind enough to send some over and here they are – let’s check ’em out!
Red Chef & KampongKu Samples From Malaysia!
Today I received a box from Malaysia witrh a myriad of varieties – Let’s crack this box open and see what is within!
#4107: Myojo Bubuka Style Aburasoba 5th Level Spicy – Japan
Here’s an interesting one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!