The last ramen bread I made was 100% instant noodles, however had more moisture than I wanted it to have, so I thought perhaps lighter on the eggs and liquids would prove for a more loafy loaf – less cake like. Well, what happened was nothing short of a Christmas miracle really and something new. What if I told you you could take a few packs of Top Ramen and turn it into popcorn chicken? That’s like diamonds in the microwave but it actually happened! Let’s give it a whirl, Earl!
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
#3968: New Touch Hakodate Shio Ramen – Japan
This looks like a fancy one – it came in a 5am Ramen subscription box! Check em out at and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
Bread Made Completely From Instant Noodles! #ramenbread
At the outset of my bread making journey, the idea of making a loaf of bread by grinding up noodle blocks was always in the back of my head. Literally transmuting instant noodles through kitchen alchemy into a loaf of bread. I tried it once and it failed miserably. I wanted to find out why and I asked an expert in the field of wheat and noodles. Well, he said I needed an emulsifier – that would release the oil from the ramen ‘flour. Huge thanks to Dr. Gary Hou!’ Well, let’s see how it went this time – spoiler alert – it worked!
#3967: Paldo Namja (Men’s) Ramen – South Korea
Wow – it’s been forever since I had this one, so it’s getting a fresh and new review today. Namja mean’s it’s for men in Korean – sorry ladies! I dunno though, it could be an ingenious marketing ploy – tell women it’s not for them, they might just go and eat copious amounts of it to prove that they can handle the heat and garlic. What’s interesting is that I would say when it comes to gender specific ramen, I would say I’ve seen more that are purposefully geared towards women. Anyways, let’s check this one out!
Red Chef Pandan White Curry Ramen Bread! #ramenbread
Yeah I’m back at it. I saw a Zojirushi bread machine at a thrift store the other day and thought ‘man, this thing looks cherry,’ so I carried the thing to the grocery store where I got a gallon of milk and other stuff (which was my original reason for venturing out) and then had to carry everything home. This bread machine isn’t small or anything so yeah – it was a battle I fought and won which I enjoy thoroughly.
#3966: Myojo Selection Just Noodles & Soup Ramen – Japan
This looks like a fancy one – it came in a 5am Ramen subscription box! Check em out at and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
A Special Announcement
#3965: Maruchan Umakara Tonkotsu Ramen – Japan
Here’s a classic one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
The Ramen Rater: How I Review Instant Noodles v3.1
As I quickly approach my 5000th published review, I thought I ought to share how I do all my reviews. Over the years, the way I do things has evolved. In my first video, back in 2015, I was using much different equipment. In 2017, I was using much different equipment as well, and using different techniques. Now in 2023, things have changed slightly as I’ve concentrated quite a bit on even more streamlining of workflow. I’m always trying to streamline things and making the stuff I have to do more efficient so I can take less time on the technical side and more time on the creative side of the process.
#3964: Vida Food Group Pozole Chicken Flavor Instant Ramen Soup – United States
Here’s the second of the two Vida Food Group varieties that were sent. I was somewhat familiar with what Menudo was, but aside from seeing a meme online, I know absolutely northing about Pozole. Wikipedia, if you please –
#3963: Vida Food Group Menudo Beef Flavor Instant Ramen Soup – United States
I got a big FedEx box yesterday with these and another variety from Vida Food Group and couldn’t wait to give them a try. This one is Menudo – let’s ask Wikipedia about it –
#3962: Maruchan Akai Tanuki Tempura Udon – Japan
Here’s a classic one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3961: Nissin U.F.O. Chow Mein Noodles Sichuan Style Shredded Pork Artificial Flavour – Hong Kong
This one arrived in an Exotic Noods subscription box – check ’em out and use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3960: Acecook Yotsuba Rich Black Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Here’s a fancy one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3959: Mom’s Dry Noodle Red-Braised Beef Noodle Soup – Taiwan
The last boxed variety I tried from Mom’s Dry Noodle was an absolute knockout. It was by far the finest chicken instant I’ve had bar none in all the years of my reviewing. Now, we’ve got a beed variety and I’ve very curious as to how this is going to be. You’re not going to find this one in the states – maybe eBay or might work. This one contains beef and I’m guessing a good amount of it! Alright – let’s get down to giving this a try.
#3958: Souper Chow Mein With Soup Stock – United States
Here’s one that was in a box from Exotic Noods. They have monthly subscription boxes that are rad – full of varieties from around the world! If you want to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3957: Sapporo Ichiban Pickles Buta Kimchi Ramen – Japan
Here’s one that came in a box – use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount!
#3956: Nissin Cup Noodles Stir Fry Teriyaki Chicken Flavor – United States
These are an interesting range that people seem to like a lot. I’ve been impressed with them thus far and I figure teriyaki chicken ought to be good – but let’s give it a try.
#3955: Thai Chef Artificial Chicken Flavour Oriental Style Instant Cup Noodles – Thailand
Here’s a new one from Thai Chef. A chicken cup noodle! No range is complete without chicken in most cases. Let’s check it out!
#3954: Shinsegae Mamee Daebak Ghost Pepper Cheese Spicy Chicken Flavour – Malaysia
My God yes! New varieties from Malaysia arrived the other day and I’m absolutely thrilled! Do you know anything about Malaysia? If you did, you would know it’s perfection. I can’t think of a more awesome place. Really. Okay, I love Taiwan and Thailand too. Every place I’ve had the fortune to be able to visit has been just amazing – Mlaysia was the first though. I see YouTube folks that go and visit these amazing places all the time and I envy them. I officially BEG YOU – Mamee Doubledecker, bring my family for a visit? I’ll do a ton of videos and everything. It would be so awesome – just fly us over and give us a couch to sleep on! Well, I am speaking for myself; I think my wife and kids would need a little more – but please? Somebody! I will tell you, Malaysia has the flavors you desire if you can’t get enough of bright flavors and innovative taste. This one will be interesting – ultra spicy. Cheese. Let’s give it a go!
#3953: Sapporo Ichiban Waraa Kagoshima Pork Shabu-Shabu Taste Ramen – Japan
Found this in a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Inspired by Kagoshima’s pork shabushabu, these soy sauce-flavored ramen deliver a rich taste of pork paired with dried bonito and kelp. It reminds of the seas off the shores of Kagoshima prefecture on the island of Kyushu. Made with a new technology, the noodles have a firm and tough texture, what Italians might call al dente. The soy sauce-flavored soup brings a deep richness from the local black pork, and a lot of umami from the bonito and kelp, topped with a sprinkle of green onions, pork, and flower-shaped kamaboko (蒲鉾).’ Cool let’s give it a go.
#3952: Thai Chef Artificial Duck Flavour – Thailand
It used to be that I would shy away for the odd duck flavored instant noodle that would cross my desk, however these days I see them and a smile crossed my aging face. Duck. It reminds of when I have been in Asia, a place I so wish to see again. These are made by the same company that makes the MAMA range of noodle products, undoubtedly one you’re familiar with if you are a noodle aficionado. Let’s give this duck noodle a try as I look back wistfully at the days of dreams in Asia past and hopefully the future untold they will hold.
KampongKu Instant Noodles & Pastes From Malaysia!
Here’s something new from the folks that brought you Red Chef – KampongKu! Some very unique flavors of instant noodles and pastes from MAlaysia to try! Let’s check them out and hear a bit of info on the company.
Red Chef Sends Samples All The Way From Malaysia!
Red Chef sent me a ton of instant noodles all the way from Malaysia last week! Thank you very much! With my recent bread obsession and all, this is really great for making new and exotic flavors. Three of these varieties have been on my annual Top Ten mega list! Let’s check it out and see what’s inside!
#3951: Sugakiya Foods Josui Shio Ramen – Japan
This looks like a fancy one – it came in a 5am Ramen subscription box! Check em out at and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Instant Ramen Subscription Box Unboxing + Coupon Code – October 2021
It’s time to unbox a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Let’s check it out!
#3950: Acecook Yakisoba Mocchi Cchi Hello Kitty Edition – Japan
Found this in a box – you get seven varieties of instant noodles to try! I would say that almost every time I’ve gotten one of these, I’ve never tried any of them before which is really awesome. Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a groovy discount! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘Acecook with some more innovation! With an original square-shaped cup, these Acecook yakisoba (焼きそば, fried soba noodles) are a treat for your taste buds. Ready to enjoy after a quick boil, and having drained the water, the noodles reproduce the texture of handmade noodles. It’s just like you’d make a dish of fried noodles at home, but instant! The dashi-flavored sauce together with the bonito is a perfect combination for an enjoyable meal.’ Let’s check it out!
Nissin Cup Noodles Bread #ramenbread #UseYourNoodleContest
I did say my last loaf of bread would be the last for a while, but then I saw that Nissin Foods was doing a contest (#USEYOURNOODLECONTEST) having to do with innovation for their 50th Anniversary of the introduction of Cup Noodles. I really like making bread from instant noodles; some of you might think I’m a little off my rocker, but it’s fun, completely different from what I’ve been doing, and it’s really neat to put a bunch of things together and have something come out nicely. Whether I win the contest or not (it would be nice to win), I’m happy with what I did here. Let’s check it out =- I used one noodle block and the seasoning from 10 Cup Noodles Chicken flavor! Let’s go!
Buldak Corn Spicy Ramen Bread! #ramenbread
Yeah, after the last attempt at making bread out of South Korean instant noodles, I needed to explore further. Today, I’m going to infuse a loaf with a block of instant noodles, a can of corn, and chicken, and a wallop of sesame seeds! One thing to note – in the video I mention the dates this one will release on YouTube – I made a mistake. It’ll release on September 20th, and it will also release on December 24th – I thought it would on September 23rd. So, that was a mistake. Let’s take a trip down Corn Lane!
#3949: Little Couples Dry Noodle Fish Head Casserole – Taiwan
Here’s a unique and tradition variety from Taiwan. I’ve had fish head curry in Penang, Malaysia before, but this sounds like it’s quite different. Very curious about this one – let’s give it a try!
Exotic Noods Subscription Box – September 2021
Check it out! It’s Exotic Noods! A box every month of absolutely awesome noodles from around the world! Use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount!
#3948: Yamasa Artisanal Ramen Broth Miso & Jongga Ramen Sari – USA
So this is an interesting one today. Yamasa sent me some ramen broths and I found this simple block of instant noodles from Jongga to pair it with. Both products are either made in the United States or just for the US market. Time to make some miso ramen!
#3947: Nissin Cup Noodles Roasted Duck Sweet Onion Soup – Germany
I believe this is the last of the German Cup Noodles I was sent from Germany – big thanks to Anna from Nissin DE for sending these along! We arrive at duck. I so wish I could just go to the deli and say ‘yeah, can I have 50 grams of duck?’ Here in the US, nobody sells duck. Only place you’re going to find it is hanging whole duck at Asian grocery stores.I will admit that when I visited Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan, I was treated to some of the finest food in the world – and some of my favorites featured duck. Duck is very popular in Southeast Asia. Wish it were here. Ah well. I dream of someday returning to where I feel I belong. Let’s give this a try!
Red Chef Spicy Sakura Prawn Bread – Malaysia – #ramenbread
Thanks to a nice shipment from the folks at Red Chef in Malaysia (you’ll see the unboxing soon), some Spicy Sakura Prawn Soup Noodle came and that was what I was waiting for! I thought a prawn mee from Malaysia in a loaf of bread could be interesting – especially if I dump a ton of shrimp in with it! Did it work? Of course it did! Check out the video and the recipe is down below.
Samyang Ramen Bread Experiment #ramenbread
I left it to the folks over at the Ramen Junkie Facebook group to pick which #ramenbread would be next for me. I really wanted to do something that incorporated a South Korean variety – last time I tried that though, it was a big fail as I tried to make flour with the noodles. I’ve learned that is definitely NOT the way to go, but using cooked noodles and bread flour in a good mix makes for a nice moist cake and crisp crust. Well, here it is! Best loaf yet and infused with chashu, cheese, and egg. Let’s see what happens when I try to put a ton of stuff in a little loaf of bread with a big block of ramen in it!
#3946: Nissin Donbei Simple Taste Somen – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3945: Nissin 50th Anniversary Top Ramen Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup – United States
I’ve of course reviewed Top Ramen chicken flavor before. However, this is a special release version for their 50th Anniversary. Since 1971, Nissin’s been churning out Top Ramen – and I really appreciate that. The first variety I tried was a Nissin product, which is fitting since they were the makers of the first instant noodle in 1958. Let’s pay tribute and required honor to this, the noodle that introduced the United States to instant noodles.
Daebak Ghost Pepper Instant Noodle Bread
Today, I decided to make something spicy. Really spicy! I had a six pack of these Mamee Shinsegae Ghost Pepper Chicken cups sitting here – I’ve done the mukbang and the review – so why not… BREAD?! They have dark noodles and sauce sachets – this one was sure to burn – and it does. Let’s check it out!
#3944: Little Couples Chicken Rice Flavor Dry Noodle – Taiwan
The last variety I had from Little Couples was their Fish Head Casserole, which was quite good. This one sound good too. It’s a collaboration between Little Couples and the Prince Hotel. Let’s check it out!
#3878: Mom’s Dry Noodle Dandan Noodle – Taiwan
Ever since I first tried this one I was hooked. The noodles, the flavorings – just screams Taiwan. It’s made appearances on my annual big top ten for years as well as the number one spot on the Taiwan top ten. Check it out!