A happy Valentine’s Day to you all! It’s been crazy here – we’ve been dumped on with a ton of snow in the last couple of days. It’s melting though and hopefully it will be all gone soon. It’s been a rough month – the site got hacked, so I started a GoFundMe campaign – which proved that humanity is kind and I have the best viewership/readership in the world – thank you for your kind donations! The site is happy, and a couple items on the wish list were also got – a couple camera for Instant Noodle Recipe Time were donated, and I was able to get a scanner that measure 11×17 (the one I have has condensation on the inside and the new one should be here tomorrow). Then, this morning I come out to the living room to find my data drive where I keep the bulk of my day-to-day assets like templates etc. was hosed. Wouldn’t spin up. Luckily, there were finds left over from the GoFundMe that covered a new hard drive. I though – hey maybe the old one might still be under warranty and fished it out of the trash bin. No dice on that, but gave it one last try and it fired up! It’s backing up data right this second and should be done shortly! The safe bet is to stay with the new one that is coming since who knows how long this one will work. Anyways, I hope every one is having a great Valentine’s Day – it’s been a rollercoaster over here!
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
#3736: Tasty.ly Quick Pasta Cheezy – Malaysia
I’ve been reviewing a lot of these Kay’s and Tasty.ly products recently – it’s pretty neat! I mean, Malaysia isn’t the first place you think of when you think of macaroni and cheese, is it? I really liked the Creamy variety so guessing this is going to be good too. Let’s find out!
#3735: Single Grain Hot & Sour Lava Noodles – China
Here’s another one of the ‘flower pot’ form factor large cups from China. These are generally really quite good so I’ve got high hopes for this one. Plus, it’s dry. I know it has to be. I think. I should say I screwed one of these up recently but I did redo it. Dry varieties when broth is introduced isn’t so wonderful. Let’s give this one a try.
#3734: Maruchan Black Pork Curry Udon – Japan
Here’s one that came from a Zenpop.jp subscription box. Use the coupon code RAMENRATER at checkout for a discount!
#3733: Pamana Instant La Paz Batchoy – United States
The first thing I noticed about this one was toward the top where it mentioned it has real beef and real pork. I so seldom come across varieties from the Philippines that this was a real score. I think I found it up in Canada but I’m not sure. Let’s see what Wikipedia has to say about La Paz Batchoy real quick –
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Boxed Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
I’ll admit, this is a really different list. I’ve done cup and bowl form factor specific lists, but never ones that come in boxes before. I thought maybe this would be a good idea since most things that come in boxes in the noodle world tend to be on a more premium side of things. This is a selection of my favorites that came in boxes current as of review #3,702. Let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Boxed Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition!
#3732: Chillies Brand Hae Bee Hiam – Singapore
When I heard about this, I was immediately interested. Dried shrimp are a big part of this and I’m curious how ‘shrimpy’ the flavor will be. Let’s find out as I review the first variety from Chillies Brand I’ve tried!
Red Chef Malaysia Send Some Samples!
I recently was contacted by the folks at Red Chef who asked if I’d like to try out their varieties again as well as try something new. A total of three of their varieties have held spots on the annual big top ten global list, so I figure yes, of course I want to! Here is what they sent!
#3731: Cheetos Mac’N Cheese Flamin’ Hot Flavor – United States
Here’s the other spicy variety from the Cheetos Mac’N Cheese series. I should note that we tried the non-spicy regular cheese flavor today. Wasn’t bad; wasn’t amazing. Anyways, I also want to point out something – this isn’t macaroni; it’s rotini. Macaroni is pasta shapen in tubes. Rotini isn’t. Just saying. Alright – let’s give this spicy one a try.
#3730: Sapporo Ichiban Hakata Mentaiko Tonkotsu Ramen – Japan
Here’s a fancy one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out zenpop.jp and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount! Tonkotsu is a pork bone based creamy wonderful thing. This one has the added bonus of cod roe. Let’s give it a try.
#3729: Yamamoto Tanuki Oyaji Pirikara Ramen – Japan
I reviewed the Tanuki Oyaji tonkotsu a couple days ago – this one’s the spicy version of that. Thanks again to Daniel from Exotic Noods for shooting these over – use coupon code RAMENRATER15 over there for a discount! Let’s give it a go!
Prima Taste Send My All Time Favorite Noodles
Every year or so, Prima Taste sneds over some samples. This is nice – especially since they’re so good. These have been at the top of my top ten for years now – it’s because they’re freaking wonderful noodles. Check it out!
#3728: Menraku Restaurant Style Ramen “Seafood Tonkotsu” Taste – United States
Here’s one the guys at Exotic Noods sent over – thanks! Looks like you can make it in the traditional style or as tsukemen (pronounced ‘skeh-men’). Tsukemen involved noodle dipping kind of like zaru soba so I’ll make it the regular way as I’m kind of a messy eater to begin with. Let’s give it a try!
Prima Taste Singapore Sends Some Nice Gifts
Every year around Lunar New Year, Prima Taste send some nice goodies – let’s see what’s inside!
#3727: Cheetos Mac’N Cheese Cheesy Jalapeno – United States
This. This created quite a stir (no pun intended) in the Instant Noodles – The Ramen Rater Facebook group. The spicy crowd was fascinated, and the ramen crowd espoused disdain. Cries of ‘that’s not ramen’ rose up in protest. Obviously not; it is pasta – rotini to be exact.
Instant Noodle Bread Comes To The Table
Yes, bread. This is one of many loaves I’ve tried, crafter by the esteemed author Matthew Bellah. Check it out.
#3726: Yamamoto Tanuki Oyaji Tonkotsu Ramen – Japan
Here’s another one from Daniel over at Exotic Noods – use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount – thank you!
Nissin Hot & Spicy Fire Wok!
Nissin sent me another one of their ‘First Taste Club’ boxes – and inside was a new range of spicy varieties. They range from 4 out of 6 pepper heat. 5 out of 6 and the 6 out of 6 which I really wanted to try first but I figured I’d start with the 4 out of 6 and see the progression.
#3725: Vifon Instant Seafood Porridge – Vietnam
Every once in a while, I dig through all the noodles and other things I have and this popped up. Actually, the other day I found a slew of expired stuff from 2018 and 2019 – like expired I mean well over a year! Tossed about 25 pounds of stuff, sadly. Luckily I’ve still got a bunch of stuff to review. This one seemed like an interesting one to do since although it’s not an instant noodle, it’s something you’ll eventually run into on the instant noodle aisle. So sit back, relax, don’t have a cow because it’s neither ramen nor a noodle, and check out rice porridge from Vietnam.
#3724: Wang Gan Jajang – South Korea
This one came once again by way of Daniel over at Exotic Noods – use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount – thanks!
#3723: Tapatio Ramen Noodle Soup Extra Spicy Flavor – United States
The Tapartio guy is flanked by flames this time! But wait – who is he? How did they end up with this guy on this ramen and of course the zillion bottles of hot sauce bearing the name Tapatio?
#3722: TTL Table Wine Carved Chicken Noodle Bowl – Taiwan
Alright so this one’s a little confusing. The bar code on this correlated with review #3035, however there are some distinct differences in the packaging. #3035 doesn’t have side panels and the lid is different. I’m unsure about this one so it’ll get a new review. Let’s give it a try!
Umai Crate Ramen Noodle Subscription Box – February 2021
It’s pretty inadvisable to run to the mall and hang out with tons of people. Well, check out these subscription boxes – they come straight to your door and have some neat stuff inside! Check out www.japancrate.com and use the coupon code THERAMENRATER to score a sweet discount and get some neat noodles!
#3721: Dream Kitchen Curry Udon – United States
I went to Uwajimaya in Bellevue today and looked at all the noodles they had and honestly, this was the only one that piqued my curiosity. I’ve reviewed Dream Kitchen stuff before, but it certainly looked like private label KOKA product – but this one doesn’t seem to be that way. It says it’s a product of the USA, so I’m a little perplexed as to who is actually making these. But either way, it’s curry udon and of that I’m not perplexed and I know I’m partial to curry, so let’s see how it is.
#3720: Myojo Fresh Tomato Ramen – Japan
This one came out of a Zenpop subscription box. Zenpop has great boxes featuring different themes every month with 7 different instant ramen varieties from Japan. Use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount!
#3719: Liangshi Nara Japanese Noodles (Salted Egg Crab Flavor) – China
I’ve had some trouble with these flower pot style cups lately but this one is pretty self explanatory. Holes in the top – it get’s drained. Let’s give it a try!
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition
It seemed to me like I needed to a new country list, but I wasn’t sure which. I was perusing my big list of reviews and noticed at this point, I’ve reviewed a ton of them from India, and I thought a nice list of my favorites would be good. I really would like to review more, so if you’re reading this and with an Indian manufacturer of instant noodles, I’d love to hear from you – please drop me a line! This is a list of my favorites which is current as of review #3,702. With that, let’s check out the debut of The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Indian Instant Noodles Of All Time 2021 Edition.
#3718: Sapporo Ichiban Cup Star Tonkotsu Ramen – Japan
Here’s a fancy one from Japan found in a Zenpop box – check out zenpop.jp and use the coupon code RAMENRATER for a discount! Tonkotsu is a pork bone nased creamy wonderful thing. This one is a pretty well known variety with updated packaging from it’s original more subtle style. Let’s check it out!
Exotic Noods Subscription Box – February 2021
Want to try a nice variety of instant ramen noodles from around the world? Look no further than Exotic Noods – subscription boxes featuring global varieties on a monthly basis! Use coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Check out the video to see what’s in the most recent offering.
#3717: Itomen Onion Flavor Shoyu Ramen – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
Panda Signature Varieties From A Reader Include A Mystery!
What is this? Where does it come from? These are all good questions about these Panda Signature products sent by a guy named Daniel from Montana (thanks again!). After looking all over the packaging and just finding they’re distributed here in the United States by Albany Farms, I noticed something. The HALAL stamp. It’s under the authority that gives out HALAL certifications in… Malaysia!
#3716: Wang Katsuo Udon – South Korea
Here’s one that came via Exotic Noods – check ’em out and use coupon code RAMENRATER15 for a discount!
New Nissin Cup Noodles Stir Fry Varieties!
Nissin’s Cup Noodles Stir Fry varieties have been pretty good so far. I would say the Korean BBQ one is amazing – it actually tastes like Korean BBQ and not some kind of weird acidic strangeness so many things that bear that nomenclature here in the states offer. Well, there’s two new varieties added to the lineup! I found a pretty good deal on them online. Let’s see what they sent!
#3715: Mamee SLRP! Mi Segera Perisa Kari Xtra Pedas – Malaysia
Pedas not enough for you? How bout a little XTRA? Pedas means spicy over in Malaysia and this one means it! I did a mukbang of the cup version of this one a while back and thought I’d better do the pack too since Felix over there was kind enough to ship some over! Let’s give it a go!
#3714: A-Sha Dan Dan Noodle – Taiwan
This one is from A-Sha and it’s going to be available at Costco for a limited period just in time for Chinese New Year! Like is says on the box, there’s aren’t any sachets in here; it’s literally just blocks of noodles in individual packages. I’ve got an idea for something to do with these, and I thought I’d get this review out in a timely fashio. So let’s check ’em out and give ’em a try!
Limited-Time A-Sha Dan Dan Noodle At Costco For Lunar New Year!
The nice folks at A-Sha Dry Noodle sent these over – they weren’t sure if they should since it doesn’t have any sachets, but I figured hey – this would be fun!
The Official Flag Of The Ramen Rater
So I’m now happy to announce that The Democratic Republic Of The Ramen Rater is now a thing! There’s a flag! Well, kind of. It was a free custom printed blanket. But I can say the flag of my sovereign country is most certainly the most comfy flag in the world! At least I’m guessing it is… Check it out!
#3713: Kay’s Instant Macaroni Chicken Soup – Malaysia
There’s been a lot of comment in the Instant Noodles – The Ramen Rater Facebook lately concerning ramen vs pasta. This most certainly is pasta. However, a chicken macaroni soup from Malaysia definitely an interesting thing. Plus it’s instant. Let’s give it a try!
#3712: Soup de Pasta Tarako Roe Cream Soup – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3711: Single Grain Spicy Sichuan Pepper Instant Noodles – China
This one’s a bit of a toughie for me. I found it called LM Spicy Pepper Instant Noodle and thought that can’t be quite it. I also found something by searching the bar code having to do with this noodle and Sprite – like the soda. Maybe a package deal? I’m not sure. My thought is that this is actually a green sichuan pepper variety – I mean the lettering is green… I hope not since I abhor green Sichian pepper. But we shall see. Instructions look to b pretty straightforward at least.