I thought I ought to start at the beginning. I’m pretty sure this and the rice wine spring chicken varieties are the first that TTL shared with the world and it just made sense to go with those to begin Meet The Manufacturer. Here’s a little about Shaoxing wine, featured in this variety from Wikipedia –
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
Meet The Manufacturer: #3033: TTL Bolognese Red Wine Sauce Instant Noodle – Taiwan
Today, we have a traditional Italian variety – from Taiwan? Yup – Italian noodles from Taiwan! Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about bolognese –
Unboxing: Culley’s World’s Hottest Ramen Noodles – New Zealand
As you probably know, I come out with an annual top ten spiciest list. Well, this product claims to be the hottest – period. It’s made with the infamous Carolina Reaper Pepper – something I’ll admit I’ve not come in contact with. This is my first look at them and I take a little time to check out what comes in the box as well as the ingredients and some nutrition stats.
Meet The Manufacturer: Re-Review: TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Flavor With Rice Wine Instant Noodle – Taiwan
When I think of rice wine, my mind immediately goes to sake from Japan. I was surprised to find that there are many different kinds of rice wine – here’s a pretty extensive list from Wikipedia –
Meet The Manufacturer: #3032: TTL Hua-Diao Dongpo Braised Pork Instant Noodle – Taiwan
Today we have something special. I’ve been curious about Dongpo’s Pork for a while and this looks like it’d be a good one. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it –
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From TTL (2 of 2) – Taiwan
Here’s the second box of samples from Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor (TTL). Again, I wasn’t completely sure what was in here, but I was definitely keen on finding out what was in this big box! Let’s find out together!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From TTL (1 of 2) – Taiwan
I was really thrilled to get a huge box from Taiwan as always, but I wasn’t exactly sure what this box was at the outset. I really enjoy a surprise as well, so let’s watch as I crack this box open and look at some of the varieties for review in this Meet The Manufacturer series!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With TTL – Taiwan
Interview with TTL * Product Samples from TTL (1 of 2) * Product Samples from TTL (2 of 2) * TTL Hua-Diao Dongpo Braised Pork Instant Noodle * TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Flavor With Rice Wine Instant Noodle * TTL Bolognese Red Wine Sauce Instant Noodle * TTL Spring Chicken With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle * TTL Hua Diao Pickled Vegetable Beef Instant Noodle * TTL Carbonara White Wine Carbonara Instant Noodle * TTL Spring Chicken With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle * TTL Sesame Oil Chicken Flavor With Rice Wine Instant Noodle * TTL Pickled Vegetable Beef With Hua-Diao Liquor Instant Noodle
Pringles Yakisoba! Zenpop November 2018 – Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater – Japan
Here’s the latest and greatest box from www.zenpop.jp! Use coupon code RAMENRATER at checkout for a discount! Let’s have a look.
#3028: Maruchan Yakisoba Korean BBQ Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States
I and my family got the flu – well, unsure if it was the flu but it was definitely a pretty mean cold. Yeah – I got it then my wife, then out kids – and two small children with the sick while you have it is a daunting situation. But we needed to get some things at the store so we all went and I ran in. I got the sick first so was getting to the point of starting to get over it while everyone else was knee deep in it. I thought hey – I’ll look at the noodle aisle. I always look at the noodle aisle. Lo and behold, they had this at Safeway. What?! Yep! something new to review at Safeway. Not the norm! So let’s see what the heck we have here and how it pans out.
#3027: Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen Donburi – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘When the theme of the pack is all about salty noodle dishes, we can never leave out Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen. The soup has an authentic umami taste of chicken, pork, and vegetable. The aromatic flavor of sesame makes it complete and exceptional.’
#3026: Mom’s Dry Noodle Shiitake Zhajiang – Taiwan
Today we’ve got something new from Mom’s Dry Noodle with their new shiitake zhajiang. Shiitake mushrooms… Hmmm… Curious if I’ll like this one… I wish I liked mushrooms more – my wife loves mushrooms – so does my buddy from Germany. Shiitake have a strong flavor to them… Curious how that will translate in here. Hopefully well! Let’s find out!
Pardoning The Turkey – Thanksgiving 2012 Throwback!
I think the following post came out in 2011 or 2012 – either way, it was something I made before turkey was in the oven and done, and I think I ended up cheezing out on working the turkey magic – all the guts and skin pulling and funky just kind of nauseated me… So here’s what I made for breakfast that day. Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!
Japan Candy Box Tasting & Giveaway! The Chocolate Break EXTRA
So the other day I did an unboxing of the November 2018 Japan Candy Box and today, it’s time to give everything a try! Not only that, look below and enter a contest to win a free box!
#3025: Uncle Sun Dry Black Pepper Crab Noodle – Malaysia
Got an email awhile back about a couple new Uncle Sun varieties. I’d not tried anything from them since their white curries and was happy to hear about their black pepper crab and chili crab offerings. Really want to try this one… Well, no time like the present!
#3024: Nissin Cup Noodle Nice Pork Shoyu (New Version) – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one – ‘This is as nice as the name indicates! While the soup is thick and rich, this is also a bit better for you with fewer calories than the original Nissin Cup Noodles. Is that even possible? You’ll know it once you try this.’
#3023: Trader Joe’s Chicken Ramen Soup – United States
I know a lot of people are really into Trader Joe’s. What I’ve seen is that they find brands and products they think would be good with their packaging and then get the company that makes it to do a private label for them and sells it under their name. I think that’s what it looks like here. In fact, maybe these should be known not as Trader Joe’s but Trader Mike’s – as everything looks about the same as this one. Yup – I’m pretty sure these are made by Mike’s Mighty Good. Anyways, let’s have a look and give it a try!
#3022: Myojo Japanese Yakisoba Curry Flavor – United States
I was in Bellevue the other day and hit Uwajimaya for a couple things. I thought hey – I’ll make yakisoba for dinner! I just got a big huge frying wok and so that should be fun. So I go to the aisle with the cold cases and find the yakisoba. The one I usually pick up was frozen hard as a rock – not cool. I looked for another and most of those were brick-hard. Then I found this one and was happy. Well, I get it home and I’m pissed. It’s curry. Now, everyone knows I love curry; it’s almost a religious thing for me. But not everyone in my place likes curry for dinner. So that was that – no yakisoba for dinner. It’s my fault for not noticing it was curry, but then again I wish the one I wanted wasn’t akin to a cinder block in its solidness. But personally, I know this should be pretty good stuff – let’s give it a try!
Unboxing Time: Exotic Noods November Green Box – United States
So the folks at Exotic Noods (www.exoticnoods.com) sent another box for you to check out! This is the October box and I’ll also be sharing with you the December 2018 box when it arrives! By the way, you can use coupon code BOOM for a great discount! Let’s check it out!
#3021: Itsuki Sapporo “Miso” Ramen – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3020: Panco Lamen HOT Sabor Galinha A Moda Baiana – Brazil
Here’s one sent by Daniel from Brazil – thanks again! A new brand I’ve never tried – Panco! So Galinha I have been told is kind of like a ‘young hen’ flavor. I’ve also been told it’s a little oilier. Anyways, spicy chicken is what I’m guessing here – let’s see what it’s all about!
#3019: Sau Tao Tom Yum Kung Flavour Ramen – Hong Kong
Found this at the brand spanking new T&T Supermarket at Lansdowne Centre up in Richmond, BC recently. That place was a zoo the day we visited – so many people! But got out of there with a couple things. Anyways, a straight noodle tom yum sounds just bizarre – and possibly really good! Let’s find out.
Kylie Jenner Ramen Noodles Recipe – perfected by The Ramen Rater
I know, I know. You’re probably like, ‘dude, are you really doing thing?’ The answer is yes. I was told by a professional that I should give this a go. I mean, why not – there’s the recipe. I think I can put a little spin on it though and why not. Maybe my son Miles will want to try it too? He’s three and knows probably as much about Kylie Jenner as I do. Like I say in the video here, all I know about Kylie Jenner is that her father used to be Bruce Jenner and changed gender and is now… Caitlynn Jenner – okay yeah that’s the name – I couldn’t remember. I know there’s a TV show with these people but I’ve never seen it and honestly don’t know why Kylie Jenner is famous (please comment below if you’re hip to that). But let’s give a try at these vague ingredient mentions and see what happens.
#3018: Sapporo Ichiban Spicy Champon – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
Meet The Manufacturer: #3017: Vite Ramen Soy Sauce Chicken – United States
Today I review the last of the three Vite Ramen varieties. The first two were quite good and actually quite fascinating! Definitely something different – and good different. Let’s check out the third variety from Vite Ramen – Soy Sauce Chicken.
Meet The Manufacturer: #3016: Vite Ramen Garlic Pork – United States
Two things I really enjoy are pork and garlic. Two more are curry and bacon. But hey – today it’s garlic and pork and I’m pretty happy about that. Now the question is: can a product made to have lots of protein and vitamins and be made to be healthy taste good. I’m really hoping so! Every once in a while there are game changing products in the instant noodle world and this could very well be one of those. But no way to find out until it gets a taste. Well, let’s hit it!
Meet The Manufacturer: #3015: Vite Ramen Vegan Mushroom Shio – United States
Today we kick things off on this interesting Meet The Manufacturer series with Vite Ramen’s Vegan option. If you didn’t know, there are three varieties from Vite Ramen – at least initially. Also, just so you know at the outset of this and the following reviews, these are prototypes. From what I’ve been told, this is what you’ll be getting, however the sachets in the final iteration will look different. So let’s give this first one a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Vite Ramen (2 of 2) – United States
As a company who got a lot of backing from Kickstarter, they had to come up with a perk for folks who contributed. This special bowl is a really neat perk that has really cool proprties! What are they? Watch and find out!
Meet The Manufacturer: Product Samples From Vite Ramen (1 of 2) – United States
In order to do reviews, we need some samples. This was really exciting – prototypes! I don’t often get prototypes, so it was a great honor to be one of the very first to try these new products during the development process. Let’s take a look!
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Vite Ramen – United States
#3014: Men Sunaoshi Sapporo Sauce Yakisoba – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3013: Kinchan Noodle Shoyu Tonkotsu – Japan
Here’s one from Wes up in north eastern Canada – thank you again! He has time and again sent really interesting varieties by Kinchan of Japan – really hard to find stuff. This one’s a shoyu tonkotsu – let’s check it out!
#3012: Samyang Foods Sriracha Ramen Snack – South Korea
Here we have what you call a ramen snack or noodle snack. These are popular throughout Asia but little known in the United States. In a way. It was often I heard about people taking a domestic pillow pack of instant noodles here in the states and pulverizing it while still in the package and then the seasoning dumped on and held closed, then shaken to distribute the flavor. This was commonly considered a somewhat of a lazy teenager’s way of cooking one of the easiest products to cook around. Well, they’ve been creating products that are prepared in this way for a very long time in Asia. Spicy, sweet, salty – you name it. Here’s Samyang’s Sriracha Ramen flavored one for you to see today!
#3011: San-Iku Shio Ramen – Japan
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#3010: Vedan Wei Wei Premium Noodle With Braised Beef – Taiwan
This one comes by way of a reader from Taiwan who visited t he Philippines and saw this and a spicy version there. This is most definitely an export version. First, lots of English text. Now, you’ll never see this in the United States as it does contain beef. Casn’t go wrong with braised beef – well, I guess you could if it’s bad, but I don’t think that’s going to be the case here. Let’s find out!
Zenpop October 2018 – Unboxing Time With The Ramen Rater – Japan
Here’s the latest and greatest box from www.zenpop.jp! Use coupon code RAMENRATER at checkout for a discount! Let’s have a look.
#3009: Acecook Yokosuka Navy Curry Udon – Japan
Today we have a Zenpop.JP variety – so what’s Zenpop? They’re a subscription service for all things Japanese! Definitely, check them out. By the way, use coupon code RAMENRATER to get $2 off! Here’s what they had to say about this one –
#3008: Indomie Real Meat Mi Instan Goreng Rendang – Indonesia
First, thanks to Robert Z for sending this along! Check out his amazing www.dadbert.com blog!! II mean wow – I’ve been wanting to try these for a while now and figured I would probably never get one. So yeah – it’s in here – real meat! Rendang is also one of my favorite things in the known universe. Here’s a little about it from Wikipedia –
Umai Crate: Japanese Instant Ramen Box – October 2018 – Unboxing Time
Another month, another box! We have a new Umai Crate to unbox! Japan Crate curates these and there’s always something interesting going on in these boxes – usually quite a few somethings! Coupon code below – check it out!
#3007: Myojo Ramen Char Mee 100 – Singapore
Here’s one that was sent by Myojo of Singapore – thanks again! So, what’s char mee? I did a bit of research on Wikipedia about char mee. It was a little vague but I am hoping what I gleaned was right. So, this is like Hokkien mee without broth. Let’s see what this is all about.