You may recall I reviewed some Nissin Cup Noodles Tom Yum chips a while back – those were from Singapore while these are from Hong Kong. Here’s a little about tom yum from Wikipedia –
Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch
#2749: Maruchan Bariuma Goboten Udon
I looked around a bit and read that these big things in here are burdock tempura. Should be interesting – if you don’t know about burdock, here’s some info from Wikipedia –
#2748: MyKuali Penang Red Tom Yum Goong Noodle (2018 Recipe)
There have been some big changes over at MyKuali and the recipes of all their flavors are getting a bit of ‘tweaking.’ Many times in the past, MyKuali has changed recipes. I’m very curious to see what they’ve done with this one. The first time I tried it was in 2014 and I really enjoyed it then – it ended up on the 2015 Top Ten – let’s see how this new recipe taste.
#2747: Nissin Cup Noodles Kyushu White Flavour (Open Sesame)
Okay so I’ve reviewed this one in the past, however they’ve changed the recipe. Nissin Singapore sent me samples for review (thank you!) and so I’ve been going through many of these new version cups.
#2746: Ve Wong Fried Noodles With Mexican Chili Flavor
This was one I couldn’t leave Taiwan without. I saw this at RT Mart during my trip and passed it up since it was a 4 or 5 pack. But when I saw it again at Carrefour, I realized I’d better snag this one.
#2745: Nissin U.F.O. Big Wasabi-Mayo Yakisoba
Another one I picked up at Osaka in the Yaohan Centre up in Richmond, BC. This should prove to be a boatload of yakisoba! So, what’s yakisoba? Here’s what wikipedia has to say on the matter –
#2744: Myojo Charumera Non-Fried Tonkotsu Ramen
This one comes by way of Japan Ramen Box. Japan Ramen Box is a new subscription box outfit with neat varieties to check out! Go visit their website and have a look!
#2743: Nongshim Korean Clay Pot Ramyun
Here’s one I got up in Canada a few months back. Yeah – lately we go up to Canada almost once a month. It’s fun up there – I’m thinking though we’re going to have to venture outside of just going to Richmond and hitting Vancouver one of these days.
#2742: Sapporo Ichiban Akita Kiritanpo Ramen
Here’s another one from Zenpop.JP. Zenpop offers a lot of diverse Japanese boxes – lots of assorted things like ramen and also stationary among other things. Here’s what they have to say about this variety –
#2741: MyKuali Penang White Curry Noodle (2018 Recipe)
This is the instant noodle that started my fascination with Malaysia. About five years ago I got some samples and was just floored. It hit 7th place back then on the top ten spicy list and was a really big deal. Then it hit #1 on the regular top ten list in 2014. The recipe has changed at least three times since it’s original release I think and this might be the fourth iteration of flavor for Penang White Curry from Mykuali. Let’s not delay – let’s give it a try!
Meet The Manufacturer: #2740: Meimen Hot & Sour Noodles Soup
Today, we say goodbye to Meimen and their trifecta of instant noodle varieties as we take a look at their hot & sour variety. As I mentioned previously, all three are Vegan-friendly varieties. Let’s dig into this, the final noodle from Meimen for Meet The Manufacturer.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2739: Meimen Noodles With Soy Bean Paste
Here’s another one – the second of three varieties from Meimen of Taiwan for this Meet The Manufacturer series. As mentioned previously, all of these are Vegan-friendly. I should also mention – I really like the artwork on these! Let’s take a look at this soy bean paste variety.
Meet The Manufacturer: #2738: Meimen Tomato Noodles Soup
To start things off, we have a tomato variety from Meimen. Just as a reminder, all of the Meimen products are Vegan.
Unboxing Time: Product Samples From Meimen
Can’t do a Meet The Manufacturer series without samples! Here they are!
Product Samples From Meimen – Taiwan
Meet The Manufacturer: Interview With Meimen
#2737: Wei Lih Chicken Flavor
I found this one at RT Mart in Taipei., Taiwan. Okay so RT Mart. It’s big – I mean big. The aisle with instant noodles was probably the largest I’ve seen to date not only lengthwise, but height as well.
#2736: Kaset Instant Vermicelli Spicy Seafood Salad Flavour
Found this one at the Jason’s Market grocery store in the bottom of the Taipei 101. I thought it looked interesting; first, it’s from Thailand. Second, it’s bean thread. I haven’t reviewed anything with beat thread in a very, very long time!
#2735: Myojo Chicken Abalone Flavour
Alrighty so here’s another one of the Myojo varieties I have from Singapore. These are new formulations of longstanding popular varieties. Indeed, they invoke the term ‘yummy’ on this packaging and I will admit that although I rarely use it, it’s an important term. Let’s see if it’s fitting to include it in this one.
#2734: Lipton Soup Secrets Extra Noodle Soup Mix With Real Chicken Broth
So what we have here is something from the United States I haven’t really delved into much. I reviewed their Cup-A-Soup on review #2544. I thought this was a Cup-A-Soup, however, it’s a Soup Secrets variety. It’s getting cold outside – better eat your soup! Wait I shouldn’t have told you that because it’s a secret… The soup secret. Don’t tell anyone… Let’s have a look.
#2733: Jinbo Selection SOul Spicy Noodles
Was emailed in October 2017 by a representative of this company about trying their samples. I thought hey – of course, I’ll try them. I don’t know if I’ve ever turned down samples – the only time I do usually is when there’s a variety that’s just noodles – no flavoring. Although I’ve done reviews of just noodles and just broths that can be mixed and matched though.
#2732: Nissin Demae Ramen Korean Spicy Flavour Instant Noodle
Here’s one that came my way from Nissin Hong Kong – thank you! This looks interesting – a Korean variety from Hong Kong. It seems like Korean varieties are popular throughout southeast Asia – saw quite a few in November 2017 in Taiwan. Anyways, let’s have a look inside and give this Korean spicy one a try!
#2731: Nissin Donbei Wasabi Tempura Udon
Found this one at Uwajimaya a few months back. We decided to go down to a dim sum restaurant nearby called Ocean Star. It used to be Sun Ya – a place I went to growing up and I hadn’t been back since they changed hands a couple years back.
#2730: Little Cook Braised Beef Noodles With Tendon & Meat
I received this as a gift from a representative of the Little Cook brand in Taipei, Taiwan at the Taiwan International Food Expo! Thank you very much! She also accepted the third place award from The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Taiwanese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition – Little Cook Green Curry – at the awards show.
Unboxing Time: The Ramen Rater Spicy Pack By Gourmet Ramen Club
I’m happy to announce that in cooperation with Gourmet Ramen Club, the availability of a new box of noodles! This box has a fiery mix of the hottest of the hot – the spiciest instant noodles in the world! So have a look at the video and get yours today!
#2729: Samyang Foods Kimchi Song Song Ramen
Today we have Song Song Kimchi Ramen. These fermented cabbage varieties out of South Korea are among my favorites. I really like the tangy as well as bright, spicy flavors. Kimchi is interesting; it’s cabbage as well as many other ingredients that is allowed to ferment for an amount of time.
Unboxing Time: Exotic Noods February Green Box
Another month, another box from Exotic Noods! The Feburary Green Box has a multitude of varieties – all hailing this time from South Korea to coincide with the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Let’s crack it open and have a look at what’s inside!
#2728: Vifon Hoang Gia Instant Noodles With Minced Pork
We found this one at a place called Hen Long Market up in Surrey, BC on a trip a few months back. Thanks to my friend Ken for telling me about this place! So this one’s from Vietnam and I don’t often have come across Vietnamese varieties like this one. Usually, I see the same thing again and again and this one is definitely different. Let’s have a look at this minced pork variety!
#2727: Acecook Ohmori Ika Yakisoba
Found this one up in Canada – we’ve been going up there a lot lately and it’s been a nice change of pace. About 2 hours from here to the border and we’ve figured out how to time it for the quickest border crossing by avoiding peak times. LKast time going in it was one car in front of us, leaving was 2 cars in front of it – total wait time was around ten minutes!
Unboxing Time: Tapatio Ramen Noodle Bowls
Here’s a special one! Got contacted by a company about some fancy new bowls with a familiar flavor. See, I’ve been reviewing instant noodles for a long time, but there was a gap of about 5 years in the middle where I reviewed hot sauces. Tapatio is a popular hot sauce here in the United States – so I’m sure you’ll be excited to see this one!
#2726: Wei Lih Chinese Special Spicy Pork Noodle
Here’s another one I brought home from Taiwan in November 2017. Thanks again to friends on facebook for helping with the translation.
#2725: New Touch Yokohama Sanma Men
Here’s another instant ramen bowl from Zenpop. Zenpop offers boxes of ramen among other things from Japan – pretty good stuff and definitely worth checking out! Here’s what they have to say about this variety –
Unboxing Time: MYRAMEN Vegan/HALAL/Natural Japanese Ramen
I was recently contacted by a company asking if I’d like to try their noodles. I get a lot of noodles – but I always want to try them all! These noodles were supposed to be Vegan, HALAL certified, 100% natural and a few other tags like no MSG. Pretty impressive! Let’s take a look at this interesting variety.
#2724: Vedan Double Bang Thick Pork Broth Noodle
Here’s one I brought back from Taiwan in November 2017. There are four different ones with different illustrations of different expressions – they’re pretty interesting. Now,m there’s scant few characters on this bowl I can read, so I’d like to thank everyone on Facebook for the help in translation! Much appreciated! So double bang – why double bang? Well, there’s two noodle blocks. Bang! Noodles! Bang! Noodles! Makes sense to me. Really excited as this isn’t the first one I brought back from Taiwan I’ve reviewed, but this is the first Taiwanese variety I’ve brought back from Taiwan I’m reviewing – let’s have a look!
#2723: No Brand Delicious Ramen
Here’s one I found at a Carrefour on my trip to Taiwan in November of 2017. Okay, so it says No Brand. I think that’s pretty evident – and it also says Delicious Ramen. That too is nondescript. I searched for the bar code and found nothing from the pack code and very little from the 5 pack code – basically that it is what it is. An eBay seller had it marked as ‘Korean Noodle Ramyun Rameon’ although that’s a little less than what it says in English on the pack already. My thought is that this might just be a store brand but who knows. Ah ha – I just looked it up by the phone number on the package – 080-023-8593 – and it comes up with a lot of Paldo stuff. Perhaps this is by Paldo. Anyways, I’m guessing it’s time to crack this open and look within.
#2722: Nissin / Seven & i Premium Santouka From Hawaii Soy Sauce Ramen
These came by way of Snackoo – a company that supplies you with great snack boxes, containing all sorts of fascinating things as well as ramen noodles. Why not check them out?
#2721: Yumei Instant Spicy Hot Pot
Alright kiddie, hold onto your butts! So we have something here I had to review the day after I got it; not because it was going to expire but because I was a little wary of storing it. Why’s that? Well, first off I got this up in Canada at Osaka Market at Yaohan Centre in Richmond, BC. I’d just returned from my trip to Taiwan, my jet lag now gone (for the most part). I had some leftover Taiwanese currency and the Kingmark Currency Exchange doesn’t charge for exchanging which is nice. I converted it so I could treat my family to some wheel cake and milk tea at a little Taiwanese shop at the centre.
#2720: Mr. Noodles Pho Noodle Soup Simulated Beef Flavour
Well, here we are. This is one I found at Walmart up in Richmond, BC Canada. I’ve never had a lot of luck finding enjoyment of this brand but always gotten a lot of mail/questions about it. People have asked me many times how they can complain to the company that makes thes. I don’t know exactly why – I think a lot of the time people will store instant noodles and they’ll get banged up or the packs will get opened and after a long time will go bad. But my complaint usually has been that they’ve usually not had very strong flavors and the noodles come out funny when you follow the directions.
Unboxing Time: Umai Crate By Japan Crate
After a short hiatus, We have a new Umai Crate to unbox! To be honest, I really had a lot of fun opening the last one of these up. It’s been crazy lately – the day I did this video I did three other unboxing videos and there are 3 more packages coming in the next week or so. Continue reading to get a coupon code and to see what’s in the box I just got in this last week!
#2719: Yamamoto Umakaro Negi Ramen
Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
#2718: Banzai Instant Noodles “Tom Yam Kung” Shrimp Flavour
These came by way of Snackoo – a company that supplies you with great snack boxes, containing all sorts of fascinating things as well as ramen noodles. Why not check them out?