Author: Hans "The Ramen Rater" Lienesch

The Ramen Rater In… GQ? Really?

The Ramen Rater In… GQ? – Taiwan

Yeah – really! So I had no idea until it came out, but I’m in GQ Taiwan. Definitely didn’t expect that! If you want to read the article, it’s here (note – you’ll need to use Google Translate if you can’t read Chinese). Posts will resume Friday. I’ll do a couple Throwback Thursdays on Instagram though – oh yeah – follow me on Instagram! I post there every day as well. ...see full post

#2514: Ogasawara Kirin Giraffe Shoyu Ramen

Here’s one I got at the Carrefour store in Taipei at the bottom of the Miramar Entertainment Park mall. It was on sale and definitely something I didn’t expect to see. There was a bunch of articles that came out about this variety a while back – it was popular many years ago and discontinued and then brought back to the delight of consumers. Noodles with a picture of a giraffe in a bow tie on the front? Yeah; this sounds neat. Let’s check out this revisited classic from Japan! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition


The Ramen Rater's Top Ten Spiciest Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

It’s that time of year again! Actually, this is the first time the list is coming out in July although at the tail end of July. I usually have the lists come out on the Monday closest to the date it came out the prior year. So this list is a compilation of absolutely hottest and spiciest varieties I’ve had out of the 2,500+ varieties I’ve tried thus far. Something you think belongs on this spiciest of lists? Let me know – I’ll give it a try. Let’s get started! ...see full post

#2509: Maggi Hot Heads Green Chilli Noodles

#2580: Maggi Hot Heads Green Chilli Noodles - India - The Ramen Rater - spicy

I spend a lot of time looking around to see what’s new and what’s going on in the instant noodle industry. I kind of have to; if I don’t, I can’t find out what’s popular elsewhere in the world. I read a little about this extra spicy variety from India called Maggi Hot Heads – they’ve got a few flavors. People were commenting how this was the spiciest of all of them and I thought hey why not seek it out. My wife Kit was kind and got me some off of Amazon! Thank you! This is a rarity (I mean she’s always nice) – we never get instant noodles online for reviewing. This one seemed to be one that needed some attention though. Let’s check out this Hot Heads variety and see how hot it is! ...see full post

#2508: Samyang Foods Mala Buldak Bokkeummyun

SPECIAL STATEMENT AS OF 12/19/2017: It has come to my attention that many places/people are under the impression that this variety is considered to be ‘Samyang Foods 4x Spicy Buldak Bokkeummyun.’ This is definitely NOT the case. Original Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun is 4,404SHU, 2x Spicy is 8,706SHU. I have been informed by Samyang Foods that Samyang Foods Mala Buldak Bokkeummyun is 2,700SHU – which is far less spicy than the original Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun. Sellers claiming this product as Samyang Foods 4x Spicy Buldak Bokkeummyun – this is misleading and untrue. I’ve mentioned in the past that I would love to try a Samyang Foods 4x Spicy Buldak Bokkeummyun, however NO SUCH PRODUCT EXISTS at the time of this update. Please refer to The Ramen Rater’s Definitive Guide To Samyang Foods Buldak Bokkeummyun for more information.

#2585: Samyang Foods Mala Buldak Bokkeummyun - South Korea - The Ramen Rater - fire noodle challenge sichuan pepper


Thanks go to Amelia from Samyang Foods in South Korea for sending these along! The Buldak Bokkeummyun line from them is a fiery range which starts with their hot chicken flavor of Fire Noodle Challenge fame. Here’s what they have to say about this one – ...see full post

Pringles Top Ramen Chips & Where To Get ‘Em

Pringles Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Potato Crisps

Just In! Pringles Top Ramen Chips & Where To Get 'Em - United States - The Ramen Rater - chicken top ramen raman ramon roman chips crisps pringles

Okay so you may have seen that there are new Pringles Top Ramen Chicken Flavor Potato Chips on the market. This is a pretty surprising thing for the US – less so elsewhere. Apparently, the only place you can buy them in stores is at a place called Dollar General. There aren’t any in Washington State, so I had to look elsewhere. I found an eBay Seller who has them and at a very reasonable price. Some people are selling six cans of Pringles for $99! That’s $16.50 per can! Egad; what has this world come to… Anyways, yeah I don’t think they currently have any in stock but I asked and they said that they were going to restock again ASAP! ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups Of All Time 2017 Edition

Instant noodle cups – so portable, so ubiquitous. They’re everywhere! People seem to really like them for lunch. I’ve found that people also like to take them when backpacking or camping – all you need is hot water and once done, you can flatten them so it’s easy to pack out your trash. These convenient meals have come a long way since their inception – many flavors and countries of origin. This list is a compilation of my favorite instant noodle cups from the over 2,500 instant noodle reviews I’ve done to date. ...see full post

#2505: Acecook Super Cup Torigara Shoyu

#2505: Acecook Super Cup Torigara Shoyu - Japan - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

Here’s one sent by Javier over at You can get a nice package of 4 varieties shipped to your door every month via their subscription service – they also do Japanese candy boxes as well. Today it’s shoyu from Acecook. So if you don’t know about shoyu, here’s a little something from Wikipedia – ...see full post

#2502: Indomie Instant Noodles Onion Chicken Flavor

#2502: Indomie Instant Noodles Onion Chicken Flavor

Here’s one sent by Chef Ron from Mama Pat’s Foods – thank you! So I’ve reviewed a LOT of Indomie in the past, yet it’s hard to come by new varieties to try. Luckily, here’s the first of hopefully more from Indomie’s product line from Nigeria! As far as continents go, Africa has been just the toughest for me to get varieties from. Here’s a little about Indomie from Wikipedia – ...see full post

The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition

Now for the third year, I’m coming out with the latest Top Ten Instant Rice Noodles list. Rice noodles have some benefits as opposed to their fried wheat counterparts. First, they’re virtually fat-free. Also, they’re not fried. Rice noodles are gluten-free by nature, although the ingredients in the sachets that come with these varieties might not be. People ask me for a gluten-free list often, but that would be rather difficult as I’d have to pore over every ingredient list on every review to do this. Well, let’s have a look at these great rice noodle varieties – the best instant rice noodles varieties of the almost 2,500 reviews to date! ...see full post

The Noodle World Sampler From Zenpop Japan

The Noodle World Sampler From Zenpop Japan - The Ramen Rater ramen instant noodles

Was contacted a few weeks ago by Zenpop, a company thjat specializes in neat boxes of products from Japan! They informed me they wanted me to check out their ramen box and I was alright with that of course! They also have other kinds of boxes available – check them out here! Let’s crack this one open and see what’s inside – this month it’s the ‘Noodle World Pack!’ ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2490: Nissin Demae Ramen Garlic Chicken Flavour

Meet The Manufacturer: #2490: Nissin Demae Ramen Garlic Chicken Flavour - Germany - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

I’ve started noticing a theme to these Demae Ramen varieties form Germany. For the Thai Tom Yum one, there was Thai lettering in the background. This looks to be Vietnamese, so I’m guessing it’s styled after pho or something like that. I definitely like chicken and garlic is a favorite of mine. Let’s give this one a look – garlic chicken sounds very good today! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2489: Nissin Cup Noodles Ente (Duck)

Meet The Manufacturer: #2489: Nissin Cup Noodles Ente (Duck) - Germany - The Ramen Rater - instant noodles

For years, I’d avoid duck flavor instant noodles. I always thought that they tasted kind of funny – until I actually ate duck. Duck is to me like curry – something really great and above everything else. Indeed, I consider duck to be a kind of exalted food. I’ve had it in Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan – but never European style. Very curious if there will be a difference… Let’s find out! ...see full post