Hey big thanks to Daniel over at Exotic Noods for sending this over! I am a big fan of coriander (cilantro) and this one seems to have a lot of it. It’s funny; the coriander we get here in the stores is so dark and I try to find it a lighter shade but it’s never very healthy stuff. I don’t know why. Anyways, Let’s give this a try.
Category: Baixiang
#5037: Baixiang Original Seafood Flavor Noodles – China
Well, this is it. The last of the varieties we found back in March 2024 at S*Mart for my birthday. I swear – one trip to that place a year really pans out well. Let’s cook!
#4994: Baixiang Sauerkraut Beef Flavor Soup Noodles – China
Anothe S*Mart of Bellevue, WA score. Beefy beef… I like how it uses the term yummy twice on the front here. Let’s give it a try!
#4937: Baixiang Hot Pork Bone Flavor Soup Noodles – China
Found this over at S*Mart, too. Hot pork bones! Wahoo! I’ve always liked this brand – usually their stuff is pretty decent. I wonder what the versions in China are like… Would like to try them, that’s for sure. Well, let’s try this export version.
#4414: Baixiang Big Bone Noodle Soup Spicy Pork Flavor – China
Here’s the second of two Chinese varieties sent by a reader named Cian from a trip to Brazil – thanks again! Curious about this one as the non-spicy one was pretty mellow. I am getting to this one fast because of all the varieties Cian sent, this one got the most banged up. Let’s check it out!
#4405: Baixiang Big Bone Noodle Soup Pork Flavor – China
So thanks to a guy name Cian and his visit to Brazil, I ended up with some fascinating varieties. I’ve enjoyed this brand in the past, so I’ve got an inkling that this should be decent. Anyways, let’s get down to it.
#4142: Baixiang Artificial Pork Bone Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China
You know, I’ve had the pack version of it and I recall I did enjoy it, so hey – why not the bowl? I found this over at the local 99 Ranch Market and though wow I haven’t done the bowl – let’s do it! So, here I am, doing it as it were.
#3879: Baixiang Artificial Chicken Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China
I first found Baixiang products up in Richmond, BC a number of years ago. Good stuff – always like to try new ones they make. A reader mentioned this one – I’d seen it before, and I’d thought I’d bought the chicken one and the pork one, but instead I’d gotten two pork ones. Well, when asked if I’d tried it I decided to grab the chicken one. Only one pack this time though. Let’s check it out!
#3682: Baixiang Artificial Beef With Sauerkraut Flavor Instant Noodle – China
I constantly hear all this anti-Chinese sentiment coming from different places. Well, today I’m engaging in some noodle diplomacy. Pickled cabbage is tasty stuff. There are so many neat flavors that come from China that really need to be experienced by everyone I think. I mean one thing we all have in common – we all eat. This is definitely a bridge to understanding and happiness. Okay – let’s see if my belly is happy after sampling this one.
#3643: Baixiang Artificial Pork Bone Soup Flavor Instant Noodle – China
Pork bone soup is a particular favorite of mine – whether it be creamy tonkotsu or something more like this, I’m usually quite partial to these styled varieties. Let’s see what this one from China holds in store.
#3615: Baixiang Artificial Crawfish Flavored Stir Fried Noodle – China
I found this at a large Asian grocery in Bellevue, Washington recently. It was the last one – I’m guessing part of a special promo for Lunar New Year. My guess is that this is going to be in the vein of the hot spicy stir fried noodles of South Korea, but in a Chinese way? I don’t know for sure, but it sounds interesting. Let’s give it a try!
#3587: Baixiang Artificial Spicy Beef Flavor Instant Noodle – China
I first tried Baixiang noodles a few years ago when I found the little elephant’s brand up in Richmond, BC on one of our early visits before it became a regular thing to do.
The Ramen Rater’s Top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition
恭喜发财 and Happy Lunar New Year to all! I had a look at my lists I hadn’t updated in a while and saw it was in January of 2014 last I did a top ten Chinese list. Why so long? Well, I like to have done quite a few reviews in a year when it comes to country lists for that specific country. If I’d done only two and there weren’t any big changes, I’ll kind of let it go until the next year. This one seemed ripe and ready for a new version. Of the almost 150 reviews I’ve done of Chinese instant noodles, these are my favorites. I should mention that if you are an instant noodle in mainland China and interested in having me review your products, please contact me to set up a review series. With that, let’s have a look at The Ramen Rater’s top Ten Chinese Instant Noodles Of All Time 2017 Edition.
#1723: Baixiang Noodles Artificial Beef Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Today’s the last day of my son’s two week vacation here. I usually have him every other weekend, and a special breakfast, I made him some noodles. He recently has found he likes beef a lot – usually he’s been a chicken fan, so that’s kind of interesting. He also likes fishcakes – kamaboko, narutop, fishball – something that’s not really popular in American kids his age. That could be though that they’ve never tried them… Anyways, here’s a bowl of noodles for Andy!
#1704: Baixiang Noodles Sour & Spicy Flavour
There have been quite a few of these Baixiang varieties. Well, this looks to be the last one I have – I’m sure I’ll find more. Let’s check it out!
#1675: Baixiang Noodles Sauerkraut Flavour
Sauerkraut! Chanced are that if you walk down the instant noodle aisle, you’ll see some kind of purple packaged variant. It seems that there are certain colors for certain flavors; red for beef, yellow for chicken, green for pork, blue for seafood – and yellow for sauerkraut. Pickled cabbage is a very common flavor of instant noodles, especially in China and Taiwan. Let’s check these out!
#1624: Baixiang Noodles Artificial Pork Flavour
Last year, I found this Baixiang brand up in Canada and tried the spicy beef variety. I found this one down here in the USA a month or so ago. Let’s check it out!
#1409: Baixiang Noodles Spicy Artificial Beef Flavour Instant Noodles With Soup Base
Wow so I am really happy to say that our move is done. A lot of work is an understatement, but it was well worth it! All the noodles are in their new spot and seem to be quite ahppy. This will be the first review here! I got this one earlier this year on my birthday trip to Canada. Never seen this brand before! Let’s check it out!