Here’s one sent to me by Roger S. – thanks! I haven’t had one of these Unif-100’s in a while. I had the Cayenne Beef a little while back, but this is one of the ones that are distributed here in the US quite widely. Chances are if you have an Asian grocery local to you, they’ll have some of the Unif line of instants. Now, while beef is a very common flavor where instant noodles are concerned, tart beef is something I’ve not encountered before. Let’s see what’s inside and how it tastes.
Category: Beef
#1324: Ruski Instant Noodles Stewed Beef Flavour
I’ve been trying to figure out what I’d add to this one, and how this Thai variety might taste. It’s require digging through the freezer for some good stuff to go with it – beef, of course, but what else? I guess you’ll just have to see down below. Let’s give this one a try.
#1314: Paldo Korean Traditional Beef Gomtangmen
Korean beef soup is usually something that isn’t spicy; a departure from what people usually see in most ramyun varieties. Gomtang translates to ‘bear soup,’ but there’s no bear in there! It’s been – boiled for a long time. The ‘men’ at the end of gomtangmen is where the noodles come in. Men, myun, myeon and myon are all suffixes that mean noodles in Korean. I’ve had Paldo’s Gomtang variety in the gold packaging – that stuff is quite good. I’m very curious to find out how this one is. Let’s have a look.
#1298: Good Tto Leu Foods Lightning Beef Bone Tteokguk (Rice Cake Soup)
Thanks go to James K. of KoreAm for translation help as well as educating me on this one! Ramen? Nope. Ramyun? Nope. Udon? Nope. This is tteokguk! Tteok is South Korean rice cake. They’re flat and chewy! It’s often served on Lunar New Year and other special holidays. Let’s give it a try – Happy Lunar New Year!
#1292: Nissin Cup Noodles Sabor A Carne Sopa Con Fideos
Hey look! This is the last of the Nissin varieties made for Colombia. They’re made here in California by Nissin Foods USA, but only for sale in Colombia. This is identical to the beef flavor Cup Noodles we have available here. I reviewed that one way back – #334 in March of 2011 – seems like forever ago. Let’s see what I think about this one nowadays. Let’s check it out!
#1278: Ottogi Ppushu Ppushu Noodle Snack Bulgogi Flavor
I did an appearance on a show called Cam Fu & Friends which was recorded at Microsoft on January 7th, 2014. Cam the host and I met because of instant noodles a while back. He did instant noodle reviews on The Noodle Freak for a while and then went on hiatus from it, telling folks to come check out my site, a real honor. So we actually met in person the first time the other day. He really was hoping I’d do a review on the show, and so I had to come up with something to review. Well, this one fit the bill; easily prepared during the taping! Further below, you can watch the video! Let’s check this one out.
#1289: JinMaiLiang Braised Beef Noodles
Here’s one I picked up a while back in Canada. JinMaiLiang makes all sorts of beefy ones – let’s check this one out.
#1286: Batchelors Super Noodles Roast Beef & Onion Flavour
Here’s one from the UK! Thanks to Joe B. and Sarah B. of Notthingham for sending these my way! Well, let’s check ’em out!
#1283: Nongshim Oolongmen Kimchi Cup Noodle Soup Mix
Seems like it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed something from Nongshim. Well, let’s check out this one – and it’s kimchi flavor!
#1272: Samyang Foods Baked Noodle Spicy Grilled Beef Ramyun
Happy New Year to everyone! Thought after I did my 2.3 mile walk I’d come home and try some South Korean ramyun! This is one of Samyang Foods’ new baked noodle line. 2013 was the 50th anniversary of ramyun coming to South Korea. Let’s see what this new one is like!
Re-Review: Meet The Manufacturer: Eat & Go Rendang Beef Flavor Fried Instant Noodle
As I said in the last post, today is the anniversary of the first time my wife and I spoke to eachother, four years ago. More on that in the video at the bottom. I had the fortune to be able to try real rendang yesterday! They make it at Waroeng Jajanan! I’ll do a special post about it soon! This one was really good last time – let’s revisit it!
#1250: Samyang Foods 三養라면 (Samyang Ramyun) (South Korean Version)
I’ve had lots of different versions of this. Today it’s the South Korean local one – not the export. Sounds really good to me! Let’s check it out!
#1248: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Tomato Ramen
Here’s one I’ve bneen eyeballing for a little while. I’ve got a ton of these Wu-Mu multipacks. Thus far they’ve been pretty darn good. Let’s check it out!
#1244: Uni-President Unif-100 Pickled Cayenne Flavor Beef Ramen
Here’s one that Joe B. and Sarah B. sent me from Nottingham, UK – thanks! I was going to review this yesterday, but it’s been a little tricky; you see, there’s no English on this really at all. I’ve been asking my friend Bobby Y. on Facebook questions about it and got the title and directions from him – thanks – saved me on this one! Let’s check it out!
#1236: emart Dare You! Habanero Ramyun
On my Top Ten Spicy list, the package version of this is #1. Hottest thing ever – hands down! Well, they also sent me the cup version – let’s see how spicy this sucker’s gonna be!
#1234: Sainsbury’s Barbecue Beef Flavour Instant Noodles
Being the four consecutive numbers that 1, 2, 3 and 4 are, I thought I’d try something a little weird today. This was sent to me by Joe B. of Nottingham, UK – thanks! Barbecue beef, eh? Let’s check it out!
#1226: Master Kong Artificial Braised Beef Flavor Instant Noodle
Here’s one that’s been kind of confusing in the past, and it still is. A guy who said he worked for Master Kong said these aren’t actually Master Kong. When I check the UPC code, it comes up with Kailo Brand Abalone Chicken flavor in a similar sized big cup. Whatever it is, let’s check it out!
#1218: Sau Tao Ho Fan Beef Soup Flavour
Here’s one I got up at T&T Supermarket up in Canada in July. So what is Ho Fan? Well, they’re simply very wide flat rice noodles. Let’s check ’em out!
#1214: Eat & Go Rendang Beef Flavour Fried Instant Noodle
Here’s another from my friend in Jakarta, Indonesia – thanks! I’ve got high hopes for this one. Why? Well, the Spicy Chicken version placed on my Top Ten Instant Noodle Cups of 2013. Also, Indomie’s Rendang placed in the Top Ten Instant Noodles of 2013 list. I guess we’ll see how this does! Let’s check it out!
#1198: Samyang Foods Maesaengyitangmyun Baked Noodle
Here’s a brand new one from Samyang Foods of South Korea. They sent instructions on how to cook them as well as a little info about this new variety:
#1194: Paldo Namja Ramyun King Cup (US Version)
Here it is! Now you can get a big cup of Namja here in the states! I reviewed the South Korean Namja King Cup before, and there are differences between the two. If you’re wondering, Namja means ‘men’s’ or ‘guy’s’ – still wondering if they will make a ramyun for the ladies. Let’s check this new one out.
#1187: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Cup (South Korean version)
Here we have a Shin Ramyun cup – this one was bought in South Korea and brought back to me by Kristen W. or Arizona – thanks! Let’s check it out!
#1186: Nissin Sabor A Carne Sopa Instantánea Con Fideos
I read an article recently about Nissin starting to sell instant noodle in Colombia, so I shot an email to my friend Scott over at Nissin Foods USA and asked if I could maybe get some samples. He sent some! Thanks, man! This is pretty much identical to beef Top Ramen, but packaged for the Colombian market. Speaking of Top Ramen, Nissin is having a neat contest (here’s a link). Neat prizes and it’s easy. Anyways, let’s check it out!
#1178: Nongshim Shin Black Spicy Pot-au-feu Flavor Premium Noodle Soup
You might be thinking, ‘hey – didn’t he already review this?’ Nope – I reviewed the Shin Ramyun Black cup from South Korea. This is the one that is manufactured here in the United States in Rancho Cucamonga, California.So what is this ‘Pot-au-feu’ flavor? I consulted Wikipedia and found this:
#1170: Acecook Jan Jan Yakisoba
This one was sent to me by the folks at MBS TV in Japan after my appearance on “God Of Patena.” Thanks! This one is interesting; it has a squarish shaped cup! Let’s check it out.
#1169 Mr. Noodles Noodles In A Cup Beef Simulated Flavour
Here’s another from my Canadian birthday trip! Thanks again, Kit! This one’s for my son Andy (check out his blog at Usually he goes for the chicken varieties, but beef is what he’s getting today! Let’s check it out!
Re-Review: Ottogi Bekse Curry Myon
I’ve had a hankering to re-review this one since I had the cup version and really liked it. Made me think maybe I was a little tough on this one when I reviewed it as #121. But now I’m looking through the archives and I gave it a 3.5/5.0 stars, which isn’t bad, then I re-reviewed it and gave it 3.5/5.0 again. Funny, I didn’t think I’d re-reviewed this one… Well, I guess it’s a re-re-revie; I already took the pictures of everything, right? Let’s give this one another peek.
#1163: Chewy Rice Vermicelli Spicy Beef With Chilli Flavour
Another one from my birthday trip to Canada in March – thanks, Kit! Hot and spicy sounded like something I could go for today. Let’s see how this spicy rice vermicelli comes out – I must admit I don’t see spicy rice vermicelli variants ofter.
#1157: Golden Wonder The Nation’s Noodle Beef & Tomato Flavour
Here’s one I’ve been hoping to try for a while! Thanks to Joe B. of Nottingham, UK for sending this my way! Beef & Tomato! Let’s check it out.
Recipe: The Ramen Rater’s Shin Ramyun Black Burger
Recently, I came up with the ramyun slider. I thought since I’ve got some Shin Black on hand, why not a full-fledged ramyun burger? This recipe came out great and really wasn’t that hard to do.
#1135: Indomie Instant Noodle Beef & Lime Flavour
Found this the other day and hadn’t ever seen it before. Then I looked closer and saw it was Rasa Soto Mie. Now, I’ve reviewed the export version of Soto Mie before, but there’s a difference: this one’s beef and the other was chicken. Interesting! Always nice to see a new Indonesian variety available in the states! Let’s check this one out.
#1115: Nissin Pan Asian Kitchen Sukiyaki Beef Flavor Savory Soy Sauce Ramen Noodles
Here’s another one sent by Scott over at Nissin USA – thanks! Some may be wondering what sukiyaki is – here’s what Wikipedia had to say:
#1113: Samyang Foods 三養라면 (Samyang Ramyun) (SK Version)
Today, it’s a South Korean classic cup. These guys were the very first to introduce ramyun in South Korea back in 1963! I did a Meet The Manufacturer with Samyang Foods- here’s what they have to say about cups:
#1111: Golden Wheat Korean Style Stew Beef Cooking Noodle
Another one we got on our trip to Canada – thank you to my beautiful wife Kit! So I recently got this comment on my Top Ten Strangest & Weirdest list:
#1109: La Fonte Spaghetti With Bolognese Sauce
You’re probably wondering what the deal is here. Well, I’ll tell you! These were sent along with a slew of other Indonesian (yep – it’s from Indonesia!) instant noodles. These are made by Indofood, the same company that makes Indomie! They only take 4 minutes to make, and I think they’re unique enough that I’d review them. Thank you to my friend from Indonesia for sending me noodles I could never lay my hands on here! Let’s check ’em out!
#1108: Chencun Noodle Spicy Beef
Earlier today, I did an interview with NTDTV about the Bottom Ten list! Should be a link coming soon! Woo-hoo!!! In the meantime, here’s a Chinese rice noodle variety from Chencun. We got it during my birthday trip up to Canada! Thank you, Kit!
Meet The Manufacturer: #1099: Baltix Instant Noodles Witrh Beef Flavour Broth
Estonian noodles – until very recently, I didn’t know there were any instant noodles produced there. What I’m finding though is that it sure looks like almost every country has somebody making one or another variety! Let’s check these out.
#1083: Nissin GooTa Demi Hamburg-Men
Well looky what we got here! This was one of the new varieties sent by Ichiro Yamoto of Yakantei! So if you’re wondering what this is, it’s a special cup of noodles that includes a dehydrated hamburger patty. No joke! Let’s have a look at this one!
#1049: Mr Noodles Bowl Beef Simulated Flavour
Yep – another one from Canada. I really like how it says ‘simulated flavor.’ It’s a beef simulator! Let’s try it.
#1035: Wei Lih Spicy Sichuan Flavor Steam Instant Noodle
Here’s another one found in Canada on my birthday trip there. I’ve had Sichuan flavors before and not a big fan, but I’ve been pretty happy with Wei Lih’s products in the past – looks interesting! Let’s check it out.