Category: Beef

#748: Naengmyeon Combo at Hosoonyi In Edmonds, WA

Okay I know – I don’t usually review restaurant food but I thought I would this time. After our trip to Nongshim and learning about Korean food and culture, we were curious about this local restaurant. I looked through the menu and decided I should give their noodles a try! I found Naengmyeon combo and thought that might be good. I had no idea what it would be about, except that noodles were involved and that it was ‘good in the Summer.’ Here’s what Wikipedia says about Naengmyeon: ...see full post

#733: Meet The Manufacturer – Indomie Mi Instan Rasa Soto Betawi Khas Jakarta

Some of you might be saying ‘hey it’s Thursday; didn’t Meet The Manufacturer week start on Wednesday last week?’ Well, yeah but I skipped two days of reviewing so gotta make those up – only fair. So here we have Soto Betawi. Wikipedia has this to say about it: ...see full post

#715 Indomie Mi Goreng Rendang (Indonesian Import)

I couldn’t wait for Meet The Manufacturer: Indomie week to try this. It’s a nice day here in the low 70’s and this said ‘eat me,’ so I will. This was one of the ones sent to me by Susienta S. of Indofoods CBR in Jakarta, Indonesia! Thanks again – and let’s give this one a try! Hey wait a minute – maybe we should research this a little first. So. what I’ve heard is that Rendang is a spicy beef curry. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Rendang: ...see full post

#711: Nongshim Hearty Beef Rice Noodle Soup

I thought today I’d review this one, sent to me by the nice folks at Ramen Place – thanks! Was thinking it would go nicely with some of the stir fry veggies I’ve been enjoying lately. I also talked with Ray from Nongshim today – found out a little bit of information that you might find interesting if you didn’t know. Nongshim’s logo is a seed, and Nongshim translates to ‘Farmer’s Heart.’ I like that – and we’ll see how I like these noodles now! ...see full post

Special Re-Review: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup / Recipe Mash-Up

So this guy named Dave P. posted a YouTube video on the Ramen Rater Facebook page showing some people in Korea making a bowl of Shin Ramyun a little different that I’ve made it in the past. I thought I’d try to get the ingredients and give it a try. Here’s the video: ...see full post

#609: Wei-Wei “A” Series Instant Noodles Artificial Hot Beef Flavor

Here’s another that was sent to me by Michelle L. of New York. This is something I’ve never had before – Wei-Wei brand. Wai Wai yes, Wei-Wei, no. The packaging is interesting – note the guy with the suave hat in the upper right. He’s there; on the scene – purchasing noodles . Let’s see if these noodles rock.  Note the economical 49 cent price tag! ...see full post

Re-Review: Wu-Mu Beef Flavor Ramen Mi Bo

What’s with all the re-reviews you ask? Well, I’m stalled at review #599 as I’m awaiting the opportunity to review an pack of instant noodles that is pretty generic but has been overlooked. I should have it in my clutches VERY shortly. Decided for this one – beefy and sweet and spicy and I remember… ...see full post

#578: Nongshim Shin Ramyun Black Premium Noodle Soup

UPDATED REVIEW – uses a recipe from! See it HERE!

First off, I want to thank Greg B. of Florida for sending this one in. Shin Ramyun Black  – wow. So I should mention about the ‘ controversy in South Korea about this product. Nong Shim advertised that it had more nutritional value than it really did and was fined for misleading advertising ( Korean Herald article here ). It was extremely popular and I believe it still is. It costs much more than regular Shin Ramyun too. I’ll have to say that I’ve been waiting for just the right day to review this one! Let’s see what’s inside this interesting package of South Korean instant noodles! ...see full post