Category: Binh Tay

#4176: Simply Food Chicken Vermicelli With Bamboo Shoot – Vietnam

#4176: Simply Food Chicken Vermicelli With Bamboo Shoot - Vietnam

You might not know, but there have been huge lapses in my reviews lately. I usually don’t review every day, however I do a few reviews on days when I do. Well, it’s Saturday night and I’m setting up reviews right now to do tomorrow. I’ll have done three reviews a day since last Monday. It feels good – especially since I’ve been able to get out and do my walking and everrything. Anyways, this sounds like an interesting variety, so here we go. ...see full post

#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles

#2562: Binh Tay Mi Hai Cua Artificial Crab Flavored Instant Noodles - Vietnam - The Ramen Rater - Vietnamese

These came by way of Kimmy N. of Connecticut, USA! Thanks again! It’s rare these days that a new Vietnamese variety crosses my desk – always welcome of course! I know there’s quite a few that I’m not getting which bums me out. Definitely would love to try more of them. I’ve tried a ton of them in the past, but going forward I’d like to do a lot more of these reviews. ...see full post