Category: Chicken

#5086: Funyuns Maruchan Hot & Spicy Chicken Ramen Onion Flavored Rings – United States

#5086: Funyuns Maruchan Hot & Spicy Chicken Ramen Onion Flavored Rings - United States

Funyuns and Maruchan got together and made a food baby. This is fascinating and very different. It came to be at the same time as the new Maruchan Chili Cheese Yakisoba which I used these for garnish with.I have seen snack and chip collabs with instant noodles before and they either work or they don’t. Prior to sampling these, I saw an article saying they were so absolutely wonder; really gushing over them. Well, I’ll try them out and give you my honest opinion. Let’s do it. ...see full post

#5070: Nissin Geki Chili Infused Asian Noodles Fiery Hot Chicken Flavor – United States

#5070: Nissin Geki Fiery Hot Chicken Flavor - United States

Well, this is interesting. Nissin USA sent me a pack of this stuff – thanks! What’s interesting is that I’ve had this before; sort of. Nissin Indonesia has a Geki range as well – here’s  a link to their carbonara flavor. I think you might be putting it together pretty quick – fiery hot chicken, carbonara… Yup. Definitely popular flavors these days. Let’s give this a try – there’ll be a mukbang at the bottom. ...see full post

#5053: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Cajun Chicken Flavor – United States

#5952: Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Cajun Chicken Flavor - United States

First, I’d like to send big thanks to a person who works at a prison who doesn’t want to be identified. This is something some of you might know, but many will not. This is prison ramen. Notice the package has a lot of clear space? That’s to make it hard to conceal contraband people might like to bring in. Maybe not bring in per se, maybe things that were brough in and wanted to be hidden? I know a lot of you will ask where you can get this. Prison. Jail. Grocery store? No. Will the distributor sell it to me? No. They’re very clear on that – I’ve contacted them in the past and it’s definitely not going to happen. Yeah. So if you want some of these noodles, you’ll have to do something to end up in a corrections facility, or luck out and be contacted by someone that works at one and offers you some. I will say if you are really wanting this stuff check on eBay as you might be able to find it there from time to time. Anyways, let’s cook it up. ...see full post

#5028: Myojo Authentic Japanese Udon Chicken Flavor – United States

#5028: Myojo Authentic Japanese Udon Chicken Flavor – United States

Chicken udon time! Myojo sent me two of each of these varieties I’ve been reviewing and I have been taking the udon out of the extras and my wife and been enjoying it a lot. She likes to make a cheese sauce and put slices of hot dog with it. True story! I must admit, that sounds pretty good… Anyways, let make some chicken udon! ...see full post

#5000: McTrader Ramen Noodles Chicken – United States

#5000: McTrader Ramen Noodles Chicken - United States


#5000. It took me a long time to decide what to review for #5000, and you might be thinking ‘why this one?’ I found it at a Dollar Tree store, and it had all the hallmarks of something I like to review. First, never have I seen this brand before. That’s a neat thing – I mean after 5000 you’d think I’d seen everything but most certainly not. Second, it’s basic. Really hard to screw up chicken flavor, although I have indeed seen it done before. Third, I got it at a place that was very nearby, in walking distance. That’s pretty cool. The main chunk of my early reviews were fouind when I walked to a 99 Ranch Market. So, it’s kind of a mirror of what got me back to reviewing after my lapse in the 2000s. ...see full post

#4993: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4993: Nissin Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

You might be thinking ‘almost 5000 varieties this guy’s tried but never this one?’ Yup – never this one. At least not in a paper cup. This is a big change – a timely one as I think there’s a chanbce that unless this change occurres, this wouldn’t be allowed for sale in Washington state. I think. Anyways, yeah – this should be fun to try! Let’s give it a go! ...see full post

#4981: Sapporo Ichiban Chicken Dashi Shoyu Ramen – Japan

#4981: Sapporo Ichiban Chicken Dashi Shoyu Ramen - Japan

 Here’s a variety that I found in one of MiauMall’s Nakama Noodles subscription boxes! Inside, they have 8-10 different varieties from Japan! If you’d like to get one, don’t forget to use the coupon code THERAMENRATER for a discount! Let’s see what they had to say about this one – “Our first stop is Asahikawa, Hokkaido, where we’ll enjoy this tasty bowl of shoyu (soy sauce) ramen with a delicious, savory free-range chicken broth. This ramen also features chicken meat, egg and green onion on top for an amazing bowl that is both light and flavorful—an excellent start!” ...see full post

#4960: Maruchan Yakisoba Teriyaki Chicken Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States

I realized that to have my complete Definitive Guide I needed this one I hadn’t reviewed. Tried the local store. Nope. Tried a Dollar Tree. Not this one but a different one I wanted to redo. A couple days later, I decided to try the local store again. Found it! So that rounds out the currently available varieties. Completion is good for the soul. Let’s cook it up – I know I really like the teriyaki beef, so let’s give this a try. ...see full post

#4953: Maruchan Yakisoba Chicken Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles – United States

#5101: Maruchan Yakisoba Chicken Flavor Japanese Home Style Noodles - United States

Wow it sure has been awhile – repackaging and over 14 years! I thought hey – I’m planning on doing a Definitive Guide to these, why not revisit chicken. My last sampling was review #215. There’s something about these trays that drives me nuts. Now, they’re not designed with the thought that there’s a guy somewhere will be scanning the bottom of the tray. Well, this guy here does and it’s horror. They’re shrink wrap, so they dont want to lay flat and fold over, etc. They also get tons of reflective glare. Anyways, yeah. But whaddaya do. Best ya can. Let’s cook it up! ...see full post

#4929: Maruchan Yakisoba Spicy Chicken Flavor – United States

#4929: Maruchan Yakisoba Spicy Chicken Flavor - United States

Well, a couple reviews ago I started with how my back was screwed up from doing a lot of work on the weekends setting things up. Well, it still is sore, and today I planned on walking a lot but there were three D’s that kind of ruined that plan… Damn cold, damn windy, damn rainy. So, damn. I walked to the local store and got a couple things including this one to review. I don’t think I’ve reviewed it in a great while, so here it is and here I go. ...see full post

#4928: Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup – United States

#4928: Choi Chicken Ramen Noodle Soup - United States

Here’s the second one I got yesterday. I walked over to Lake Forest Park – about three miles from here I’m guessing. The store I got it at is called Albertsons. It’s weird; I’ve noticed different stores have different moods. This particular store is weird. I waited for a cashier at the check out for a couple minutes who finally appeared and told me they were busyt talking to another employee about their father’s salmon recipe. ‘Great’ I thought; ‘I have been waiting here…’ Then she starts talking about lawn implements and asks me how to fix her lawnmower. I just want to buy this instant noodle and leave. What also is strange at this store is that you get halfway towards the back, cellphone reception disappears. But yeah; the store is strange – it’s like when the new guy in towan walks into a saloon in a western and the music stop and everyone looks at him.  Anyways, I’ve reviewed the pack version and it was quite good. Hoping this one is as good if not better. Let’s find out. ...see full post

#4918: Daikoku Assari Torigara Shoyu Ramen – Japan

#4918: Daikoku Assari Torigara Shoyu Ramen - Japan

Here’s one that came in a Zenpop box – here’s what they had to say about it – ‘We made sure to include a lighter option among the strong flavors in this month’s box. Thanks to the refreshing topping and how long the chicken and pork rested in the soy sauce base, you get a soup that perfectly pairs with thin noodles and hits you with a crisp soy sauce flavor. A great way to start the day as it’ll fuel you for whatever’s to come!’ ...see full post

#4914: Sapporo Ichiban Tenka Ippin Akan-Kotteri Kyoto Toripaitan – Japan

#4914: Sapporo Ichiban Tenka Ippin Akan-Kotteri Kyoto Toripaitan - Japan

 Here’s one that came in a now defunct subscription box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘The forbidden fruit, er, no, the forbidden Ramen! “Akan” is Japanese Kansai dialect for “No way!” often used with the subtext of something you shouldn’t do because it’s surprising or a little crazy. The famous Ramen shop “Tenkaippin” cleverly uses this with a wordplay on the word as it also alludes to the color red, which happens to be the color of the stock. As you can likely guess, you’re in for a spicy treat! Its base is chicken, pork and garlic, while it also comes with added spices and toppings. ...see full post

#4905: Maruchan Wonton Ramen Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy Chicken – United States

Was surprised to find this where I did but there it was so I got this and the non-spicy version. Maruchan had a bit of a fanfare about this – that it was bringing back something people were clamoring for. I completely expected their often asked about tomato flavored Ramen Noodle Soup, but this ain’t that which I think really disappointed a lot of folks. Regardless, this sounds interesting so let’s give it a try. ...see full post

#4815: Migelas Protevit Rasa Soto Ayam – Indonesia

#4815: Migelas Protevit Rasa Soto Ayam - Indonesia

Big thank you to Pher Engi for sending this all the way from Australia! This one is interesting, and my years of reviewing instant noodles has been instrumental in giving you a little info on this one. First, the name. Mi means noodle – and gelas means glass, as in a glass of milk, etc. This is quite literally a noodle you put in a glass or mug with some water to steep. Soto ayam? Chicken soto – usually a lime and chicken affair. Let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#4814: Twisted Noodles Ramen Soup Chicken Flavor Ramen – United States

#4814: Twisted Noodles Ramen Soup Chicken Flavor Ramen - United States

Big thanks to James from Lakeside for sending this one over! I think I’ve heard of this brand – kind of curious one here. Who’s making this? It’s made in the US it says – and lists a distributor. Private label? The cup itself is on a design that I’m not familiar with for any co-packer, so kind of weird. Noodle itself looks unfamiliar as well. Hmm. Well,, let’s delve into this chicken cup. ...see full post

#4811: Nissin Chicken Ramen Domburi Showa no Yoshoku Boom Creamy Gratin – Japan

#4811: Nissin Chicken Ramen Domburi Showa no Yoshoku Boom Creamy Gratin - Japan

Here’s one that came in a box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘If you’re familiar with the classic Chicken Ramen (チキンラーメン), the very first of all instant ramen produced by Nissin, then you’re in for quite a surprise. We know that Nissin likes to innovate, but we didn’t expect them to come out with this! Here’s their Japanese take on western cuisine, a Showa era (昭和) inspired Chicken Ramen. The Showa period (1926–1989) was one of economic growth and prosperity, during which Japan started important a lot of foreign cuisine, adapting it to their own taste. This Chicken Ramen was turned into a creamy gratin, with the flavor of charred cheese and the sweetness of roasted onions, for a creamy experience. 😋’ ...see full post

#4768: Nissin no Togarashimen Amakara Cheese Yangmyeon Chikin Flavor – Japan

#4768: Nissin no Togarashimen Amakara Cheese Yangmyeon Chikin Flavor - Japan

Here’s one that came in a box. Here’s what they had to say about it – ‘An offshoot from the Nissin Famous stores series! This special cup was inspired by young Japanese people’s interest in Korean food. It stands out by actually having tiny pieces of Japanese Chili baked into the noodles themselves! But the spiciness is balanced out with cheese, ginning it a sweet n’ sour touch.’ ...see full post

#4762: Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken Rendang Curry – South Korea

#4762: Samyang Buldak Hot Chicken Rendang Curry - South Korea

Well, look at this! Thanks to The Fat Hipster for sending this over! It’s kind of funny – this is the first of three varieties sent and I’ve been kind of slow to get to them as they’re not instant noodles, they’re curry sauces. However, lately I’ve been making curries constantly lately. I’ve learned the way of black cardamom too. But here we have one by a company also known for their spicy instant noodle. I actually made butter chicken last night too. Let’s see how this one goes. ...see full post