Category: Chicken

#2208: Roland Ramen Japanese Style Quick-Cooking Alimentary Paste With Chicken Artificially Flavored Soup Base

A big thanks to Colin for finding and sending me this one! Okay, so I have been trying to get this one for a while; anything by Roland honestly. I called them, emailed them, and always got the same reply – ‘we don’t send sample.’ I really love it when companies have such a rigid policy against basically what amounts to free advertising. This one is made in Singapore for Roland company here in the USA, and I have a feeling it’s a private label by Tat Hui/KOKA – all boils down to one aspect which is a giveaway. Let’s check this one out and I’ll show you what that is. ...see full post

#2203: Nongshim Bowl Noodle Soup Independence Day Limited Edition Spicy Chicken Flavor

I saw this at the local supermarket the other day and just couldn’t pass it up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an instant noodle showing such patriotism before! Also, before anyone starts sending me comments saying ‘how dare they use our flag – that’s made in South Korea,’ I have news for you. Nongshim America is down in Rancho Cucamonga, California and employs a LOT of Americans! Yep – chances are that if you’re living in the USA and enjoy Shin Ramyun or Shin Black or any of the Bowl Noodles, it was most likely made here in the states. Make sure to check out the factory tour video at the end of this post – I went on it in 2012 and it was a blast! Anyways, let’s check this one out! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2201: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Penang Chicken Curry Laksa

Penang. It’s a place I really miss, specifically because friends and flavors live there. some of the most amazing things that I’ve ever tasted are from Malaysia and specifically Penang. I decided to save this for last as I wanted to see how everything else was before I tried something that promises to be good. Today we say hello to this exotic variety and goodbye to the Meet The Manufacturer for Mr. Lee’s Noodles. Here we go! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2199: Mr. Lee’s Noodles Tai Chi Chicken

Tai chi makes me think of the slow moving exercise many people do in large groups. This is an instant noodle blog though and so you get 3 minutes to do your tai chi! This is the chicken noodle – the basis of where all instant noodles come from. I believe a company’s chicken instant defines them. Let’s give it a look! ...see full post

Meet The Manufacturer: #2180: MAMA Pho Ga Rice Noodles With Artificial Chicken Flavour

Here’s the seond of the pho bowls – chicken! Let’s give it a try!

Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, add everything to the bowl and add boiling water to the fil lline. cover for 4 minutes. Stir and enjoy! ...see full post

#2146: Sapporo Ichiban Kun Ramen Sumo-kuchikin (Smoked Chicken)

Here’s soimething I’ve never seen before – smoked chicken ramen! This one hails from Japan and was sent by Javier over at You can subscribe to receive a box with 4 different Japanese ramen bowls every month – it’s pretty awesome and honestly since it includes the shipping pretty cheap. Let’s see what Javier has to say about this one: ...see full post

#2141: Nissin Men Shokunin Kaoruyasai Shio

Here’s another one from Javier over at, a subscription service. You can get a box of different Japanese instant noodles (or candy!) from Japan every month! Of all the subscription services for instant noodles I’ve seen thus far, this is the best. Today’s ramen looks really neat – here’s what Javier had to say about it: ...see full post

#2135: Doll Instant Noodle Supreme Abalone And Chicken Flavour

Another one I reviewed as part of a series of Hong Kong varieties in conjunction with an interview by Apple Daily news of HK. I have a feeling if you dig through my reviews for the word abalone, you’re not going to find scads of varieties I’ve been very fond of. I’m hoping this might be one I enjoy, but I have my doubts. I guess the only way to find out it to try it with an open mind and mouth. Let’s give it a go! ...see full post

#2134: Four Seas Chicken Flavour Instant Noodle

Another one from the series of Hong Kong reviews I did for HK’s Apple Daily news. They sent a few varieties for me to try and review for a feature story – what’s nice is I haven’t reviewed any of them before so that’s pretty cool! Anyways, this one’s chicken flavored – let’s crack it open and see what we have here. ...see full post

#2107: Nissin Lamen Sabor Frango Assado Com Toque De Limao

Thank you again to cousins Adriana and Mike O. for sending this one to me! As I’ve said in the past, anything south of the United States has been just near impossible for me to get – until somewhat recently. This one’s from Brazil. As for the translation? Well, Google says frango assado simply means roast chicken – let’s give it a try! ...see full post

#2075: Mi Sedaap Mi Segera Mi Goreng Ayam Krispi

Time for some mi goreng! So this is another one I found at the Uwajimaya in Renton, WA by where my son goes to Pokemon League. Today’s a weird day; the local power company has been going from apartment building to apartment building and repairing these big green power boxes outside. I’m guessing that the power could go out at any minute! I guess We’ll see – let’s get started! ...see full post

#2053: Maruchan Instant Lunch Sriracha Chicken Flavor Ramen Noodle Soup

Here’s something new – found this at the Uwajimaya in Renton, Washington. It’s funny; we go a little out of our normal sphere of shopping and boom – all sorts of new things! Actually, found quite a few new Maruchan varieties – a Chipotle Instant Lunch as well as three new Bowl varieties – Miso, Sukiyaki and Tonkotsu! Those will be coming up for review soon. Until them, let’s check out this neat little cup. ...see full post

#2052: Indomie Pop Mie Mi Instan Cup Rasa Ayam

A couple weeks ago, we took my son Andy to a special Pokemon card event south of here in Renton, Washington. We had some time to kill as he was battling other kids (he won all three battles – a sweep!), and we ended up noticing there was a Uwajimaya very closeby. I’d never been to this one, so we walked over. I was floored – ended up with a couple bagfuls of instant noodles I’d never seen around before which was really great! Anyways, this is one of them. Let’s check it out! ...see full post

#2045: Great Value Chicken Style Ramen Noodles

My sister got these for my birthday up in Canada – thank you! I’ve wanted to review some Walmart branded instant noodles for years; just seems fitting that Walmart would have instant noodles. These were bought in Canada, however they’re made in the United States. However, I’ve never seen instant noodles with the Great Value brand inside the United States… Anyways, let’s crack this open and see how this one fares. ...see full post

Re-Review: Ve Wong Instant Oriental Noodle Soup Artificial Sesame Chicken Flavor

Here’s another one that I haven’t had in an extremely long time. I remember I did like it, but that’s about all I remember. Just found it – review #101 – from August 8th, 2010! Yeah almost 6 years ago. I started reviewing instant noodle in 2002, but I only got to around the 60th review by June of 2010 – that’s when I really got back into it and started reviewing again. Let’s have a look! ...see full post

#2016: Great Value Chicken Style Noodles With Vegetables

Another one my sister picked up for me in Canada – thanks again! Today, my boy Andy’s feeling a little under the weather, so I thought some Canadian chicken noodles would do him good. Well, I should say my sister sourced them in Canada; the package says they are a product of the United States. I really wonder who private labels these for Walmart. I’m sure someone will let me know! Anyways, let’s see what’s up with this cup. ...see full post